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Womyn CHAT

Awwwww come on, Irish, you are way better at it than you think!! :eusa_clap
Well figured i would stop by and say "Hello!" Hows everyone doing? I have had some major cable problems! ARGGG!! I pay freakin 65.00 a month and the least they can do is keep is going! Ill stop now....so....
I just found out its the dogs down the street eating up the cable! I just wanna !?!?!!? up!
shoot them...

problem solved...

wow im in such a great mood...

*waves* hey everybody.
Well they don't necessarily have to chew right thru it for it too not work, even a bend or kink will cause problems!! I am not sure how strong the current is that runs thru that anyway.


That's funny, I just had a problem with my cable modem a hour ago. I had to adjust the wiring and now it works fine. I am wondering though how some dogs were chewing the lines? The reason why I ask is usually aren't those wires underground or on a pole?
Naw BB, the cable folks found the CHEWED up cable with the dogs chewing on it when they found it so.....
Irish is a man?
Jeez where did I miss THAT. Every post I read from you I heard the voice of a 55 year old woman with a slight irish lilt. Course being that me own sainted step mother has that lilt maybe hers was the voice I was hearing speaking Irish's words. Sorry dude... guess I should have looked up your profile or something.
I am surprised that the dog didn't get electrocuted.

I don't think cable lines carry enough amperage to do anything to you.
okay... are you in a bad mood tonight buddy?
Haven't seen you in a long while... :wav:
BabyBuddha said:
yeah you never talk to me anymore Gus...

Me neither... maybe he does't like us anymore;) :p ... maybe he was turned against us... :sad2: :( :sad3: :sad1: :crybaby2:
Ronin? No, he is just busy playing WoW! You folks should download TeamSpeak (Its free) and come online and talk to us! :D