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What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

The scenario that I dread is time will come when

heaven forbid......they require chips underneath our skin to do away with carrying of cards. then no one can say they forgot their IDs somewhere :bee:

if this happens, I'm sure the religious fanatics of certain denominations will scream this is fulfillment of prophecy (mark of the beast thingey) :ranting:

That is just way to creepy for me to even think about!!!!!!
I would wear it on a lanyard round my neck like a medal or badge of honor. Seriously...I would be proud to be one of the ones that HAS all my papers etc...in order and happy to show off my ID. Besides, having it on a lanyard round my neck would cause less stops in my day.
I love you Barb, but NEVER EVER AGAIN. Over my dead body never again.


Germany was 'protecting' their motherland against their vision of unidentified non-Germans too.

There are reasons that we don't have a requirement for national IDs & this country will not be run by Fascists no matter how much some folks may want it. Civil liberties are precious & you don't give them up because some think it is easier.
We have to show papers any place we travel in the world. Why can't the illegal person be made to show papers when they are in this country?
We have to show papers any place we travel in the world. Why can't the illegal person be made to show papers when they are in this country?

Because they're not just asking illegals, they're allowed to ask anyone. Of course we all know they're only going to ask hispanics.
Nah, they'll do it just like the airplanes, all muslim men 15-55 y.o. and 90 year old grandmas and some people in between. Just like they do when they do random searching for the NYC subways.
Because they're not just asking illegals, they're allowed to ask anyone. Of course we all know they're only going to ask hispanics.

But in an airport everyone is asked to go through security checkpoints, show id, etc. I think this is just a sign of the times.
But in an airport everyone is asked to go through security checkpoints, show id, etc. I think this is just a sign of the times.
This isn't just in airports.

Do you really want the police tied up asking EVERY person they come within say 50 ft of, for their papers? Maybe they should board buses & check papers? Board every school bus as it pulls into school, to make sure no child gets an education who doesn't deserve it.

Don't forget the police should also check folks as they pull into gas stations for a fill up. Or run into a 7-11 for cigarettes and lottery tickets. They really ought to check IDs of those dumpster diving for coupon inserts, that's very suspicious behavior. There should be a cop next to the librarian when you check out books from the library too.

And of course a cop at the check out line at Jewel, what is more suspicious than 5 bags of groceries for $3.23?
I bet that sonafabitch librarian will ask me for my **** Library card with MY NAME on it.

::shakes fist in the air at them!::

I ain't got to show them no ID! They aren't cops. Who are they to question who I am.
BTW Sheriff Joe loves to go after anyone, not just illegals. He'd arrest his own father and put him in pink panties and in the tents in the desert.
This isn't just in airports.

Do you really want the police tied up asking EVERY person they come within say 50 ft of, for their papers? Maybe they should board buses & check papers? Board every school bus as it pulls into school, to make sure no child gets an education who doesn't deserve it.

Don't forget the police should also check folks as they pull into gas stations for a fill up. Or run into a 7-11 for cigarettes and lottery tickets. They really ought to check IDs of those dumpster diving for coupon inserts, that's very suspicious behavior. There should be a cop next to the librarian when you check out books from the library too.

And of course a cop at the check out line at Jewel, what is more suspicious than 5 bags of groceries for $3.23?

Yes, I get that. What I don't get is boycotts and protests over a state just trying to take some control over something that is already illegal. It's not like they're trying to change something that is currently legal into something that's illegal, they're just trying to enforce laws already on the books. These people are ILLEGAL aliens. The fact that they assume they have rights in this country that they entered ILLEGALLY is absolutely astounding.
I bet that sonafabitch librarian will ask me for my **** Library card with MY NAME on it.

::shakes fist in the air at them!::

I ain't got to show them no ID! They aren't cops. Who are they to question who I am.

Then you best bring a big bag in with you to smuggle out the books because unless you show your **** id, you don't get to bring home the books. :giggles:
Why does America have to be the bad guy by enforcing our laws?
We always get **** on for this type of stuff. Why?
Nobody says a peep when any other country enforces their laws.
Then you best bring a big bag in with you to smuggle out the books because unless you show your **** id, you don't get to bring home the books. :giggles:

:keeper: **** book nazis.
They have laws on the books but they aren't strong enough & they aren't enforced. They need o throw the book at employers of illegals, simple as that. No wrist slaps, no penny ante fines, but real true deterrence. Mandatory jail time maybe, for the employers? Put the CEOs in jail, not country club type fed prisons either.

Look at the oil spill in the gulf. BP is responsible. They made bazillions, they repeatedly skirted safety regs because they saved more $$ than it cost them in fines for past bad behavior. Do you really think they've learned their lesson? Nope. Has the US govt? Nope. They need to put some **** teeth in those regs & fine the hell out of companies that break those regulations.
Oh I agree, go after employers/businesses. But also the people that decided to break the law everyday too.
This isn't just in airports.

Do you really want the police tied up asking EVERY person they come within say 50 ft of, for their papers? Maybe they should board buses & check papers? Board every school bus as it pulls into school, to make sure no child gets an education who doesn't deserve it.

I don't think police will have time to ask EVERYBODY. State budgets are beyond stretched to the max already ..... there will likely be less police and they will have less hours.... public services are being cut left and right... that's NOT going to get any better any time soon.....

Don't forget the police should also check folks as they pull into gas stations for a fill up. Or run into a 7-11 for cigarettes and lottery tickets. They really ought to check IDs of those dumpster diving for coupon inserts, that's very suspicious behavior. There should be a cop next to the librarian when you check out books from the library too.

And of course a cop at the check out line at Jewel, what is more suspicious than 5 bags of groceries for $3.23?

I think some of us have those already :surrender:

Yes, I get that. What I don't get is boycotts and protests over a state just trying to take some control over something that is already illegal. It's not like they're trying to change something that is currently legal into something that's illegal, they're just trying to enforce laws already on the books. These people are ILLEGAL aliens. The fact that they assume they have rights in this country that they entered ILLEGALLY is absolutely astounding.

totally :shesaid:

I just don't understand it either.

Why does America have to be the bad guy by enforcing our laws?
We always get **** on for this type of stuff. Why?
Nobody says a peep when any other country enforces their laws.

also totally :shesaid:

We're all so afraid of not being politically correct, we've lost our common sense when it comes to things these days. More worried about who we might possibly offend than about protecting our country and its people.
OK, making light and ROFL at the Jewel line....you don't think their security spent 3-5 years checking me out?!? I KNOW they did. And when a new guy is hired...HE will too.:giggles::giggles::giggles: I KNOW this and don't fret too long over it. Check me out...cause AGAIN, I am doing nothing wrong no matter how long you look.:cartwheel::cartwheel:

I think the big factor here Barb is that you are doing it legally!!!!!
Re: What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

Why does America have to be the bad guy by enforcing our laws?
We always get **** on for this type of stuff. Why?
Nobody says a peep when any other country enforces their laws.

exactly!!!!!!! I don't get this either!!!!
We have opened ourselves up to being over run by illegals because for so long we have sat back and done nothing but give, give, give to them..... and now that many are getting so fed up we are the bad guys for not wanting to give them everything anymore!!! The laws were always there we just didn't enforce them as we should have-maybe to help some out but appearently we weren't smart enough to realize it wouldn't be only a few we would be helping!!!!!!!! Then again we have starving families in this country but we are feeding those in other countries, we are funding abortions in other countries, we are paying other countries for oil when we have our own.........we are fighting wars to protect people in other countries.......we don't do **** for our own country and it seems like we now have lost our rights to defend our own land from those who come here illegally!!!!! Let's face it people who have the opinion that we should allow them to stay here and give them everything have likely formed those opinions because of the things you have grown accustomed to during your life.......the way you have watched this country handle (or not handle) this issue of illegals during your lifetime. I mean if you have always seen them be "welcomed in with open arms" now all of the sudden people want to kick them out MANY (not all) will think it is wrong to not continue welcoming them in with open arms.

Think about it. For example if Jewel were to for real start doing cat deals of PC prices instead of sale prices we would all be like WTF......but would it really be wrong of them to change it????? I mean afterall it is thier store to decide as they wish how to handle it right???? But had this been enforced the whole time then we would have had no reason to get upset as we would not have had that taste of PC prices! ****Admittedly though I would likely cry***** (just as those who need to be carted back to thier own homelands!)