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Anxiety or panick attacks

Good for you Rebecca.... I hope this is just the fix you need!
Mrs. Mom I have taken Zoloft for post partum depression before and it helped me tremendously. As AbbeyD says it takes the edge off. It is very mild, one day you will just feel better.

I am happy you went to the doctor and hope 2011 is a great year for you.

Was it hard to get off of it and how long did it take to kick in? I haven't taken one yet......trying to decide what time is best. The pharmacist suggested mebbe in the afternoon, but should be the same time everyday.
or whatever the hell it is I have been getting.....I'm so **** tired of it. Had one at dinner tonight at a nice restaurant with several family and friends there. I had to go sit in the car because I had to get away and quick. I feel like I'm going to die or something. I was close to having DH take me to the ER. It's the 3rd bad one I've had this year (I've been having mini ones for years, but not like this). They come on so fast and take 1-2 hours before it starts to subside.
I'm so embarrassed about tonight because MIL's friends were treating us to dinner and I had to leave right when my dinner was served. I sat in the car until DH and the kids finished.

I came home and poured a drink (hey I don't have any sedatives because I've never seen a dr. for this yet).

Anyway is there any other nut jobs out there who can tell me I'm not alone? :bee: Thanks for listening. :redface:

You're not alone. I started suffering from anxiety attacks when me and the hubby started having our troubles. Dr. increased my Zoloft and gave me a few Xanax. The medicine seems to be working really good!!! Good luck to you.
Wow! I am sooooo proud of you!!! It's sooo hard to take that step! I was wondering why this thread was bumped. Good for you. You will be amazed by how "normal" you will feel.

Hugs and smooches to you!
Was it hard to get off of it and how long did it take to kick in? I haven't taken one yet......trying to decide what time is best. The pharmacist suggested mebbe in the afternoon, but should be the same time everyday.

I take mine every night before bed. It varies sometimes by a few hours, but it's easiest for me to remember.
:huggy: :huggy: :huggy:
Was it hard to get off of it and how long did it take to kick in? I haven't taken one yet......trying to decide what time is best. The pharmacist suggested mebbe in the afternoon, but should be the same time everyday.
It's mild, so it wasn't hard to get off of. Took a week, ten days to kick in?
Update: So it took me a year or so to get up the balls to make an appointment. I want to tell you peeps that this place had everything to do with it esp. for my girl cookiemom.

I saw the doc. today (same guy that delivered both of my kids). I printed out a list of my concerns so I wouldn't forget any (dorky?) So when he asked what's up, I handed him the list and we talked from there. I shed a few tears (out of anxiety), he did some tests, etc.

I left with a script for an antibiotic for a killer sinus infection I've had and for the generic Zoloft. I filled these scripts but haven't taken them yet. Wanna talk more about Zoloft with you peeps.

I also have other results like (I asked him to check my thyroid) and he said it does feel enlarged.

I have a full blood test thing next week (I have to starve) and some other tests coming up...........I don't wanna talk about yet.

Anyway this week I've been out of my mind with anxiety about this appointment. Thank you all for your words of advice on the matter.

I'm really hoping that this year is the year that I get/ feel healthy.

Yay, so glad you went. Praying this will be the answer and that, yes, this year will be a blessed one. :hiphip:
You're not alone. I started suffering from anxiety attacks when me and the hubby started having our troubles. Dr. increased my Zoloft and gave me a few Xanax. The medicine seems to be working really good!!! Good luck to you.

Curious what dose you take? I'm thinking about asking my new doc to let me try a higher dose. I currently take 50mg. and it's not working as well as it was.

ETA: Oh and to those of you who have taken Xanax, what does it feel like?
I had anxiety to the point I would barely leave my house, that was 20 years ago, I did alot of therapy were they helped me face my fears and the one thing that worked was biofeedback were they teach you how to relax and breath through an attack. I did take meds but I'm sure they are much better now, but now I don't need them because I know how to get myself to relax when I start having them.
i've had small anxiety attacks all my life but they got worse and more frequent when my parents separated in 08. I get them usually at least once a week, but usually more like two or three a week. I have an emergency prescription for Xanax (or whatever the generic is) it helps but i try to use it only when there's no other way out (usually only once every few weeks - a prescription of 10 lasted me about 2 1/2 months). Here are some things i've found helpful:

This one sounds stupid but it really works - talking outloud about physical things that are in the now... for example, i'm wearing a black sweater, the black sweater has a few gray stripes, i'm sitting at my desk at work, touching the keys on the keyboard, my hair is up today, its Friday, September 23rd, etc. etc. ETA - it gets you out of your head and into the present room and situation you are in

Another thing is slowly drinking water, a sip every few seconds (it will get your mind off of the anxiety and regulate your breathing... cold water also has a calming effect to it)

Deep breathing sounds cliche but it works.

Anxiety attacks really suck. But you are definitely not alone. They are manageable but without a doubt very inconveniencing. It may help to do some reading on anxiety attacks... itll help you narrow your triggers, feel when one is coming (so you can stop it before it gets bad) and other suggestions (other than medication) on how to deal with them when they do happen.

Hope this helps!!!! also :hug:
i've had small anxiety attacks all my life but they got worse and more frequent when my parents separated in 08.

SPILL GEORGIE!!! Lemme guess..............you weren't licking it enough before, but now you've learned? :bee:
SPILL GEORGIE!!! Lemme guess..............you weren't licking it enough before, but now you've learned? :bee:
eh oops. i thought that was public knowledge. Sorry!
Thanks Gremlin.............I too have found water helps.............I take a water bottle with me everywhere and you bet I had one with me at the doc's office.

I also carry a lil electronic poker game in my purse and whip it out as needed to get my mind off of things.
eh oops. i thought that was public knowledge. Sorry!

It is now!!! (she's gonna be sooooo mad..............she had us all jealous of her perfect marriage) :snicker:
Oooooo OOOO OOOO! thought of another....

Pot helps.

Just sayinnnn :lol:
Oooooo OOOO OOOO! thought of another....

Pot helps.

Just sayinnnn :lol:

I never have before.............
it doesn't feel like anything. I just dont freak out after i take it.

Oh that sounds good. My big thing since all this **** started was I used to love to go places, travel, try stuffs, etc. Now I'm affraid of being some place that I can't leave if I start to feel weird so flying is TOTALLY out until I get this under control so I was thinking if I had some Xanax for these types of situations I might be able to.

I feel bad for my DH because I don't wanna go out to restaurants or movies, plays, etc anymore................had to skip a few weddings in the past couple years too. :pout: