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Your member name meaning.....

I did debate in highschool
I know of at least one major member that has a screen name that is a regular name that isn't her name.

She is ANONYMOUS.....unless you trade with her, rofl

This is exactly how I know who you're talking about....
Nellie is my DD11. She has the most vivid imagination ever. Many of her adventures have taken place in her closet. In her fantasy world her closet has been a health club, a classroom, veterinarian's office, a church......I could go on and on. I love DD's free spirit and vivid imagination. I want to be just like her when I grow up, I'm Nelliescloset.
It's not my name to share, so I won't.

But let's just say someone has a screen name here (let's just say Monica) and everyone calls her Monica but her real name is Margaret.

I know at least 2 members on here with First names for screennames that are totally not their real first names

To thicken the plot

First Name Screen name 1's real first name is the screenname if First Name Screen name 2


and I'm sure there are more.
Ummmm, you did yourself? Must have been memorable if you are still talking about it.

Good for you!!!!

By the time I graduated we actually were getting more money from my HS then our football team. Well over 40k a year.
My screen name was born out of a combination of frustration (everything I tried on ebay was already taken) and a lack of imagination (which is why everything I tried on ebay was already taken). I'm Beth and I became a mommy in 2004.
Grew up in Michigan , only Asian female in middle school. moved to a hs where everyone went to middle school together and again only Asian female in school so was considered "exotic". Worked with eggs , collected them as a hobby, thus eggzotik. First email I signed up for on gmail eggzotic was taken already, hence the k.

No it's not "eggo stick". Lol mrsred....
Um, yes.

Since I graduated, my old school has given letterman jackets/letters to members of the Debate, Math, & Academic Olympiad teams.

I was cheated :surrender:

No jacket but got my tri letterman. We do compete in IHSA events.
Hoot is short for hooters(worked there as a bartender)..and 306 is my address
lf is the initials of my first and middle name, L for Lee (many of you thought it's I and sent pp to wrong address) 5058 is the last four digits of my Malaysian ID.
My name is a perfect example of my lack of creativity when it comes to stuff like this.

But, I do love a great deal.

I am Loveagreatdeal or Luvagreatdeal on various sites. If LOVE is taken, I usually try LUV and that usually works. If both are taken, then I guess I"ll have to think really hard.
Here's lack of creativity for ya.....china=where DD was born....mom....welll, duh! Probably the most used username on any adoption forum.............
Growing up, my friends always called me "Little Miss Mary Sunshine". What's ironic is that my married name is now "Sun", so the name "SunshineMama" seemed to fit just right.
Back in the late 90's, Beanie babies were hot. I made a boat load buying and selling them. So like a dork , instead of "beam me up Scottie " from star trek, I decided to become BEANMENOW.

What a ride that was! Was able to buy my house thanks to those toys!