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What kind of eater are you?


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I have known many people who like to eat everything separately during breakfast lunch and dinner and afterwards they drink their tea or water.
I am the type of person who likes to take a bite of chicken and then eat a little bit of salad and then drink while I'm eating all of these foods.
I have therefore never understood why several people that I have met rather eat their chicken first and only after they are done they move on to the salad as if this changes their metabolism or digestion process.

What are your thoughts on people who do this and where would you fit in?
My family always makes fun of me cause I don't like my food to touch or mix together. Although I usually just eat my meal a bite of this and a bite of that and drink when I'm thirsty. Unless it breaks rule #1 which is stuff better not be touching, so if I have like mashed potatoes and gravy I may eat around it first, so when I take a bite of taters it doesn't break the gravy dam and get all over my other food.
I usually just eat one thing at a time until it starts tasting boring. And I drink when I'm thirsty.
It mostly depends on the meal. Sometimes I'll eat most of one thing then move onto something else. Then I might go back and finish the first thing later.
But overall i like to eat one thing at a time because it's practical that way. Like with silver ware and junk, or if I'm eating with my hands. That way i don't have to clean those items too often while eating, if I just stick to eating one thing at a time that is.
I eat one thing at a time and often save the best for last, which is usually the meat (especially steak!). What I eat first depends on the meal and what I'm hungry for. I drink when thirsty. If I'm made to eat something I don't care for, I'll force that down first with a big drink. I'm a weird eater. I also don't like my food touching, but I don't freak out if it does.
I also eat one thing at a time.
If I'm eating a turkey burger with fries and a shake, I eat the fries first, the burger next, then finish with the shake. I can't mix them all... it just feels so wrong to me if I have all these different tastes in my mouth.
Most of the time, I don't mix my food even spaghetti. I like to taste each ingredients and each dishes. I just mix the food that match. Sometimes, I mix my food just to see how it would taste.
I won't mix my food (unless its supposed to mix) and I also have to eat one food at a time in a certain order depending on the meal.
For example, with a roast dinner vegetables> Yorkshire pudding> potatoes> meat.
I almost always leave the meat until last.

I drink simply when I need to.
Also, I find it hard to eat in front of strangers or people I'm not really comfortable with, I avoid the situation.
I'm a bit of a picky eater, but I don't have any problems with mixing my food. Quite to the contrary, I like it, I think things taste better then. I hate it when people tell me that I eat too little; I know how much I need to eat to feel good, if eat too much then I feel terribly full and heavy. I also tend to eat really fast, I guess I should work on this, since apparently that's unhealthy...
I have tactics for when I eat.
If there's something on the plate I don't like as much as something else, I'll eat that first. Then I'll eat the best thing on the plate last.
I don't think people do it because they think it somehow changes the digestion process, it's just how they eat.

I eat like that usually. My mum mixes all her food together, but I eat them separately. It's something I've always done; I just enjoy each part separately rather than mix up all their distinct flavours. With drinks, it depends on what I'm eating. I normally drink after my meal because I'm too busy scoffing it all up to stop for a drink :giggle: But if it's spicy or I'm finding it hard to go down, then I'll have a drink.
I am certainly a big eater. I really enjoy eating, but I am very aware of the need to eat healthy. So I have one plate for salad and vegetables, and another for meat and carbs. I do this to make sure I get the required amount of vegetables in my daily diet.
I have no idea what kind of eater I am. Sometimes I will eat anything I see, search throughout my house for food, and there are days where I won't eat at all. Mostly, I'm in between. I make my own breakfast, so I usually have small meals, mostly cereal with milk, or rarely, scrambled eggs and bacon. In the afternoon, I would mostly order from a fast food restaurant and that manages to fill me up until dinner.
My mum cuts squares in her meals, piles it together on the fork and eats bits of everything at once...
I, on the other hand, will eat one thing at a time. Even when I'm eating salad, I will eat each vegetable in it separate. :s

Edit: Oh, and I always eat the best thing first as I'm a very lazy and slow eater and get to the stage of not being bothered to eat a little while into the meal - so it'd be a shame to be too lazy to eat the best thing. :C
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If I have something like steak and chips, then I'll eat the steak first and finish with the chips. I'm not really sure why I do that but I do. Definitely not a fussy eater though, I eat anything.
I have known many people who like to eat everything separately during breakfast lunch and dinner and afterwards they drink their tea or water.
I am the type of person who likes to take a bite of chicken and then eat a little bit of salad and then drink while I'm eating all of these foods.
I have therefore never understood why several people that I have met rather eat their chicken first and only after they are done they move on to the salad as if this changes their metabolism or digestion process.

What are your thoughts on people who do this and where would you fit in?

Anna, I do the same thing you do! I like to take a bite of everything and then sip some water! I just don't get the people who eat their rice or salad first (my mom does that, btw). I also follow some kind of protocol when I eat sunny-side up eggs: I like to eat the white first and then the yolk :eek:
I'm surprised by how many people don't mix their food, WOOT. Didn't know it was that strange.
I love alternating. Specially love the combo rice + steak + lettuce salad. *.*
I'll eat one thing at a time and drink after. I don't really like mixing all the flavours of meals together.
Always Look inside the fridge also you say me a SOCIAL EATER. I want Something different every day Bcz it's attaches me to meet people with different religion or different taste .