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  1. trendjing

    Countries you've visited

    In Asia, I have been only in Thailand, where I really enjoyed the food. The other country was in Bali, Indonesia, where I get to see different temples on all the days that we stayed there. I correlate Bali to the mobile game I have played before which is Temple Run, because you will never run...
  2. trendjing

    Pets you would like to have?

    I have been wanting to have an english bulldog ever since I was a kid. I find them very masculine, with visible muscles, yet charming in a way that they are polite and quiet. Although he has a gloomy face, this kind of bulldog was said to be the most sociable among the other breed. I know that...
  3. trendjing

    Any other tips on how to control blood sugar?

    This has been very well said, and I strongly agree with everything that you posted. In addition, you can also ask your parents or relatives if you have a family history of diabetes, which is inherited and can trigger as you age, or if you did not take care of yourself. Another is, you can have...
  4. trendjing

    Pillow or No Pillow for Sleeping

    Sleeping with a flat pillow on my head makes me more comfortable than having a bulky one, which makes me have stiff-neck when I wake up in the morning. I once heard that it is medically advisable not to have a pillow when sleeping in a supine position. They say that it is how our body shaped to...
  5. trendjing

    What song are you listening to?

    I am currently listening to Touch The Sky, which is a christian song by Hillsong United. It is about a person sharing her faith, encouraging others that being with God is the most peaceful place you will be at, and that we will experience Him if we let Him come into our life and have a personal...
  6. trendjing

    Your favourite quotes

    I would like to share to you my favorite quote from the Bible which is found in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." When blessings comes in our life, we are...
  7. trendjing

    Body Shaming

    Thank you for such an encouraging advice. I do a simple workout at home and trying to lessen on what I eat. I also try to have a positive outlook in what I think I would achieve. It is right when you say not to think too much on what others say. I realized that it is where I focus that is why I...
  8. trendjing

    Do you believe that YouTube can beat the Television?

    Not everyone in the world have smartphones, laptops, or computers, and not everyone has access to WIFI or LTE yet. That is why television is still the main source of entertainment in everyone's home. However, talking about the future, there is a huge possibility that YouTube might replace the...
  9. trendjing

    Dream destination

    I know a lot of people have been in this country, but this is still my number one dream destination. Japan. Since I was in my teenage years, I used to read novels and watched movies pertaining to Japan. I love how rich and alive are their culture, how they influenced us in the dishes that we eat...
  10. trendjing

    Longest Job you've had?

    I used to be a nurse and my longest time I have worked in a single company is five years when I was in Doha. Taking care of babies is a pretty fun job, yet it takes a lot of responsibility and trust from the parents who let their babies be taken care of. I had learned so many things in those...
  11. trendjing

    Body Shaming

    I have been gaining weight since the time that me and my husband transferred to their hometown a year ago. At first, I really love to eat, because everything is new to what I eat when I was growing up. Spending food is not an issue for them as long as we were all full. However, seeing the...
  12. trendjing

    Do you like being on planes?

    Riding in an airplane is my favorite vehicle to ride. I like the thought that we're fast enough to reach a distant destination. I am not sleeping during the flight, except for the times that I am really exhausted. I like to enjoy my flight by watching movies or TV series on-flight, or I just...
  13. trendjing

    Are you a morning or night person?

    I could say that I am more productive at night. I guess my profession being a nurse adapt me to an environment wherein you are accustomed to broken patterns of sleep and drinking too much caffeine. Even up to now, I brought the habit of doing house chores, and computer stuff from late in the...
  14. trendjing

    Crying during a movie?

    I do cry in a movie that really touches my heart. It struck me the most when the story is about family. I think the reason I always got teary-eyed is because I am away from my parents and sister. I am living with my husband miles away from them and I always remember them everytime I watched...