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Working out!

If you have to workout from home, try doing pullups, dips, and burpees. If you do them in a circuit you can end up with a fairly intense bodyweight workout that hits most of your upper body muscles effectively.

This is called calisthenics, using just the body weight. I think that I've read one of the books before, it's called the prison cell workout or something, lol. I never really tried it and decided to hit the gym instead with my squats and deadlifts. But considering how HUGE some prisoners get, I assume it's a pretty good workout without having to pay for something like a gym membership.
I train 4 times a week currently with a 4 day split.

I aim for 8-12 reps and train:


I enjoy it immensely and strive to improve with each workout and since I've only just returned to the fray, so to speak, my improvements have been enormous.
I workout like 3-4 times a week. I don't really have a diet when I'm bulking as long as I hit my daily macronutrient and gain 1 lb a week, I tend to eat as healthy as possible though. I only have a strict diet when I'm cutting.
I train 5 times a week. 3 of the days I train with weights using a full body programme and on my weight training off days I sprint and do other forms of cardio.
I try to eat close to a paleo style diet but money constricts my options slightly. I eat lots of meat, eggs, vegetables, sweet potatoes, coconut and avocado. It is a high fat, high protein, low carb diet.
I do a 5 day split when I'm cutting which I currently am doing.
Dont have any particular days but I just go 5 days a week, but what I do is
Shoulders, Calves, Abs
Legs 2
And my diet isn't anything different I just count my calories while I'm cutting.
I try to go to the gym as much as possible within a week, including several different workout techniques. I also try to do some weight lifting while I'm at it. I'm more interesting in maintaining a good body then getting stronger in general.
I work out 6 days a week. First of all i run for alteast 2 km then hit gym

Monday - Chest,
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday -Shoulders
Thursday - Arms
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Legs, Thighs
Sunday - Mix
This is called calisthenics, using just the body weight. I think that I've read one of the books before, it's called the prison cell workout or something, lol. I never really tried it and decided to hit the gym instead with my squats and deadlifts. But considering how HUGE some prisoners get, I assume it's a pretty good workout without having to pay for something like a gym membership.

The prisoners use weights as well, they deadlift, squat and bench massive weights. I read about prison workouts and weights are usually involved for the biggest men.

Bodyweight is great but eventually you will need to increase resistance by adding weight.
I work out 6 days a week. First of all i run for alteast 2 km then hit gym

Monday - Chest,
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday -Shoulders
Thursday - Arms
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Legs, Thighs
Sunday - Mix

You should try doing a full body routine. Your musclesw ill benefit from the frequency and the hormonal response from training your whole body is huge.
A 3 x a week full body routine also enables more time to recover.
A simple full body workout could look like this:

press ups
overhead press
bi curls

pull ups
close grip press ups
arnold press

lateral raises
rear flyes
Today is my weight training off day and I'm going to do sprints tonight at my local running track. Sprints for 10 minutes with 1 minute breaks inbetween, short and sweet.
I workout every day with a day off when needed. Usually once per week I'll take a day off.

my workouts are:

Legs and Back and Traps
Biceps and Shoulders
Triceps and Chest
I try and go to the gym to lift weights about 3-4 times a week and then I also do Soccer so I consider that to be my cardio.
I do weights just about every day. I like to have that day or two off though, because other wise my body would never re-cooperate, especially after a tough football game. Other than that, I do full body workouts throughout the week.
I'm a gym rat, but I've slowly started focusing on body weight workouts and lifts I can do around the house or when I'm out and about. Something about stepping outside a gym for a workout feels right. I'm starting to lose interest in the gym environment.
Well for my high school basketball team, we will practice 1 and a half hours and then lift weights for about an hour every week day. During saturdays I go to my trainer and I take Sundays off. If it is not super cold, I will go to the beach and swim a lot after to help my muscles
This is called calisthenics, using just the body weight. I think that I've read one of the books before, it's called the prison cell workout or something, lol. I never really tried it and decided to hit the gym instead with my squats and deadlifts. But considering how HUGE some prisoners get, I assume it's a pretty good workout without having to pay for something like a gym membership.

There was a video on WSHH about some old guy that was like 60 years old and he looked pretty jack and all he did was calisthenics.
I usually go 5-6 days a week. I am changing my routine and am leaning towards calisthenics. I've read up that it increases strength like crazy so I am quite keen to give it a go. I also heard it's a great mass builder so I am even more excited to see how well it is going to work out for me.