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Who are you? Care to share?

I'm Tifffany 34 married for 15 yrs together for almost 19 (yes I was young 14) waited 8 yr to have kids. I have ds 6 whom has PDD (autism) and dd5. I'm a part time LPN that works at Stateville prison for 4 yrs. I have always tried to save money but never like I have since I found CW. I love CW.
I'm Tifffany 34 married for 15 yrs together for almost 19 (yes I was young 14) waited 8 yr to have kids. I have ds 6 whom has PDD (autism) and dd5. I'm a part time LPN that works at Stateville prison for 4 yrs. I have always tried to save money but never like I have since I found CW. I love CW.

Just drove past stateville about an hour ago! How the heck do you work there? One of my student's moms works there too.
It was at Bargainshare.com

She came over from FW to BS with us.

Toger, Kaeg1, and Ennui probably remember too.

I remember. I was sucked in too. I even called her when she was suicidal one of those times. I learned A LOT from that experience and my postings anywhere on the net went wayyyy down. She really was a LOON.
Not sure if I ever told Barb, Kaeg or Toger, but I found out she was a loon long before bargainshare. Way, way back there was a tiny private OT board run by an insider from fw, membership was limited to less than a dozen folks. [Actually there were several private boards in those first 3 years] The private boards were supposed to be a place we could openly discuss our lives without sharing them on a public forum. It was our private little playgrounds. We shared things going on in our private lives, like my engagement, plans, stuff about work... things that were never supposed to be repeated openly on FW or anywhere. Well, that loon began reposting private stuff about my life on FW after I mentioned that a couple of my coworkers joined FW. I was beyond furious. She was a crazy ****.

She was one of the reasons I was very hesitant to join bs, I didn't post until she left.

It taught me to be extremely careful about I post about my personal life online. You just never know what kind of crazy person is out there.
Whoa, how messed up is that. You'd have to be deeply deeply twisted to mess with so many different people at such an imtimate level......... can't imagine them being able to live normal lives with spouses and families? Bizzare.

Have you seen the movie Catfish? It deals with this most disturbing topic. Here is the trailer, if you're curious.
Not sure if I ever told Barb, Kaeg or Toger, but I found out she was a loon long before bargainshare. Way, way back there was a tiny private OT board run by an insider from fw, membership was limited to less than a dozen folks. [Actually there were several private boards in those first 3 years] The private boards were supposed to be a place we could openly discuss our lives without sharing them on a public forum. It was our private little playgrounds. We shared things going on in our private lives, like my engagement, plans, stuff about work... things that were never supposed to be repeated openly on FW or anywhere. Well, that loon began reposting private stuff about my life on FW after I mentioned that a couple of my coworkers joined FW. I was beyond furious. She was a crazy ****.

She was one of the reasons I was very hesitant to join bs, I didn't post until she left.

It taught me to be extremely careful about I post about my personal life online. You just never know what kind of crazy person is out there.

You never told me. I also learned so much from seeing how difficult she was. ****.
I'm Amie. SAHM to ds 7 and twin dd's 5. Number 4 is due in 5 weeks. I've been a SAHM since ds was a year old. I plan to go back to school when the twins start 1st grade in a year and a half.
Hi, I am Olive,
a SAHM to DS9 and DD8. I was born and raised in Dublin,Ireland. I came here in 1997 for a 6 month visit, met, fell in love with and married my DH. He works 2 jobs, so i can stay at home with the kids and i am crazy about him. Sometimes i find it very hard here as i miss my family and friends terribly. I have been couponing for just over a year and i love CW. It makes me feel like i am helping out financially.
I like to read, travel and have a few beers with friends. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, my name is Denise and I am 37. Married to DH for 11 years and have one DD8.
I am quiet and kind of shy but mainly because of my disability. I suffer from genetic degenerative spastic parapalegia and was just diagnosed today with degenerative disc disease. I am embarrassed by it (don't know why, but I am) so I do not make friends easily because it has made me reserved. I found CW via a high school friend that I found out was a fellow couponer on Facebook. I used to visit a different forum but rely now mainly on CW. I was a much bigger couponer when Jewel took expireds and I miss it greatly. However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the deals shared here. Because of my disability I am not able to get all the deals but live vicariously through the rest of you and I am so thankful for what I do get!!!
We are big animal lovers and currently have two fish, two cats and two dogs plus we have fostered in the past.
BTW, I managed a dental office for 14 years and in 2010 became a SAHM due to my medical issues.
Just finished reading this entire thread, 12 pages! and counting.

My name is Jackie and I am 26 years old with no kiddos...
I live in Montgomery, IL sandwiched between Aurora and Oswego.

I love CW. it has enhanced my life very much and I would like to say THANK YOU ALL. And thanks for sharing about your lives in this thread.

My BF-and-BFF of 5 years works very hard with his own business and is often stressed due to his industry. He has deeply appreciated every deal on all of the food products and all of the health and beauty items. I couldn't have done it without CW.

I've spent a lot of time distracted by wondering if others in the store are someone from CW that I "know" from CW.

I did meet Silviavm in a Jewel during one of the final GOOD 25/10 Catalina deals.
Hi, I am Christine, we live in Minooka. I am 33yo and a stay at home mom. I am married to my DH Nick for 9 years this May, been together for 13.5 years - wow didn't realize it was that long!

We have 3 kids, Madison will be 4 in Feb, the twins, Alex & Lilly will be 2 in May. All my kids were conceived through IVF, so no more b/c it is too expensive! I spend my time clipping coupons - which most of you know! I have boxes of inserts all over my house. Some days I feel like just throwing them all out!!!

I found CW through Barb, she had it posted on another site. I worked for Bekins doing claims for about 7 years til I was laid off when I was pregnant with the twins. Haven't been back to work since! My DH works retail and is always gone so I am at home most of the time with the kids. I have a pretty boring life. We don't get out much! Thats about it - nothing too exciting!
Linkin, is your husband's first name roy? Mentioning the tree trimming, and your area, curious if thats the same guy.
no, funny, now that i think of it. i actually know not one person named roy. no thinking again. i knew a roy robinson from mchenry many moons ago.
this has top be one of the best threads. Nice to get a little who you are of all the screen names we see on a regular basis. I would like to also add that I have 2 dogs jeter who is 2 and a Shih-Tzu/Chihuahua and Cheyenne almost a year that is a Pyrenees lab mix
i was just thinkin there were a lot of kathys too! sadly i realize that i am the oldest one of the bunch. and that the median range seems to be around early thirties. this explains the lack of energy and diligence and cantankerous-ness i exhibit. lol!

I don't know how old you are--but I thought I had the oldest Kathy going--I just had my fifth child at an older age--so some people think I am younger because he just turned 7---and even the school Moms laugh when they find out how old I really am--and the age of my sons siblings. I laugh because I am just 4 or 5 years younger than some of the parents --parents---Too funny!!
I love getting to know all of you! The house is a mess, the kitchen needs cleaning, but I finally read all 13 pages! I'm not one to divulge information online either, been married too long to a computer geek! Barb, the online persona "person" you were describing sounded so close to one lady that was on a Moms of Preschoolers (MOPS International) board that I'm a part of. She claimed she had breast cancer, was dying, had 2 kids that her hubby couldn't take care of, had no family to take the kids...it was horrible. She kept this going for close to 3 years, people took donations, sent her gift cards, gifts, people were even willing to adopt her kids!...I mean, she totally scammed all of us. Ever since then, I've been more private with online postings. That being said, I feel it wouldn't be fair if I didn't share, since I interact with you all daily!

Mary is my name, I'm a 42 y.o. SAHM. My 4 kids are ds12, dd8, dd6, and toddler ds 15 months. I've been married 15 years! I grew up in California, came here for college, met my hubby, and here I've been for 20 years. I have a master's degree in physical therapy, and work on Saturdays in a rehab setting. Equallyyoked brought me here, told me "CW is the best!", and she was so right! I used to shop deals, stockpile sale items, but I never knew I could use coupons to sweeten the deal. I've been couponing 1 year now, and what a difference it has made!

I love to WATCH food network to SEE how others cook, but I'm never good at it myself. I love to bake, just standard baked goods, nothing fancy.

I love, love babies...would have a dozen of them if they didn't grow up to be teenagers!

I love making a difference in someone's life, maybe that's why I love being a rehab PT...it's awesome to see people gain independence and mobility when once they were limited.

My life has not always been easy, but God has faithfully carried me through, and I am forever grateful.
So who was most surprising to you?
I should also mention that I would love to be a chef but I could never handle the stress and the hours. That is why I love Depaul. I can cook/bake for people in large batches like dozens and dozens and only eat one dozen myself :giggles::dunce:
This may be long....she was the one that kept OT going. Posted lots of details of her life...was a staple of OT on all day and night.

She told us her dh and her were having problems. Few weeks/months later ...divorce. She met a new guy and he was the love of her life!!! For a while @@....then she had cancer and was nearly going to die. She said he left her and she was all alone. THEN she met another guy....I posted several times that maybe she needed "me" time rather than a third marriage in like 3 years.

This really is a synopsis....you had to BE there to understand...the details were intricate. She announced their marriage....posted about dresses...her kids reaction. She was getting married on Valentines Day!! There were posts congratulating her...people were like here and at most forums (they were THERE for her and happy for her etc...)

She IMed me....and told me about how her second husband RAPED her when she was suffering from chemo. How he abused her already frail and failing body. Told me that this man was all she could have prayed for....he holds her hair while she vomits from chemo. HE is the prince of all men.

Anyway....months later....single again. A member of the board and she were flirting back and forth. What most didn't know was that they were serious and had agreed to go on vacation together. He made all the financial arrangements and took time off and made arrangements for his children to go on this vacation. She cancelled like the day before. WELLLL...he was ON vacation anyway....so, he went to surprise her in her hometown. (he was also suspicious at that point....but hoped for a happy surprise).

He arrives in town (small town/south) and finds out that she is married to the original DH 1. There WAS no DH 2 OR 3. No marriage, no honeymoon (she was away from the board 2 weeks on some LAVISH honeymoon with DH2)...EVERYTHING she posted was a lie.

She was about to be outted and drug through the forum and she came on and posted this REALLY LONG post about how she hadn't lied.....that her username on the board was an "internet persona" that entertained herself as well as the rest of us.

No harm, no foul, right?

She had 2 suicide watches, cancer, marriages, deaths, posted pics of lavish cars and pianos and other gifts she had received. People on the board cheered for her, cried for her, and were happy for her....

and it was all a lie.

She came back like 2-3 years later....greeted warmly by all but me. The IM where she played with my emotions and feelins relaying her rape and details of her imaginary illness were beyond forgiveness, IMO.

This is why I don't trust people online. People are certifiably crazy.
I should also mention that I would love to be a chef but I could never handle the stress and the hours. That is why I love Depaul. I can cook/bake for people in large batches like dozens and dozens and only eat one dozen myself :giggles::dunce:
So, maybe you can talk my 12 year old out of being a Sushi chef? :lol: He loves all types of Sushi, and has decided that the best way to gain access, is to be the chef.
Hi everyone! My name is Julie, have been married for 14 years have two kids Tiffany 10 Nicholas 7. Recently started back at work for Aldi after a 8.5 year vacation. I was a manager with them and went back as a cashier. And WOW how the company has changed in that time!! Anyways I love to coupon but have not done it much since finishing shopping for the Thanksgiving food drive. I get tribs and Hoys every weekend and have not touched them in a while. I love to tell people to be careful what you pray for because you might just get it! I love the Lord with all my heart and soul and he provides everything we need! Anyways off to work have a great day everyone.
i was just thinkin there were a lot of kathys too! sadly i realize that i am the oldest one of the bunch.

You are older than my dirt??? I graduated HS in 1965, and even remember Madigan's fondly...Used to take the Westtown bus up to Winston Plaza...