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Who are you? Care to share?

I am Kathie...married 27 years to Mark (the real Toger)...3 stepkids/1 birthkid all in their 30's pushing 40...5 grandkids ages 2-11.I live in a town of 300 people 30 miles west of the IA Quad Cities...I am older than dirt and Social Security must agree with me, as they send me money every month...DH is 7 years younger, but because he had a cushy city job (the only one in town), he retired when he turned 55...I used to be a tax lady, among my many other vocations...
OH! There are SO many Kathys! It must be a couponing thing!

Anyway I am a typical CW overshare. Not much new. I just turned 41. I have made an adult career out of raising other people's kids (nephew 16, SS 15, SS 13). Have been with my DH since 2004 and married since 2007, our anniversary is the 18th :)

I was a fancy construction accountant for many years until the bubble, then I went WAHM. I have a HUGE variety of jobs and leverage every bit of my experience and sales ability (online, garage sale, email, whatever) into making enough money to keep the gears turning for another month. I sometimes feel like I have redefined the term "gray economy" as it pertains to our family :lol:

My DH has been laid off since mid-2010 from his good union job (which will not be coming back), now he works on-n-off and we call him "semi-retired." We made our huge budget adjustment 2 years ago when the layoff happened. We are both looking for work, I am working very hard to leverage my pre-WAHM experience into a good benefits job but it is slow going. DH is also looking but everyone who is looking for a job right now knows it's ugly.

We have our problems but it's mostly livable/good day to day. I am overly stressed right now, but I think it's just the frustrations of job searching, interviewing, etc.

i was just thinkin there were a lot of kathys too! sadly i realize that i am the oldest one of the bunch. and that the median range seems to be around early thirties. this explains the lack of energy and diligence and cantankerous-ness i exhibit. lol!
I'm Joan (actually Joan Marie). I'm 44 and single, living with my two dogs (pictured to the left and below) and two former stray cats (a mother & daughter). As most of you know I recently got my uncle re-admitted to a nursing home and I'm trying to readjust to living on my own again. (which was something I had just about gotten used to right before he was released.) Before December 2010 I'd never even spent a night alone in my home and now I've come to realize I kinda like having my own quiet space.

Let's see, what else...

I'm a Catholic and my faith is very important to me.

I'm an office manager and love the people I work with. (I also love the fact my office is less than 10 minutes from home & I've got plenty of time to hang out on CW.)

Money was always tight in my family so being frugal is an instinct for me. Living below my means makes me comfortable. My house (which was originally my Mom's and her brother's and sisters) is mortgage free and that is such a relief!
I am Kathie...married 27 years to Mark (the real Toger)...3 stepkids/1 birthkid all in their 30's pushing 40...5 grandkids ages 2-11.I live in a town of 300 people 30 miles west of the IA Quad Cities...I am older than dirt and Social Security must agree with me, as they send me money every month...DH is 7 years younger, but because he had a cushy city job (the only one in town), he retired when he turned 55...I used to be a tax lady, among my many other vocations...

All this time & I don't think I ever knew your first name.
i am not kathy, and i met my hubby when we were tots. he proposed to me at a family wedding in lake shangri la when we were 6. he kissed me in the coat closet and it was love at first sight. we will be married 29 years in may. we waited 15 years to start a family and cranked out 3 babies one right after the other. i did not want to spend years n years being preggo. he trims trees for a meager income. he has been doing so for 30 years. i love outdoor sports and fine wine and collector cars as well as antiques. we have 3 dogs and no cats (allergic) when i was young coupons were around 5 and 7 cents savings. i have a bad habit of not even bothering with any coupon that is less than one dollar. therefore i am no where near as talented as most of you ladies.
I am ss :) I am 37 and dont really coupon as much anymore as I once did. if I find a great deal like Tide for $2.50 a jug I will buy a ton of it (I think I bought 25 last month).

I live at home with my parents because they are both disabled and sick and need help, but I am really ready to start my own life before I get too old. Lol my 29 yo niece that just moved to florida in Nov texted me today saying that I should move down there to go to movies and bars and the beach with her. she misses me, and I really miss doing things with her too.

I am the youngest of 11 kids. I used to not want kids, but slowly changing my mind now. I have a bf that I have been with for 16+ months, have actually known and been talking to him much longer. I love him very very much but sometimes I just want to strangle him. we are complete opposites, and I mean the very end of the scale opposites, lol. I think the thing we are most compatible on is family, we both come from HUGE families and love them very much.

I graduated in 2000 with a BS in computer sci. huge letdown that degree is, that was the year of y2k. they needed all these computer professionals and then nothing happened so everyone was out of a job. I was competing against people with masters degrees and doctorates for entry level jobs. I ended up as a administrative asst for a while, until my dad got sick. so I am stuck with a huge school loan, no job, etc. :) I come to CW and play online alot to keep my sanity!

oh and I also love love love to play instant win games (especially when I win something good). last year I won a Dell Laptop :)
I am Brandi a 33 yr old SAHM who also babysits after school and some times during the day when someone needs a backup sitter. Used to babysit every day but gave that up this past June to stay home with my little guy. I have 4 boys, 13, 11, 7 and 2. The 2 year old was quite a surprise to us, love those little surprises. Wish we would have another one. LOL DH drives a fuel tanker and works alot of hours every week. He is home every night, but often times quite late. Feel like a single mom sometimes. Love to coupon, have been couponing hard core for 6 years I believe. Love this place, you all are like family to me. I have one really good friend who I couldn't live without. She is my kids other mom and helps keep me sane. i love staying at home with my kids and pray I can continue to do so after the little one starts school. Hmm, what else? I keep a pretty clean house and expect the boys to help out also. They all have chores and are quite good at helping me. Been married for 15 years. Got married at 18 and everyone said it wouldn't last. I am more in love with DH today than I ever was. We are happy and love our crazy life!!
So updating my previous post.

Some of you know my IRL name. If you don't you could go search the fb post and friend me to find my name. I'm as old as some of your children and to the best of my knowledge the third youngest person being just slightly older then gremlin. I go to DePaul :dunce:. I am majoring in IM - graphic design and UI/UT/UE stuff e la lingua italiana.

Don't feel like explaining this so just read the thread if you need any more info.
Its fun to see so many SAHM. Im one as well. I have 4 kids 3boys and 1 girl from 7-6mo. I live on a farm and we have cattle, chickens and a pony. Im 30 and getting very close to 31. My DH and I have been married for 8 yrs, together for 13. I love to play volleyball and enjoy gardening and baking. My house is always a mess because I hate to clean and Im very unorganized. I cant spell if my life depended on it so sorry if there are any "typo's".
My name is Alexis and i'm 21... work as the receptionist at a title company. Daughter to Georgie, big sister to little Billy the Great and Tricia the pain in the **** :giggles: and auntie to Rosie Posie. Married to a pretty fantastic man named Kenny for just over a year, together for just over 4. I'm newly a student - working on my certification in Wedding & Event Planning/Design and then to get my certification in Social Work. Looking long term to get into special event planning with a non for profit organization.
I'm as old as some of your children and to the best of my knowledge the third youngest person being just slightly older then gremlin.

Who is younger than us? :dunce:
oh, and i am slightly self imprisoned by by fear of germs. not that it is too vividly apparent. some days i refer to myself as "a self imposed shut in" :)
Linkin, is your husband's first name roy? Mentioning the tree trimming, and your area, curious if thats the same guy.
I'm Diane, age 38, married 17 years, 2 dtrs aged 13 & 11 (adopted from foster care when they were 5 and 7). 1 dog and 1 cat.

I have a couple of part time jobs, time commitment varies on them. For 16 years I was in the insurance industry, holding positions in customer service, underwriting, sales and auditing. I am trying to figure out what I am going to be when I grow up, I am applying for job, that would allow me to work from home more and hopefully increase my income.

When there isn't the fear of snow / freezing, my family and I spend a great deal of time traveling with our RV camper. I do the driving. I also scrapbook, tractor pull, live action role play and play computer games (Lord of the Rings on line, Sims, etc).
Update......like you didn't already know that I was a Homo. :giggles:

I grew up in a small town,(500) in the very Northwest part of IL. I worked for the Sec. of State, Drivers Lic. Facility and decided that it was time to get out of town. I transferred to the License facility in Chicago on Elston Ave. 10 years was enough there. Did something I always wanted to do....Window displays. Got a job at Madigans, (now gone) doing the window displays and visual merchandising.
Stayed there a while, then went to Carsons on State St. doing their windows and stuff.(now gone)!
Have been a SAHH for awhile now. I manage property on our block, and DH works out of the home now....that was a BIG change! DH and I have been together for over 30 years. I love him more every day.:sex:

Started couponing March 2010....a neighbor took me to one of Jill's classes, and it's been one heck of a ride!!! Found MashupMom on line, and noticed her mention CW a few times, so I asked her about it. She said to be careful over there!!!! :lol: They don't censor! :snicker:

Thanks to everyone on CW for being who you are, excepting of us or not, you make me laugh, get mad, and feel ok when I vent.:flowers: