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For those that remember this crazy b

She would do a running brag how much she made by noon the first day... end of the first day... the whole weekend. Wouldn't ya think shouting it from websites would possibly get someone to call and turn your info in?
Speaking of crazies...whatever happened to maree? Last I heard she was trying to get custody or something
Now, I am not sure of all the rules/regulations of collecting/using food stamps/welfare ect. But.. if you're collecting any money from the government... knowing there are probably rules/laws on how much you are allowed to earn... how "SMART" is it to advertise how much one makes at a garage sale? Knowing the attention she likes...
From the wuc post icoupon2 posted by Sati:
Very great post, hmm i wonder who pulled 3 grand in a sale this summer?!! hmm?

not smart at all. After a certain point it's possible someone would be required to pay income taxes on those sales. I would keep a low profile...

but it's different when your motto is:

Googled and got some swagbucks. :lol:

Someone asked this before on baby center and someone replied with this:

Hippo means you did not read the entire thread before posting. If you did read the entire thread it would be a GOAT

They've got their own secret language.

nutjobs - the whole bunch of them
Margaret King, right? I remember her being very thinly veiled. She was very much "wink wink nudge nudge" about it. "How are you ****es, you know me!" or something similar..

ETA: the magical **** button found it: http://couponerswanted.com/showthread.php?t=59327

I love that BF was the first one to start questioning her about coming back here. There was lots of **** kissing going on before that. :giggles:

Oh and glad you were able to put the magical **** button to work. :snort:
Anyone else feeling very normal and sane after reading these threads? :giggles:
not smart at all. After a certain point it's possible someone would be required to pay income taxes on those sales. I would keep a low profile...

but it's different when your motto is:


You writing in invisible ink? :sheep1:
Anyone else feeling very normal and sane after reading these threads? :giggles:

Yup, kinda like how Hoarders makes me admire my cleaning & organizing skills. :cartwheel:
I didn't know either figured sooner or later I would figure it out or she would add to it :)
Anyone want to answer about maree? Anyone know how she is doing?
wait, sati went off the wall someone-hacked-my-account-crazy right around Christmas 2010. That's when she got banned. This Margaret King thread came before that, I guess when sati was worried about a stalker.

but she has posted as margaret king after the name sati was banned.

It depends on whether Tazz bans usernames or IP addresses (and there are still proxies to get around IP bans), but I think sati still could be lurking under another name. here kitty kitty.... :snicker:
Now, I am not sure of all the rules/regulations of collecting/using food stamps/welfare ect. But.. if you're collecting any money from the government... knowing there are probably rules/laws on how much you are allowed to earn... how "SMART" is it to advertise how much one makes at a garage sale? Knowing the attention she likes...
From the wuc post icoupon2 posted by Sati:
Very great post, hmm i wonder who pulled 3 grand in a sale this summer?!! hmm?

Sounds like she's on SSDI, which operates differently than other programs, but the income limit is around $1K per month, so yeah, not smart.
Margaret King, right? I remember her being very thinly veiled. She was very much "wink wink nudge nudge" about it. "How are you ****es, you know me!" or something similar..

ETA: the magical **** button found it: http://couponerswanted.com/showthread.php?t=59327

KG If I may ask a favor of your magical **** button.... what were the order of events? Everyone posting seemed happy to hear from her again at that time. When did she disappear, threatening to kill herself? Was that the final straw?

It took me some time to find OT and I'm not up on my CW CRAZY :lol:
wait, sati went off the wall someone-hacked-my-account-crazy right around Christmas 2010. That's when she got banned. This Margaret King thread came before that, I guess when sati was worried about a stalker.

but she has posted as margaret king after the name sati was banned.

It depends on whether Tazz bans usernames or IP addresses (and there are still proxies to get around IP bans), but I think sati still could be lurking under another name. here kitty kitty.... :snicker:

NM you got this thought out before I completed mine :) Thanks, mindreader!! :)