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Womyn CHAT

Just post the link...without the tags and ill show you how..

it should be say "share this with your friends or something like that"
Should the image appear, after I pasted it back in... before I click on post reply ?
Venus said:
Should the image appear, after I pasted it back in... before I click on post reply ?
Huh? If you want to upload many picture and keep them organized. Use photobucket.com

Ohh ok...no venus...its going to look like a words..but it will magically become an image
Well it doesn't look like words to me it's a lil scare that shows up with colors in it... like when a picture does load up... actually! LOL
And there it is, doesn't work, because I am doing something WRONG!
Ok venus...Do you still have that Imageshack page up? If i were you i would run 2 windows, drag the "hotlink" for forums into your reply and it will come up
Ok venus...you are on a start..now you will turn it into an image without uploading it, you can do this with ANY photo you find.. get that link and put in a reply, put
that should make it appear "magically"
LOL I am so frustrated right now... Can you believe I used to do tech support for High speed and dial up before my job now.. lol
Wooooohooooo FINALLY, Here is it again, His name is Nanook!!!
Isn't he the cutest lil thing...
And Thank you so much Gus, I appreciate it!
for you... :wav:

YAY! You did it venus...now when you got a picture you want to put on here..instead of putting a link, just copy and paste the link, and add those tags! He's really pretty! I wish i could get a saint bernard
Once again..i only use imageshack if i want to upload 1 image i will use once..you cant keep up with your images, but with photobucket you have a login name and can upload multiple pics and keep them organized into folders. And use them them thousands of times!
Thank you, I am a pround mother of 2 cats and a bird too... and wanting a st bernard High 26........ OUCH!
Noooooooooooo i was commenting on wanting a St Bernard... OUCH!!!
I do...so bad...just to cuddle with that furball! Well im tired and school in the morning..cya tomorrow at 6.45!
yeah I have work tomorrow too... so maybe not... but tomorrow night for sure.
Take care, Night ! :wav: