Search results

  1. sxj999780

    ISO Omega Factor 3 Fish Oil (actual product)

    These were a deal a while back at Walgreens. My DH, who won't even take an aspirin-forget any type of vitamin or supplement, has decided he can't live without these. I can't even remember what the deal was, but I remeber I did get a few and promptly distributed them to my family. Anyone have...
  2. sxj999780


    I love those Yankee plug ins! I usually splurge around the holidays and pick some up at Bed, Bath and Beyond (with a coupon of course :lol:). I like the cinnamon and evergreen scents for Christmas, and I will say that they definately do work. The house smells great.
  3. sxj999780

    Freddie Murcury Reincarnated

    I saw this on WGN News this morning and I got chills listening to this guy sing. Amazing!
  4. sxj999780


    My dad had gout (VERY painful!). I did some research to find out if there was any way to prevent flare-ups. I heard cherries might help, and decided it was worth a try. I bought a cherry juice concentrate at Whole Foods and had him drink a minimum of 1 glass a day. That did seem to work for...
  5. sxj999780

    Happy Birthday Mama22angels

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.
  6. sxj999780

    That ONE thing your spouse / SO does that drives you nutz????

    Wow! Our husbands may have been separated at birth! Mine does the noise thing too, and it drives me I-N-S-A-N-E. He even complains that he can't sleep because it's "too quiet" despite the fact that he has a turbo fan going in the bedroom to make noise. When he goes to visit his parents, I...
  7. sxj999780

    Rolling Stone Magazine for 3.99 a year

    Saw this on Totally Target today. You can get 1 year of Rolling Stone Magazine for 3.99 from Tanga when you use promo code STONE at checkout. I didn't renew DHs subscription due to cost, but for 3.99 I'm going to surprise him with it. Great price...
  8. sxj999780

    Costco membership

    Personally I found that I am much better off looking for deals and using coupons than shopping at costco. I also don't like buying in such large quantities. Although you can find alot of good values for your money, there's really not that many "bargains". I haven't priced the gas (that may be...
  9. sxj999780

    Where is my Steve??

    I just got back about an hour ago. The first thing I noticed was that the parking lot was packed--something you NEVER saw when Dominick's was there. The store was super crowded--to the point that I had to get out of there. Everywhere I tried to turn there was someone pushing their cart in...
  10. sxj999780

    Perimenopause and Menopause

    I was 47-48 and started having hot flashes and night sweats. Then I didn't have my period for about 10 months, and right around this time the hot flashes stopped. I thought I was done--and remember thinking "That was easy!". Then about 3 months ago I started having regular periods again.
  11. sxj999780

    Toaster Oven Recipes

    The title of this post made me laugh because it made me think of Real Housewife of New York Sonya Morgan. She is constantly talking about cooking in her toaster oven. She's even written a cookbook about it. I don't do anything too ambitious in mine, but I love it for making garlic bread...
  12. sxj999780

    Does anyone know how to...

    Oh, funny! Well I don't have one myself, but I think the ratio of rice to water is the main thing--so the info others have posted should be enough to get started. My friend has one and loves it.
  13. sxj999780

    Does anyone know how to...

    I bought a toaster oven at a garage sale (no booklet), and while I was checking online on different ways to use it, I came across the booklet for my oven. Turns out you can download the instruction booklets for most appliances and electronics online (I also did it for a digital camera a friend...
  14. sxj999780

    So-has anyone tried the Edy's Smoothies yet?

    I know what you mean! I think that's maybe why I haven't seen them around. I always shop with my "Coupon Glasses" on.
  15. sxj999780

    I have never tried Hamburger Helper

    Hmmm...this sounds interesting (especially the "less than a dime" part). So then do you increase the amount of water? Probably a dumb question, but I'm a novice in the kitchen.
  16. sxj999780

    So-has anyone tried the Edy's Smoothies yet?

    I bought the Sunrise Blend flavor (orange-peach-banana) and it tastes a bit weird to me. Like it has a strange aftertaste. Anyone try any other flavors? Not sure if I would purchase these again. I miss the Delmonte fruit cup smoothies-I LOVED those. I think they've been discontinued--I...
  17. sxj999780

    Free Spin magazine

    Just did this. Thanks for posting! Signed, Another Old Hipster
  18. sxj999780

    Coke Rewards Question

    Good to know. Thank you!
  19. sxj999780

    Coke Rewards Question

    Thanks so much for your reply (It was driving me crazy)! BTW--Your dog is a CUTIE!
  20. sxj999780

    Coke Rewards Question

    This probably belongs in stupid questions, but here goes.. I just started collecting Coke Rewards and finally have a few. I want to get the free coke 12 pack coupon, but I can't find it. I am probably missing something obvious, but wouldn't I find it under "rewards"?