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What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

Watching MSNBC about all the immigration rights rallies-do they really have rights????
Re: What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

we are funding abortions in other countries, we are paying other countries for oil when we have our own.........we are fighting wars to protect people in other countries.
Not sure what abortions have to do with illegals here? :9:

The US is far too dependent on oil to use only our own supplies, we don't have enough.

Whom was it who started the war to protect who & why? Certainly wasn't to get the folks who caused 9-11 or we'd have bombed other countries.
Watching MSNBC about all the immigration rights rallies-do they really have rights????
Yes they do.

The US Constitution & Bill of Rights apply to ALL persons in the US, citizens, legal or illegal.

For example, every person in the United States has the right to due process and equal protection; to criminal proceedings that afford a right to counsel, a jury trial and freedom from double jeopardy; to freedom from cruel and unusual punishment; to freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures; and to freedom of speech, religion and association. These basic principles generally apply regardless of an immigrant’s legal status.

Under the law, non-citizens do not have the same right as citizens to enter or remain in the United States, and the Supreme Court has ruled that constitutional guarantees sometimes offer less protection to non-citizen. In particular, the Supreme Court has allowed Congress wide-ranging power to set the rules governing admission of foreigners. For examples, the Court has permitted Congress to bar admission of persons based on their political beliefs, sexual orientation and economic status. In addition the Supreme Court has ruled that non-citizens outside the United States seeking initial entry to the country are requesting a privilege and have no constitutional status of a non-citizen increased in proportion to his or her ties to the United States. While persons in the country charge with being deportable have the right to a hearing that comports with due process, the law creates a legal fiction that persons stopped at the border can be treated as if they were still outside the United States even though they are physically present in the country.
Re: What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

Not sure what abortions have to do with illegals here? :9:

The US is far too dependent on oil to use only our own supplies, we don't have enough.

Whom was it who started the war to protect who & why? Certainly wasn't to get the folks who caused 9-11 or we'd have bombed other countries.

It has nothing to do with it persay was just pointing out that we worry more about other countries than our own! I just used the quickest examples that came to mind.

And as far as our troops go we have been routinely in other countries protecting them from themselves, feeding them, etc. I wasn't so much refering to "the current war that has been going on forever". And while we are over fighting in other countries who is protecting our soil???? We supplied Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc with arms and such long before.

It's not a bad thing to help others, I'm all for helping others, I don't think people should starve anywhere in the world. I just think we should start with helping our own people!
Yes they do.

The US Constitution & Bill of Rights apply to ALL persons in the US, citizens, legal or illegal.

Ok so they have the right to due process, etc. Fine. But that doesn't mean they have the right to stay in our country illegally does it?? It simply means they have the right to a fair trial and proper representation during such a trial.....correct???
It simply means they have the right to a fair trial and proper representation during such a trial.....correct???
yes, and a right to appeal any rulings to a higher court.

But this is the important part now under discussion:
Every person in the United States has the right to freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. These basic principles generally apply regardless of an immigrant’s legal status.

Stopping someone on the street to look at their papers JUST because they may look 'illegal' is NOT reasonable if they aren't doing anything suspicious. What does 'illegal' look like exactly, anyway?
Why does America have to be the bad guy by enforcing our laws?
We always get **** on for this type of stuff. Why?
Nobody says a peep when any other country enforces their laws.

where are the protests about Frances laws? how about Indias? how about Mexico? how about CANADA?!!

*head in hands*
actually she is right, in that the us supreme court has upheld the decisions for illegals. Scary that it's ok for an illegal to break a law to get here, BUT they are protected. That is some f-ed up stuff!
Ya know, the more I think about it perhaps Bin Laden should move to the states. I mean then not only could he continue to walk on with what he does but he could then sit in his home and freely walk our streets. And he will then have all the same rights as US citizens....can you imagine him just chillin up in a house-the police can't dare go into his home and get him, nor can they stop him in the street to confirm if he is who they think or a Bin Laden look-alike-because well he is protected and has rights as an illegal immigrant in the great US. I mean what better of a way could he slap us in the face than to enter our country and demand the same rights that we have to protect him after all he has done. Wow can you imagine the legal bill we would be paying for him since if he cannot afford an attorney we pay for it!

Now that I have seen the light I think I'm gonna run right out and join these protests to make **** good and sure that those who do not have enough respect for our country to live here legally get everything they are entitled to from my tax dollars!!!!! Not like I'm gonna see them anyway.....**** it we should give them free healthcare, food stamps, social security (even though it won't be there for me and I pay into it), ummm what else housing assistance?? Yes that sounds good.....and I'm gonna make **** good and sure they do have to apply for citizenship or obey the laws because then they might have to pay taxes which would give them far less money to send back to thier own countries!!!! And another thing I just want to be very clear that I am absolutely thrilled at how much US money is being sent to other countries instead of going back into our sinking US economy!!!!!!

Who's coming to march with me???????!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, it is the American way. We are a nation of laws and rights, and those rights are sacred.

As they should be for the citizens (including those born elsewhere who choose to legally become citizens!) of our wonderful nation!!!!!!
You are 100 % right ennui.. on this. The rights are sacred!

Affording someone those same rights that they didn't legally get is where the rub comes in. So in that I disagree 100% that they should (I understand should is the moral part and we aren't discussing should and morals, we are discussing laws!) be protected.
I have mixed feelings on what this admin is up to. I have confirmation from people back home in Manila that getting a US visa has been quite "easy" lately. It seems the consuls have been granting tourist visas w/o the usual stringent measure they did for many years while trying to make sure that those who are coming here as visitors have no prior intent to stay here permanently.

I was talking to my brother and told him, this is ironic if they will make it easy for visitors to come here w/o making sure they are going to leave when its time for them to leave. With the economic situation at its worse in years, how is this gov't going to support an influx of visitors who refuse to leave? If the jobs that many snubbed before the economy got bad are now being taken by the citizens, what is left for the illegals to support their stay here? It is a nightmare just to think about it.
I have mixed feelings on what this admin is up to. I have confirmation from people back home in Manila that getting a US visa has been quite "easy" lately. It seems the consuls have been granting tourist visas w/o the usual stringent measure they did for many years while trying to make sure that those who are coming here as visitors have no prior intent to stay here permanently.

I was talking to my brother and told him, this is ironic if they will make it easy for visitors to come here w/o making sure they are going to leave when its time for them to leave. With the economic situation at its worse in years, how is this gov't going to support an influx of visitors who refuse to leave? If the jobs that many snubbed before the economy got bad are now being taken by the citizens, what is left for the illegals to support their stay here? It is a nightmare just to think about it.

Nothing so we give them welfare-they have rights ya know!!!! :surrender:
actually she is right, in that the us supreme court has upheld the decisions for illegals. Scary that it's ok for an illegal to break a law to get here, BUT they are protected. That is some f-ed up stuff!

they have some rights in court. they dont have a right to STAY HERE>
Sati, I'm not arguing with you at all, on the moral side of it. There have been court cases that have gone back to 1886 about chinese immigrants... (if you want to read the info it can be found here: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/rightsandfreedoms/a/illegalrights.htm )

Because they didn't come here illegally, they ought not receive, but yet they are entitled.
Sati, I'm not arguing with you at all, on the moral side of it. There have been court cases that have gone back to 1886 about chinese immigrants... (if you want to read the info it can be found here: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/rightsandfreedoms/a/illegalrights.htm )

Because they didn't come here illegally, they ought not receive, but yet they are entitled.

True. I've read it to-I just think it's dumb!

What is funny to me is we now are borrowing how much from China??? And how much of what they have was obtained in the states by illegal Chinese immigrants and sent back there!!!!

Think Mexico will be nice enough to allow us to borrow back the money illegally made here and sent back there????
The US established laws and especially our civil liberties and rights specifically because we didn't want to be like other countries, we are better. Our forefathers brought forth a nation better than what they left behind.

Everyone who is here is covered by our rights for as long as they are here in the US. Everyone, doesn't matter if they were born here or not.

Same as your rights as an American do not follow you when you leave the country. Your rights & protections disappear when you leave US soil.