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What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

Umm that house was broken into already and when you were asked to leave you said, "here is a few shiny trinkets and some booze." Then you said here is a tiny apartment that all of the people in your tribe can live in, even those other tribes you fight with."

That was a little further back but who cares right?

I think something has to be done about this. For those of you who are so opposed to this bill, do you agree that something has to be done about illegal immigration or do you think we should just leave things as they are and ignore the problem?

Yes I think something should be done. I think I have been pretty clear about what I think needs to be done. But I think a law that promotes racial profiling is not the way to go.
That argument is getting somewhat tired. There are plenty of Americans doing those jobs AND paying taxes on their wages.

I think it is funny.... When the floods hit 2 years ago I had to deliver a generator to Cedar Rapids Ia, for the clean up. What I saw was absolutley horrible, You can't even imagine the stink and dirt.. Anyway while I was in the heart of all the action (where no one could go without a pass) I saw a huge bus pull up... It was the Mexican workers that our Government hired for clean up.... talking to the guy in charge where I was dropping the generator off I asked about this strange site. He said this is the "NORM" on disaster clean up... the government will go to where the illlegals are and hire them for CASH for clean up. They bus them in and we have to punch and sign thier cards for hours worked, then they get paid in cash from the "cash bus" (he pointed it out to me) then at night they get bussed back to where ever they were picked up at.... ummmm let's stop it on one hand let's encourage it on the other... That's governemnt. I don't know what is right or wrong.
I don't agree that there is lots of Americans doing those jobs, when I was in Ia I stopped for gas and asked if they were asked to help clean up by the government? Yes but they would have to pay me more than 20.00 an hour to do that. I said I heard they were paying cash, answer Yes but still to do that no way...here in central Wi.. The huge farms... they can't hire Americans (very few of them at least) will do the manual labor needed. Our local farmers have even bought hotels in which to house the illegals. With so many people out of work we Americans still will not do the work at farms (I think too many of us feel it is below us).

Don't mean to offend but that is just the way I, 1 person sees it.
I see nothing wrong with asking for identification... but there has to be
a reason to ask. Have a green card or become a citizen.
They are called Illegal for a reason. IT IS ILLEGAL!!!! We need to stop being so freaking PC and start enforcing the LAW! They estimate 13-15 million illegal immigrates in the USA, yet 26% of the federal prison is filled with illegals. All come here breaking the law, many break more laws (the whole 26% thing again). The only reason "they do jobs no America will do" is because they underpay the illegals, because they have to take whatever they can get. If we crack down on that job force then those jobs will start to pay better and Americas will rush for those jobs and bring unemployement to a much better %.
They are called Illegal for a reason. IT IS ILLEGAL!!!! We need to stop being so freaking PC and start enforcing the LAW! They estimate 13-15 million illegal immigrates in the USA, yet 26% of the federal prison is filled with illegals. All come here breaking the law, many break more laws (the whole 26% thing again). The only reason "they do jobs no America will do" is because they underpay the illegals, because they have to take whatever they can get. If we crack down on that job force then those jobs will start to pay better and Americas will rush for those jobs and bring unemployement to a much better %.

It's nice to see that at least we're calling them illegals and not the pc version "undocumented".
In Kenosha WI, a prayer vigil followed by a rally was held yesterday. The newspaper (article found here :http://www.kenoshanews.com/news/crowd_fired_up_for_change_7837973.html )

Hasan Hakeem, chaplain for the Kenosha County Jail and Detention Center, said he was concerned about the “detention and deportation of non-criminal illegal immigrants.”

“I did not grow up in an America that excluded people because of their race, religion or where they came from,” Hakeem said. “What is going on with this America today is we have a system that can remove people from their homes.” "
Hakeem also spoke to the religious leaders — representatives of Christians, Jews and Muslims — in attendance.

“You are the leaders who must always seek justice,” Hakeem said. “Not justice for some, but justice for all; absolute justice.”

Question of the day for me....

How can they be non-criminal followed by Illegal?????????????????????
perhaps they haven't looked it up in the dictionary.
the definition is really very simple...

Main Entry: 1il·le·gal
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)i(l)-ˈlē-gəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French illegal, from Medieval Latin illegalis, from Latin in- + legalis legal
Date: 1538
: not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit; also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)

In Kenosha WI, a prayer vigil followed by a rally was held yesterday. The newspaper (article found here :http://www.kenoshanews.com/news/crowd_fired_up_for_change_7837973.html )

Hasan Hakeem, chaplain for the Kenosha County Jail and Detention Center, said he was concerned about the “detention and deportation of non-criminal illegal immigrants.â€

“I did not grow up in an America that excluded people because of their race, religion or where they came from,†Hakeem said. “What is going on with this America today is we have a system that can remove people from their homes.†"
Hakeem also spoke to the religious leaders — representatives of Christians, Jews and Muslims — in attendance.

“You are the leaders who must always seek justice,†Hakeem said. “Not justice for some, but justice for all; absolute justice.â€

Question of the day for me....

How can they be non-criminal followed by Illegal?????????????????????

Apparently he forgot to call them undocumented. :giggles:
They are called Illegal for a reason. IT IS ILLEGAL!!!! We need to stop being so freaking PC and start enforcing the LAW! They estimate 13-15 million illegal immigrates in the USA, yet 26% of the federal prison is filled with illegals. All come here breaking the law, many break more laws (the whole 26% thing again). The only reason "they do jobs no America will do" is because they underpay the illegals, because they have to take whatever they can get. If we crack down on that job force then those jobs will start to pay better and Americas will rush for those jobs and bring unemployement to a much better %.

Thanks so much for those who quoted my rant, but :shesaid: should be :hesaid: