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Womyn CHAT

School Counselors SUCK!!

Gus...I moved the convo regarding the school counselor over here....since it doesn't really go with Gay Marriage Debate. ;)

School Counselors are not the best...I too had a horrible experience with one in High School. They aren't really any good at personal problems, if you ask me. Just there for helping you choose which career path you would like to head....not too good at that either, in my personal opinion. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!!! :p

But if you went to see a real professional therapist or counselor, it would really help you, I think.....I personally see one for stuff I am going thru....and it has helped enormously. Sometimes it is hard to talk to family or friends......believe me I know. So think about it. If I lived near you I would help you find someone decent.....
Venus said:
That's what I was thinking, I've been telling her about it for MONTHS now... I can't wait to hear what she thinks about it...

WELL I finally saw BrokeBack Mountain, Venus!!:happy1:

I loved it, Venus......some parts of it reminded me of my life. The thing...is I found them hard to understand (the accents and talked low) and yes I cried....in two places.....when they see each other the last time....and when he goes to Jack's folks....OMG :sad2:.

I had other stuff to watch but couldn't wait to see this....and I was in the mood for that kind of movie.

I would recommend :thumbsup: BrokeBack Mountain, to everyone.....it was a very well made movie, tastefully done, even the sex parts.:eusa_clap

I give it :icon_thum:icon_thum UP!!
I TOLD YOU... .I love that movie so so sosoososososssssssss much.:love7: I am glad that you think that too... I had been telling how good it was and I thought that maybe I made it sound like it was more then what it was.. if that makes sense to you... But anyways, I really want to watch it again... so we should set up a date to watch it together... I would love to watch it with you... My favorite part or the one I will remember for ever, because I felt it just talked to me, it touched me so deeply is the last words of Enis... When he's looking at the post card and he had switched the shirts.... Aww I wanny cry right now!!!
Okay you know what's comming.... yep....
:thumbsup::thumbsup: A wave for Brokeback Mountain.... woooohoooo:thumbsup::thumbsup:
What is so profound about that movie? I probably won't bother watching it because those sorts of things are lost on me.
Nightshade to be honest with you I don't know what is so profound about it... I just think it was really well done and tastefully done and for me, it touched me... it spoke to me... made me feel something I had never felt before, like some part of me I had never knew existed. I can't really explain it, all I know is I absolutely loved it and when it was over I wanted to watch again right away...
But I can understand it's not everyone's kind of movie and that's fine.
Oh yeah, it will probably be lost on me. I'm not so fond of emotional type movies. I still think everyone should see V for Vendetta, amazing movie.
I was going to go see that... but you've said that twice already now... so I am really going to go, better be good!!! ;):p
heh personally I'm more for horror...like the hills have eyes and hostel...:p

I'm pretty heartless when it comes to emotions..I'd jsut let someone else have them...
I only like horror movies with a single, non-supernatural killer. Like Taking Lives for example, or From Hell with Johnny Depp. V for Vendetta is my second favorite movie, with The Count of Monte Cristo in first place.
Nightshade I would of never thought you would of liked that movie. I loved the Count of Monte Cristo. It's an awesome movie... loved it loved it loved it!!!!
I never saw Count of Monte Cristo. I am interested in seeing V for Vendetta, as well. Plus a few others.....ICE AGE 2, anyone!?!?

Hey, Nova has squirrels like that in his neighborhood! Honest!
Someone actually put in a drive in theater here. I don't think I have ever been so excited ot go somewhere. I will be taking my kids to see Ice Age 2 at the drive in. It brings back a couple memories from my childhood that were actually good, shocking, so it will be nice.
Thanks! I am hoping a certain someone won't want to go. It will be nice to be just us girls.
Lil Bit said:
Someone actually put in a drive in theater here. I don't think I have ever been so excited ot go somewhere. I will be taking my kids to see Ice Age 2 at the drive in. It brings back a couple memories from my childhood that were actually good, shocking, so it will be nice.

Can I come, I love the drive-in.....and want to see ICE AGE 2 as well. :thumbsup:
You got til the 15th at 7pm to be here, if not then the car leaves without you. :D
Venus you have no idea how much I like that movie. If thats the case you will enjoy V for Vendetta too.
Now I really can't wait to see it... ****!
I'll let you know what I thought, but don't tell me anything... I hate spoilers!;):p