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For those that remember this crazy b

Posted 2 minutes ago
Yes, I am having trouble understanding why you are unable to work. You are clearly able to sit at a computer desk for days. Judging by the picture, you were able to carve a pumpkin. You are able to take care of your son and cats. I'm surely missing something, but I don't see why you are unable to work, and most cetainly why you need a paid caretaker.

Let's see...can I find a word.... SCAM. It's all a scam!

She shops non stop. Claims to have an active and healthy sex life. Has garage sales...yadda yadda
I sat up plenty of nights on the phone with her crying and carrying on till all hours with her crazy routine and then when she went ape **** here she said all kinds of horrible things about me and that I was "feeding" other members her personal info so they could use it against her and that I was never really trying to be her friend it was all a "plot" to get dirt on her.

I'm still pissed about that. Obviously :giggles:

Let it go.

I too went thru the phone calls, she never accused me of being a backstabber though (at least not to me).

Over time she just stopped calling and responding.

I recently met a CWer that knows her and is good friends with her (I'm pretty sure she's not the other girl). She told me that she asked sati about me and sati told her she had no idea who I was.
C'est la vie.
"possession of a controlled substance and possession of a motor vehicle without owners consent. "

Is it actually called that anywhere??
Wow, I just got on here and started reading this. Am I the only one who thinks this third person doesn't even exist? :lol:
Let it go.

I too went thru the phone calls, she never accused me of being a backstabber though (at least not to me).

Over time she just stopped calling and responding.

I recently met a CWer that knows her and is good friends with her (I'm pretty sure she's not the other girl). She told me that she asked sati about me and sati told her she had no idea who I was.
C'est la vie.

Was it the same day we met up?? :bee:
Charlie I really only get pissed about it when she rears her head and I have to think about her :giggles: I'm not walking around mad about it every day :lol:
"Do you guys do renaissance fairs and dress up like that n stuff?"

:roll: :roll:
Posted 2 minutes ago
Yes, I am having trouble understanding why you are unable to work. You are clearly able to sit at a computer desk for days. Judging by the picture, you were able to carve a pumpkin. You are able to take care of your son and cats. I'm surely missing something, but I don't see why you are unable to work, and most cetainly why you need a paid caretaker.

Let's see...can I find a word.... SCAM. It's all a scam!

She shops non stop. Claims to have an active and healthy sex life. Has garage sales...yadda yadda

:9: WI won't give her a driver's license.
"possession of a controlled substance and possession of a motor vehicle without owners consent. "

Is it actually called that anywhere??

Yes. When my car was stolen some 10 years ago now, that was what the fella was charged with. Perhaps the terminology has changed since?
"I wonder if she suffers from multiple personalities as well."

Yep...and they have their own online identities :roll: nah...too easy....don't want to track her back here
be2unpredictable posted 1 second ago:

You left We Use Coupons because you said and I quote there were

" prejudices, discrimination , lies and false accusations made against me in the past".

We never did any of that. You made your own bed on our board like you are doing here.

Sorry Nathan and the Wuccies you had it coming :giggles:
CM is name of site. I'm still trying to figure out the other one
Was it the same day we met up?? :bee:

I don't think so.

It wasn't the last time you and I met up, but I don't remember if I met up with you the same day I met up with her. :lol:
If anything happens to me the crazy lady did it in the library with a coupon binder :hides: