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What do we think: Joe Paterno

Nah, just means organized religious people suck just as much as everyday people.

Yep, and since everyone has suck potential and has sucked at one time or another, lets not blame a whole religion or lack there of for individual suckiness.

Why does it seem like this should be a post in one of Georgie's threads :lol:
So now he's out on bond. :gag:

Why isn't he in custody, being watched like a hawk? I hope he faces his accusers and his future sentence. (As in, I hope he doesn't commit suicide, because death is too easy an out for him.)

As for the religion aspect...isn't "the second mile" a biblical reference? This whole thing- Jerry Sandusky himself- smacks of one gigantic sick joke if you ask me. From the name of his charity, to it's mission statement, to the name of his book. The vision I have of him laughing maniacally over all of his little 'inside jokes' probably isn't too far off. He is one sick ****, I don't care what religion he is. (And I am not religious. Catholic school & Catholic parents beat it out of me. :lol:)
Sandusky is still collecting a Penn State pension of about $59,000.........nice.

I'm glad to hear his home has been vandalized. :snicker:

Meanwhile Monday, questions were being raised about the judge who released Sandusky on bail.

After Sandusky was charged this month with 40 counts of sexually abusing children, Judge Leslie Dutchcot freed him on $100,000 bail, against the wishes of prosecutors.

A biography of Dutchcot posted on the website of the law firm Goodall & Yurchak lists her as a volunteer for Second Mile.

"She certainly should have raised the issue in public and then asked the parties if either one wanted her to recuse herself," CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said.

You have GOT to be kidding me. This isn't a conflict of interest? Judges recuse themselves for 'conflicts' way less significant than this all the time. Jeez, things that can be misconstrued as a conflict of interest are cause enough.

Surely there is another judge in PA who isn't affiliated with Sandusky/Second Mile/Penn State.
OMG! This is the good ol' boy (and girl) network in use. It's disgusting.
Not every state has the same "Mandated Reporter" law.

My parents protected me, I was not a "high risk" child, I grew up in a place like Mayberry. I put myself somewhere with someone I had trusted a million times before. And I have to live with that...but my parents/community had nothing to do with it.

It was him not me.
Not every state has the same "Mandated Reporter" law.

My parents protected me, I was not a "high risk" child, I grew up in a place like Mayberry. I put myself somewhere with someone I had trusted a million times before. And I have to live with that...but my parents/community had nothing to do with it.

It was him not me.

Aww hunny. :huggy: How old were you?
Here's the deal.

It doesn't matter how old I was,who it was, where, or all the crappy details. There are thousand of people who have been abused one way or another. It's my past and helped make me who I am today but it no longer has control over me...unless I let it.

And I refuse to let him take one more ounce of energy from me
More :huggy: :huggy: :huggy: for you Lauri
So I learned last night that bail didn't even need to be put up, it's only put up if he doesn't show to court.

F'ing justice system? That isn't a justice system with a man that's worth that much money.
Not a dime, he walked out without paying a dime. TMZ posted him walking around the college, hitting the bookstore etc. wearing PENN state clothing, WOW.

The people surrounding the University have taken up a defense fund collection for some of the people involved????? What's wrong with these people?

The Freeh Group --an independent investigative task force hired by the Penn State University Board of Trustees -- released its report moments ago ... and according to investigators, Paterno, along with the most senior leaders of PSU, "failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for over a decade."

In fact, the Freeh report concludes ... Paterno ... along with PSU president Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz "repeatedly concealed critical facts" in order to prevent bad publicity for the school.

According to the report, Paterno knew about allegations concerning Sandusky since at least March of 1998 ... but failed to take any action to prevent Sandusky from having contact with young children.

"They showed no concern about the victim," the report reads.

"At the very least, Mr Paterno could have alerted the entire football staff, in order to prevent Sandusky from bringing another child into the Lasch Building."

The report says Paterno failed to take immediate action after Mike McQueary told him about Sandusky raping a boy in the gym shower in Feb. 2001 because Paterno "did not want to interfere with people's weekend."

Hope Paterno is rotting in hell now. The rest of those involved should join him there ASAP.
They should take down the statue of him outside the statium. He should not be honor at all in any fashion at that school.
They should take down the statue of him outside the statium. He should not be honor at all in any fashion at that school.

Nike is renaming their "Joe Paterno Child Development Center"