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  1. C

    Chick-fil-A's gay marriage stance causing a social storm

    gay people stop eating chik fil a? I doubt that though
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    somebody :coughmecough: was asked

    congrats! i heard about this through the dee, the piper
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    For those that remember this crazy b

    is that poster on here?
  4. C


    i think you are complaining because you want to complain :D :D
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    Enjoy the beeee-you-tee-full day, CW'ers

    watching kentucky vs baylor later, if the puppy behaves he can walk with me :\ he hasn't learned the art of leashwalking yet
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    I knew it! Cheney had no heart!

    ... I only came back for a few hours to procure coupons, not an argument. Sigh
  7. C

    I knew it! Cheney had no heart!

    Uh no. There are guidelines for heart transplant as there are for lung transplant and other solid organ transplantation. Usually the cut-off age is 65, and age is a relative contraindication. Heart transplant isn't without risk and it doesn't hurt being in his position. This discussion I am sure...
  8. C

    I knew it! Cheney had no heart!

    hes too old for a heart transplant...
  9. C

    What rewards cc do you use

    just recently discover. but i realize i also spent $1000 more than i intended monthly when i use 2 credit cards so i will try to limit it to just autopayments already set up :\
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    Very sad time in my life

    same here. Sorry for your loss. Hope your family will be ok this holiday
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    Ideas to make extra money at home...

    $16 when i did it for my wedding it wasnt a good job either
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    Need liquor advice

    we give our beers and hard liquor away to his nephew of age, of course :)
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    How much did it cost to heat your home last year? Think I may have a coronary...

    our townhome not very well insulated we pay $150-early 200s in winter I cannot wait :\
  14. C

    Adverse reaction to Excedrin?

    uhhh its probably the caffeine doing that. My mom stopped drinking coffee off and on because it makes her heart react like yours did. but she sneaks it in occasionally. Ive never taken excedrin. I get weary with the aspirin part because im allergic to ibuprofen. Dont want a cross reaction and...
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    And so it has begun....

    so you will still send me stuff from frontierville right? :P
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    Walk away from the train wreck and **** play wif me instead!

    what is this thread about?
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    A time to remeber Pictures

    i cant see pics
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    What EASY goodies are you making this holiday?

    care to define schmoopy stage? ;)
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    What EASY goodies are you making this holiday?

    i need to make use of my bananas
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    My New Year's Resolutions

    Do more activity with the boyfriend (fitness wise) We both need to shed a couple of lbs here or there And hopefully when the weather gets better, we will be more fit to ride our bikes :)