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What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

I heard about her. Be careful, she makes adorable cookies. Just let me know when the next cookie delivery is and I'll make those cookies disappear. We can't have that go on in your neighborhood.

Think of the children!
Found this kind of amusing..........The part about having reasonable suspicion of criminal activity may be taking place.....24 states have a law like this according to this site......I think suspicion of illegally being in this country would count as suspicion of criminal activity....no????

from http://flexyourrights.org/faq

ID (1)
When do I have to show police my ID?
This is a tricky issue. As a general principle, citizens who are minding their own business are not obligated to "show their papers" to police. In fact, there is no law requiring citizens to carry identification of any kind.

Nonetheless, carrying an ID is generally required if you’re driving a vehicle or a passenger on a commercial airline. These requirements have been upheld on the premise that individuals who prefer not to carry ID can choose not to drive or fly.

From here, ID laws only get more complicated. In Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, the Supreme Court upheld state laws requiring citizens to disclose their identity to police when officers have reasonable suspicion to believe criminal activity may be taking place. Commonly known as "stop-and-identify" statutes, these laws permit police to arrest criminal suspects who refuse to identify themselves.

As of 2008, 24 states had stop-and-identify laws. Regardless of your state's law, keep in mind that police can never compel you to identify yourself without reasonable suspicion to believe you're involved in criminal activity.

But how can you tell if an officer asking you to identify yourself has reasonable suspicion? Remember, police need reasonable suspicion to detain you. One way to tell if they have reasonable suspicion is to determine if you're free to go. You could do this by saying "Excuse me officer. Are you detaining me, or am I free to go?" If the officer says you’re free to go, leave immediately and refrain from answering any additional questions.

If you're detained, you'll have to decide whether withholding your identity is worth the possibility of arrest or a prolonged detention. In cases of mistaken identity, revealing who you are might help to resolve the situation quickly. On the other hand, if you're on parole in California, for example, revealing your identity could lead to a legal search. Knowing your state's laws can help you make the best choice.

Keep in mind that the officer's decision to detain you will not always hold up in court. Reasonable suspicion is a vague evidentiary standard, which lends itself to mistakes on the officer's part. If you're searched or arrested following an officer's ID request, always contact an attorney to discuss the incident and explore your legal options.
Found this kind of amusing..........The part about having reasonable suspicion of criminal activity may be taking place.....24 states have a law like this according to this site......I think suspicion of illegally being in this country would count as suspicion of criminal activity....no????

one would think so...
I agree something needs to be done. I'm upset that our government is doing NOTHING about this issue.

But I think Arizona is going about it the wrong way. Anything that could open up racial profiling should try and be avoided. Would you be happy if you were a US Citizen and you kept being asked for proof of citizenship just b/c of the color of your skin?

Would you be happy if you were a US Citizen and you kept being asked for proof of citizenship just b/c of the color of your skin?

I wouldn't like it but if it's to stop this crazy mess I'ld happily show my ID everyday.
Maybe we should ask that people pretty please not enter the country illegally. If not, be prepared to add sugar on top as a last resort.
Maybe we should ask that people pretty please not enter the country illegally. If not, be prepared to add sugar on top as a last resort.

:giggles: Some countries catch you putting one foot on their soil illegally and jail you for all eternity. But we're the bad guys for simply sending them back where they came from? Pfft.

I love when people cry "But they're breaking up families...." Isn't that the chance you take when you break the law?
No need to break them up. Take your family with you. That is not a demand from the gov't. YOU make that choice.
Maybe we should ask that people pretty please not enter the country illegally. If not, be prepared to add sugar on top as a last resort.

:lol: and they will :giggles: in our faces.......

How about a more direct approach like :butt:

As fat as I am, I never put sugar on top of a sundae.
Maybe we should ask that people pretty please not enter the country illegally. If not, be prepared to add sugar on top as a last resort.

Careful with that sugar. It might cause some of them to get fat or become diabetic and then they'll sue us! :surrender:
Sati, I must admit you surprised me with your answer. I thought for sure you'd be on the other side of the fence (pun intended)

yup, i know. i have surprised many folks with this one. but i feel if you are here illegally you should be removed. Come back legally and show respect for the country you are wishing to be in. *shrug*
I also agree with Ron Paul that we need to get rid of birth right citizenship. Then women won't sneak into our country to have babies and the whole "breaking up families" thing will be mostly moot.
I also agree with Ron Paul that we need to get rid of birth right citizenship. Then women won't sneak into our country to have babies and the whole "breaking up families" thing will be mostly moot.
I wonder how many of the people screaming about rights and BLAH BLAH BLAH realize how strict the penalties are in MEXICO say if you are there illegally and in other countries. not all illegals are from mexico but MANY are. take a look sometime at how harshly that country deals with thier illegals. hmm?
The scenario that I dread is time will come when

heaven forbid......they require chips underneath our skin to do away with carrying of cards. then no one can say they forgot their IDs somewhere :bee:

if this happens, I'm sure the religious fanatics of certain denominations will scream this is fulfillment of prophecy (mark of the beast thingey) :ranting:
The scenario that I dread is time will come when

heaven forbid......they require chips underneath our skin to do away with carrying of cards. then no one can say they forgot their IDs somewhere :bee:

if this happens, I'm sure the religious fanatics of certain denominations will scream this is fulfillment of prophecy (mark of the beast thingey) :ranting:

I would consider that most likely the mark of the beast, and I would not get it.