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What do we think: Joe Paterno

I am going to go out on a limb and attempt to be very clear. It is my opinion that the parents of children who are molested do bear some responsibility.

Life is hard. Single parenting is even harder. But that is no excuse for ignoring warning bells going off RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. As a parent of young boys, there are just things I wouldn't allow. At the very simplest, there is no reason for a young boy to be traveling (EVEN TO FUN SPORT EVENTS) unaccompanied with an adult unrelated male and stay overnight at hotels.

I could go on all day but the parents in this case (excepting the lady who did call the authorities) all bear some responsibility here as well.


I get what you're saying..........I do............but abuse can and does happen in all sorts of different situations. My baby is in 4th grade and just joined the basketball team. Our small private school does not have a gym so they practice at various public schools. I have to trust that he will be ok with the coaches and whomever else might be around the school. I'm nervous as hell, but at the same time he needs to grow.
I get what you're saying..........I do............but abuse can and does happen in all sorts of different situations. My baby is in 4th grade and just joined the basketball team. Our small private school does not have a gym so they practice at various public schools. I have to trust that he will be ok with the coaches and whomever else might be around the school. I'm nervous as hell, but at the same time he needs to grow.

School that doesn't have a gym? :fart:
Not all kids who get molested have single parents

Not all parents whose kids get molested are "not involved" with their kids

No parent is to blame for some sicko pedophile seizing an opportunity to molest an innocent child

Child molesters are in fact everywhere, and usually where you LEAST expect it.

Your child doesn't have to go off on a sports field trip to get molested, it happens everywhere even in their own home.

Blaming the parents for another person molesting their child is almost as disgusting as the act itself.

I'm actually shocked that anyone would actually say such a thing.

I suppose women who get raped were asking for it, and the ones who get beaten by their husbands should have learned to keep their mouths shut and not "upset him" too hu?
School that doesn't have a gym? :fart:

Nope, no gym. Their school is one hallway attached to our church. The office is at the front of the hallway (one person works there). Three classrooms on one side of the hallway and two on the other then the back door. Lunch is in the basement.

The classrooms on the left are K, then 1-2 (split grades meaning 2 grades are taught in one classroom by one teacher), then 3-4, then the boy's bathroom and on the left of the hallway are 5-6, 7-8 then the girl's bathroom. And the hallway is narrow. :surrender:
You can act all shocked about what I said if you want, but parents are responsible to protect their children. Pedophiles prey on at-risk children. Those children are at-risk by definition BECAUSE their parents for whatever reason don't have time to protect them or watch them. So yes, I believe those parents bear some responsibility. When children a re molested, there is plenty of responsibility and blame to go around.

I did not blame the victim, so you can stuff your rape analogy.

If someone molested one of my kids despite my best efforts to protect them, I myself might break under the burden of that responsibility. Would be (and in my mind, must be)exponentially worse if I had caused the contributing risk factors in my child's life by my own actions.
The general concept thaT a parent in today's world can not sit under a tree and not teach: good touch, bad touch, appropriate names of body parts, etc is definitely something that I have to agree with Kathy on. I also can understand what you are saying for someome to just turn a blind eye to things too. This case in particular I don't really see it as much, but I do think that when you are talking about cases where things have been said many times over and parents still let their kids go with people who have a history there is some liability on the parents. This is a hard case to say that for though because I picture this is more of a sports camp for underprivledged kids. My son has been going to sports camps since he was about 8 and really the act occuring could have been me and we are paying $800 for 5 days on camp and stuff. 2 years ago, my son went to a camp in Mississippi for 2 weeks. He was 12, it could have been me. I researched this camps and get all the info I can and then it is a matter of letting them go and enjoy life, mature and create new experiences. It can happen to any of us like this.

But like i said previously I still scratch my head at the people who left their kids at Michael Jackson's house for weeks and call foul on anyone who allows their 14 year old daughter in the company of R. Kelly.
Despite you telling me to "stuff my analogy" I am in fact trying to have a civil debate. Based on your statement that I have bolded below what you are saying is that every child who (for example!!) was molested by a priest (this is NOT a slam at Catholocism, the Catholic church or priests as a whole!!) was molested because they were an "at-risk child" whose parents "didn't have time to protect them or watch them"? That is ludicrous!

I really am trying to understand your point, but these are such blanket statements that you are making that I just can't.

It's not like you are limiting those comments to these children in this case (at least from what I can tell), but to all children who are molested. That is the part I can't wrap my brain around.

If what you mean is that there was widely known cause for concern about the coach at the time they sent their kids to his camp, so then they bear some responsibility - that I get. Like MrsMelton's Michael Jackson or R. Kelly analogy. That I understand, IMHO no parent in their right mind should have let their children be around either of those two. Whether or not MJ was guilty (and I believe he was), there was enough reason for concern that should have dictated keeping your kid away from him.

You can act all shocked about what I said if you want, but parents are responsible to protect their children. Pedophiles prey on at-risk children. Those children are at-risk by definition BECAUSE their parents for whatever reason don't have time to protect them or watch them. So yes, I believe those parents bear some responsibility. When children a re molested, there is plenty of responsibility and blame to go around.

I did not blame the victim, so you can stuff your rape analogy.

If someone molested one of my kids despite my best efforts to protect them, I myself might break under the burden of that responsibility. Would be (and in my mind, must be)exponentially worse if I had caused the contributing risk factors in my child's life by my own actions.
So typical.
May be I watched too much of SVU reruns, don't they always choose to work/live near children? Few nights ago I was watching an episode of Criminal Mind, one of the pedophiles was an elementary school principal!

I cant stay my **** out of this thread.

Just so you(not you in particular) know...there are some RSO's that are on the sex offender registry that do NOT have to adhere to the living 2000 feet from a school rule. My husband is one of them. We could literally live NEXT DOOR to an elementary school, but he wouldnt be able to be on school grounds. Would he or I ever want to? HELL NO.

Sigh. I really understand why people feel so strongly about child molesters...I am just as careful with Jonathan and have made sure that he understands what is good and not good with touch and trusting his instincts with people. I watch him like a hawk at all times. Going thru the crap I am going thru has opened my eyes to so much...not just with how I feel about people but how I view the world. I saw how easy it was to back Pat into a corner over something he didnt do...and yet kids who really have been molested....sometimes their voices arent heard. As a mother and a human being, I want children to be heard and believed...but it is way too easy to have this said and it be wrong.

Anyway, for the children who were hurt by this man, I hope they get the help and closure they need and deserve.
If what you mean is that there was widely known cause for concern about the coach at the time they sent their kids to his camp, so then they bear some responsibility - that I get. Like MrsMelton's Michael Jackson or R. Kelly analogy. That I understand, IMHO no parent in their right mind should have let their children be around either of those two. Whether or not MJ was guilty (and I believe he was), there was enough reason for concern that should have dictated keeping your kid away from him.
Just want to note that because of the coverup by Penn State folks & their 'friends', I do not believe anyone outside of that tight circle, most certainly not the moms, knew about any concerns re Sandusky.

(for example!!) was molested by a priest (this is NOT a slam at Catholocism, the Catholic church or priests as a whole!!) was molested because they were an "at-risk child" whose parents "didn't have time to protect them or watch them"? That is ludicrous!
Shame you feel that you must put in a disclaimer because some here are too sensitive and cannot admit that any problem or coverup existed.

No individual, group, or institution should be above reproach when it involves discussion or investigation of child molestation and any coverup that protected the monsters who did it.
Actually, I put it in because I don't believe that Catholics as a whole are to blame for the indecent and unspeakable acts of the priests who molested those children. And while I do believe that there are others who covered up things, and "moved priests around" etc. when they had knowledge of that abuse, I DO NOT believe that every Catholic everywhere is to blame for the actions of some.

I believe that many a God loving devout Catholic has had their faith rocked to the core by the actions of some of the leaders of their churches, and that many more have had to endure constant criticisms of their religion as a whole because of it. Not all Catholics are guilty of molesting children, or of covering up that abuse.

I put the disclaimer in my post, because I want it to be crystal clear that I do not hold every single Catholic responsible for the actions of some Catholics.

Just want to note that because of the coverup by Penn State folks & their 'friends', I do not believe anyone outside of that tight circle, most certainly not the moms, knew about any concerns re Sandusky.

Shame you feel that you must put in a disclaimer because some here are too sensitive and cannot admit that any problem or coverup existed.

No individual, group, or institution should be above reproach when it involves discussion or investigation of child molestation and any coverup that protected the monsters who did it.
Just want to note that because of the coverup by Penn State folks & their 'friends', I do not believe anyone outside of that tight circle, most certainly not the moms, knew about any concerns re Sandusky.

Shame you feel that you must put in a disclaimer because some here are too sensitive and cannot admit that any problem or coverup existed.

No individual, group, or institution should be above reproach when it involves discussion or investigation of child molestation and any coverup that protected the monsters who did it.

Just in case you're REFERRING TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE, may I just say please get off that crazy bus already! I've spoken at length about what my faith and my God mean to me and will not repeat myself here, but have never and would never pretend that unspeakable crimes weren't committed.
Shame you feel that you must put in a disclaimer because some here are too sensitive and cannot admit that any problem or coverup existed.

No individual, group, or institution should be above reproach when it involves discussion or investigation of child molestation and any coverup that protected the monsters who did it.

I'm Catholic, and it makes me sick that the Church covered it up. The priests should be rotting in jail like any other sex offender.

We are not too sensitive. We are just tired of your crap and your not so subtle dislike of Catholics.
To All of my Catholic friends on CW...it is NOT your responsibility feel guilty about what some priests did. It was a TERRIBLE act, yes, none of us disagree.

But I promise you, most times it's best not to respond in ANY words. Just my experience as a Christian :)
Shame you feel that you must put in a disclaimer because some here are too sensitive and cannot admit that any problem or coverup existed.
Shame on you for taking this time as yet another moment to hate on the Catholic Church.

You Dislike the Catholic faith (and Christianity as a whole quite often) WE GET IT. No need to say it everytime you Post
Shocking - Catholic bashing from ennui.

Same old ****.
Just want to note that because of the coverup by Penn State folks & their 'friends', I do not believe anyone outside of that tight circle, most certainly not the moms, knew about any concerns re Sandusky.

Shame you feel that you must put in a disclaimer because some here are too sensitive and cannot admit that any problem or coverup existed.

No individual, group, or institution should be above reproach when it involves discussion or investigation of child molestation and any coverup that protected the monsters who did it.

You know, Jewish people have also been accused. While I did not read every single post in this next link, Jewish people have been accused of the same. Does that mean Jewish people are just as bad/worse/better than Catholics? Any one else? No, it means EVERYONE/ANYONE can be accused.
Finding the truth and what actually happened is the answer, not beating the crap out of catholics (or anyone else!) once again.

Nah, just means organized religious people suck just as much as everyday people, just with a lot more $ behind them and power. Which is even scarier to everyday people because they think they can't fight them, which is right in many many ways.
Just in case you're REFERRING TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE, may I just say please get off that crazy bus already! I've spoken at length about what my faith and my God mean to me and will not repeat myself here, but have never and would never pretend that unspeakable crimes weren't committed.

:faint: Did Aunt Bea really say that? :roll: