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Anxiety or panick attacks

No, I think it would be worse if it was an evil demented looking scary clown...this one looks tame!:lol: The devil face was scary to me! :)

I gotta tell you, the kewpie dolls are a bit creepy too. :giggles:
Think of it like the hiccups.... I was trying to skeer the anxiety out of you. Did it work?

Silly girl, you ought to know I lubs you all and am very open wif my ****e. I consider you guys to be my friends.
Thanks guys..........no they didn't do any heart tests yet, but I really do think it has something to do with it.........the tightness is right on my heart (area).

I also think my hormones are whacked, but my last doc ran blood tests and said it's fine. :9:

Yes Georgie I really thought you were pissed. :surrender:
stuart w rosenbush at rush st lukes chicago, none finer unless you travel to cleveland clinics. i stay out of wisconsin. not all docs are bad there, but alot have run to wisconsin to enjoy the "capped" lawsuits law, i think i feel better knowing my dr had better do a good job or he might have to answer for his malpractice. just saying.
I gotta tell you, the kewpie dolls are a bit creepy too. :giggles:
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa, yessssssssssssssssssssss. and mrs beasley. oh i have a long list.....let us not get started down that road :)
I gotta tell you, the kewpie dolls are a bit creepy too. :giggles:

awww...come on the trolls are cute! :) Mrs. Piggy reminded me the other day w/her pic...I have a ton of them from when I was a kid...one of the few things that survived the house fire...DD LOVES them too...she plays w/them and the smurfs...and Barbies' too! Plus she LOVES looking at my avatars on this site!:lol:
I was told many times by many doctors to take up yoga, yoga helps you learn how to relax. The best advise I got from therapy was when you are having an attack to take a deep breath through your nose and to slowly release it out your mouth, and while doing this just keep telling yourself to relax, picture in your head your body relaxing, start with your head and work your way down, it really works.
My mom had relaxation tapes back in the day, they were cassette tapes with anti-anxiety narration and music, she listened to them while she slept. And her one coping mechanism that lasts til this day is she wears a rubber band on her wrist and snaps it when she starts feeling to inward. For her anxiety was due to inward-thinking, hyper focus on herself or things that could happen to herself, etc. The rubber band gets her immediately back to the now, like Gremlin's "this is what is really happening today" mantra.
awww...come on the trolls are cute! :) Mrs. Piggy reminded me the other day w/her pic...I have a ton of them from when I was a kid...one of the few things that survived the house fire...DD LOVES them too...she plays w/them and the smurfs...and Barbies' too! Plus she LOVES looking at my avatars on this site!:lol:

those are trolls, i kinda like em. reminds me of my youth, they were cool way back when, eons ago

Sorry, didn't mean to insult the trolls by calling them kewpie dolls. :girl:
OK, so.... TTFN. I had no plans of hanging wif you crazy hos this aftanoon. I gotz stuffs to do. I just popped in to screw with y'all when gremlin text me and said sorry cuz she started a **** storm.

The fun is ova, so I am outtie.
I was told many times by many doctors to take up yoga, yoga helps you learn how to relax. The best advise I got from therapy was when you are having an attack to take a deep breath through your nose and to slowly release it out your mouth, and while doing this just keep telling yourself to relax, picture in your head your body relaxing, start with your head and work your way down, it really works.

I forgot to mention the doctor told me to practice this everyday, so when you are just sitting around try getting yourself to relax, do the breathing and slowly relax one part of your body at a time, just start by picturing your head then neck arms fingers etc.... all the way down, then when you have an attack you will know how to do it.

MrsMom if you would like to talk to me about more stuff on this PM me.
Curious what dose you take? I'm thinking about asking my new doc to let me try a higher dose. I currently take 50mg. and it's not working as well as it was.

ETA: Oh and to those of you who have taken Xanax, what does it feel like?

Xanax makes my anxiety either go away or lessens it dramatically. Just makes me feel relaxed.

I now take it every night for my Arthritis. However, for a while I was taking it for the occasional anxiety attack.

I swear just knowing I have these are in my medicine cabinet if I need one for an attack makes a huge difference! I ended up in the ER twice with these attacks and it's no fun.
Agreed about behavior modification being one route. I'm trying it now with the hand washing. I've been trying the rubber band thing this week.

My mom had relaxation tapes back in the day, they were cassette tapes with anti-anxiety narration and music, she listened to them while she slept. And her one coping mechanism that lasts til this day is she wears a rubber band on her wrist and snaps it when she starts feeling to inward. For her anxiety was due to inward-thinking, hyper focus on herself or things that could happen to herself, etc. The rubber band gets her immediately back to the now, like Gremlin's "this is what is really happening today" mantra.
Feeling a lot of anxiety about a bridal shower I am going to tomorrow morning. It's for my neighbor. We moved here in Dec. but we're already good friends. The only peeps I will know there is her, her sister and her mother. I've thought about cancelling because sometimes I feel sick thinking about going by myself and not knowing the place and peeps.

She would be really disappointed and I would feel bad. God please help me to pull it together. :surrender:

It's times like these that I wish I had a Xanax. Come to think of it, I know she has some..............would it be weird if I asked her for one? :lol:


Go to the doctor and get the Xanax already! :slap: You will feel so much better!
Good luck! I hope you can go and enjoy yourself.