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What's the most grotesque thing you've seen?


Mastermind Talker
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Needless to say that what people write in this thread may be disturbing to some people. View at your own discretion.

I briefly saw that video of some guy having his head hammered in; I can't remember the name and don't want to. It wasn't nice at all.
ive been on the internet for a really long time so
idk theres a lot of crap out there i'm pretty desensitised to it now

irl probably walking in on some meth head trying to shoot up their own ****
like literal ****
they died

james starts this off nice
Probably going to have to agree with you about that hammer video, I think I may have seen that one and I must add that it was NOT a pleasant experience. But of course there is all the other stuff like 2 girls 1 cup etc which isn't exactly nice aswell.
Yeah 3 guys 1 hammer wasn't very nice to watch. Have come across much worse stuff (beheadings etc) on the YNC though back when I was like 15, but would not watch them now.
3 guys 1 hammer was unpleasant... 2 girls 1 cup actually caused me to vomit.

Dude, I've seen so much **** that I've decided to put anything traumatizing into a mental vault and then throw away the key.
Wait... no... one thing is coming to me...

I saw two people, male and female, get it on with a male horse.
I remember no images, just the fact I saw it. Power of the mental vault, bless you.

Wait! Also, I discovered what an elephant penis looks like and my reaction was as followed:
"Oh my God! Is that a fifth leg?! Oh, oh wait... no... that's... that's a penis..."
After which I went to my room and thanked God for an hour I wasn't born an elephant. Or a cat. Because that night two cats decided to get it on outside my window and I swear it sounded like one was dying painfully and slowly. Like having its guts slowly ripped out, seriously.
Cat penises are spiked you know...

Wait that was the day I found out about that penis museum in Iceland or something like that! (maybe not Iceland, but that sounds about right)
Oh, God, I'm having flashbacks.

Basically I'm saying animal penises are the most grotesque things I've ever seen.
I mean, just, I can't even describe how warped many of them look... it's just, it's so, so horrifying to think about being on the receiving end of those things, really.
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Nothing I've seen so far has been overly disturbing to me. The hammer video isn't that bad since I'm already desensitized to violence. Playing videogames and watching 18-rated movies from a young age really makes it hard to be disgusted by things. Some news stories are kinda bad, but nothing super-awful to me. One that stuck in my mind for a long time was a 12 year old who borrowed some money from his friend in an MMO. When he refused to pay it back, the friend knocked him unconscious, sodomized him with a candlestick, and used a hacksaw to cut him in half.

>>link removed<<

There's the link, and there are graphic photographs. Don't look if you are sensitive, they're pretty nasty.
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Sorry! Removed the link due to excessive gory images ^
Had to be done! :(

I've also seen a horrible video of some woman having sex with a dog.
A video of a man eating his ****.
A video of two guys vomiting into frying pans, cooking omelettes with them and then eating them.
The tampon video.
The condom challenge (not really that bad but still isn't very fun to watch)

Yeah I'm scarred for life lmao
I've seen this more than a decade age and it still brings me nightmares. It was an email attachment photo of a man eating a fetus. There's this place in China where they eat aborted fetuses for health, virility and long life. The child was a female and her facial features were already formed. Sick.
I watched 2 girls 1 cup whilst eating chocolate pudding, and I enjoyed it.

No really, it was gross, the pudding was ok though.

Pain Olympics were fake, the maker admitted to use prosthetics.

I've watched most of the gory internet videos, can't say they did anything, the high definition ones were worse, but still.

I have to be able to stomach it as I'll encounter plenty of that stuff once my training is over and I go out to the field.
I struggle to watch any of these videos ;_; I'm a wimp :p
My late mother committed suicide by hanging herself. I was the one who found her. She had been in the house for a few days, but I knew from the smell as soon I came in through the front door. Mum was known by the family who have adopted me since. For several months afterwards I had nightmares and since the suicide, I still can't sleep without my bedside light on dim. Mum Rachel's sister Jilly looks after me when Rachel can't.

No terrible images we see on TV or in Google on our computers can ever be substitute for what we experience in real life. I am studying to be a doctor. I have a long, long way to go. And its a stony path.

I'm only sharing this because of Kirk's thread. Wouldn't have otherwise and not for seeking sympathy or because of things nearer to home with mum who's seriously ill. I want to tell you nice people that though any time we see terrible images, we must never grow hard in heart. We must always try and be kind hearted and understanding.
[MENTION=1047]Alexxa[/MENTION] I'm so sorry ;_; You know we're all here if you ever need to talk about this stuff.

Honestly what made me flinch the most was seeing two Mexican cartel members being decapitated- one with a chainsaw, one with a hacksaw. That honestly did make me wanna look away.

I've seen 2 Girls 1 Cup and just laughed the whole way through. Most stuff doesn't bother me anymore.
@Alexxa I'm so sorry ;_; You know we're all here if you ever need to talk about this stuff.

Honestly what made me flinch the most was seeing two Mexican cartel members being decapitated- one with a chainsaw, one with a hacksaw. That honestly did make me wanna look away.

I've seen 2 Girls 1 Cup and just laughed the whole way through. Most stuff doesn't bother me anymore.

Its no problem, thanks. Actually I thought 2 Girls 1 Cup a load of bollocks, excuse my ghastly alliteration :highly_amused: The sight of blood doesn't turn me at all. I've seen far worse. As for my late Mum, she's at peace now. I've come to terms with that thanks to a lovely lady who helped me lots in bereavement counselling.
I used to have a video that my old cardiologist made of my second open heart surgery. I watched it all the time for some reason.
IRL, probably all the diabetics' wounds I see at work. This man has an ulcer so big and deep I could fit my entire fist in it.