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How old do I look, really?

So where does one go to get their colors done?

Do they still do this? It was all the rage when I was in my early teens, but I haven't heard anything about this in a while. I know there was a book. Maybe you could find the book at the library.
My mom had a consultant come to our house; back in the 80's people had in-home color parties like they have Mary Kay parties. My older sis has a high-profile job and she had a professional style consultant revamp her wardrobe a few years ago in her best colors and styles (she got more specific advice than "you're a spring"). It cost her $$$. People thought I was autumn until I got draped (we got draped in a series of shawls in different color families). As they saw me in autumn colors, then winter colors, then autumn colors, it became clear I was better in the winter colors. So it helps to have other people's advice, and try on colors in different groups to make sure you have the right season, and look in mirrors in different lighting. Ask your mom what she thinks. This is actually kind of a narcissistic thing to do... But once you know what your colors are, you'll always know; they don't change. And when you put on a shirt and know it's your best color and you look your best in it, you'll feel good from the inside. You'll get compliments, and knowing you look great can result in acting a little more confident, which is attractive itself :)

You don't need to pay someone though; just figure out which of your friends/acquaintances is an artist or someone with an eye for color ;) Based on what you've said, without seeing you in person, I think you're probably a summer (but I can't say for certain). Generally this would mean you should stick with light, dusty cooler colors like rose, sage, lavender, periwinkle. Avoid dark, deep colors, black, white (though near-white is ok), navy could be acceptable (not fantastic), especially if it's a lighter or heathered navy. avoid oranges, browns, tan/camel, and avoid bright crayon colors like orange, yellow, and you won't look good in most reds (watermelon red is an exception; that's a pink so dark it's almost red). Think subdued colors -- dusty cool greens (not olive shades -- avoid green with any brown in it) are probably some of your best colors; dusty blue too and almost any color pink, especially if it's a rose-colored pink. Dusty doesn't necessarily mean pastel; it means colors with a little gray in them. Choose silver accessories over gold-toned.

You can see a complete color palette for summer if you check out the original book Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson -- it's in my library; maybe it's at yours, and there are some other books in the series that can be helpful like this one. Their website is also somewhat helpful, but they are selling something. You can get a basic overview of your season and see some of the summer swatches here and a little more info here

new vineyard is a color you could try on, also the fuchsia. See what they look like on you. I'm not sure they'd be your best. When you put on one of "your" colors that complements your naturally beautiful skin, you will look better.

check out this thirt -- don't pay attention to the style (unless you like it!); I only picked it because it comes in lots of colors (I also think the heathered colors will complement you) and I wanted an example of what colors to gravitate towards. If we were shopping together, I'd pull these and have you try them on because I think they have potential for you: amaranth heather, delphinium heather, keepsake heather (but try amaranth first), north sea heather, light blue heather, light green heather, pink heather, and maybe purple and purple gem heather. leaf green heather is probably too warm of a green (you probably won't look your best in yellowish greens). If you wanted this shirt in a bunch of colors I'd also say the blue ink heather and ivory tower would be worth trying on. If you have a Kohl's nearby, maybe go there and try these on. Try on these colors, then dark colors, and see if you can see a difference in how your face is reflected.

We knew someone who did it professionally. I am easy though. One look and you know I am an autumn.

Me too! But with my job no one care what I look like and weekends are pretty relaxed. Love a cotton t shirt and jeans.
My mom had a consultant come to our house; back in the 80's people had in-home color parties like they have Mary Kay parties. My older sis has a high-profile job and she had a professional style consultant revamp her wardrobe a few years ago in her best colors and styles (she got more specific advice than "you're a spring"). It cost her $$$. People thought I was autumn until I got draped (we got draped in a series of shawls in different color families). As they saw me in autumn colors, then winter colors, then autumn colors, it became clear I was better in the winter colors. So it helps to have other people's advice, and try on colors in different groups to make sure you have the right season, and look in mirrors in different lighting. Ask your mom what she thinks. This is actually kind of a narcissistic thing to do... But once you know what your colors are, you'll always know; they don't change. And when you put on a shirt and know it's your best color and you look your best in it, you'll feel good from the inside. You'll get compliments, and knowing you look great can result in acting a little more confident, which is attractive itself :)

You don't need to pay someone though; just figure out which of your friends/acquaintances is an artist or someone with an eye for color ;) Based on what you've said, without seeing you in person, I think you're probably a summer (but I can't say for certain). Generally this would mean you should stick with light, dusty cooler colors like rose, sage, lavender, periwinkle. Avoid dark, deep colors, black, white (though near-white is ok), navy could be acceptable (not fantastic), especially if it's a lighter or heathered navy. avoid oranges, browns, tan/camel, and avoid bright crayon colors like orange, yellow, and you won't look good in most reds (watermelon red is an exception; that's a pink so dark it's almost red). Think subdued colors -- dusty cool greens (not olive shades -- avoid green with any brown in it) are probably some of your best colors; dusty blue too and almost any color pink, especially if it's a rose-colored pink. Dusty doesn't necessarily mean pastel; it means colors with a little gray in them. Choose silver accessories over gold-toned.

You can see a complete color palette for summer if you check out the original book Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson -- it's in my library; maybe it's at yours, and there are some other books in the series that can be helpful like this one. Their website is also somewhat helpful, but they are selling something. You can get a basic overview of your season and see some of the summer swatches here and a little more info here

new vineyard is a color you could try on, also the fuchsia. See what they look like on you. I'm not sure they'd be your best. When you put on one of "your" colors that complements your naturally beautiful skin, you will look better.

check out this thirt -- don't pay attention to the style (unless you like it!); I only picked it because it comes in lots of colors (I also think the heathered colors will complement you) and I wanted an example of what colors to gravitate towards. If we were shopping together, I'd pull these and have you try them on because I think they have potential for you: amaranth heather, delphinium heather, keepsake heather (but try amaranth first), north sea heather, light blue heather, light green heather, pink heather, and maybe purple and purple gem heather. leaf green heather is probably too warm of a green (you probably won't look your best in yellowish greens). If you wanted this shirt in a bunch of colors I'd also say the blue ink heather and ivory tower would be worth trying on. If you have a Kohl's nearby, maybe go there and try these on. Try on these colors, then dark colors, and see if you can see a difference in how your face is reflected.


Thank you for writing all that! I know my mom used to have that book, but I don't know what happened to it. Too bad doing colors is not popular anymore. I guess it would be hard to find someone to do it cheaply.
My mom had a consultant come to our house; back in the 80's people had in-home color parties like they have Mary Kay parties. My older sis has a high-profile job and she had a professional style consultant revamp her wardrobe a few years ago in her best colors and styles (she got more specific advice than "you're a spring"). It cost her $$$. People thought I was autumn until I got draped (we got draped in a series of shawls in different color families). As they saw me in autumn colors, then winter colors, then autumn colors, it became clear I was better in the winter colors. So it helps to have other people's advice, and try on colors in different groups to make sure you have the right season, and look in mirrors in different lighting. Ask your mom what she thinks. This is actually kind of a narcissistic thing to do... But once you know what your colors are, you'll always know; they don't change. And when you put on a shirt and know it's your best color and you look your best in it, you'll feel good from the inside. You'll get compliments, and knowing you look great can result in acting a little more confident, which is attractive itself :)

You don't need to pay someone though; just figure out which of your friends/acquaintances is an artist or someone with an eye for color ;) Based on what you've said, without seeing you in person, I think you're probably a summer (but I can't say for certain). Generally this would mean you should stick with light, dusty cooler colors like rose, sage, lavender, periwinkle. Avoid dark, deep colors, black, white (though near-white is ok), navy could be acceptable (not fantastic), especially if it's a lighter or heathered navy. avoid oranges, browns, tan/camel, and avoid bright crayon colors like orange, yellow, and you won't look good in most reds (watermelon red is an exception; that's a pink so dark it's almost red). Think subdued colors -- dusty cool greens (not olive shades -- avoid green with any brown in it) are probably some of your best colors; dusty blue too and almost any color pink, especially if it's a rose-colored pink. Dusty doesn't necessarily mean pastel; it means colors with a little gray in them. Choose silver accessories over gold-toned.

You can see a complete color palette for summer if you check out the original book Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson -- it's in my library; maybe it's at yours, and there are some other books in the series that can be helpful like this one. Their website is also somewhat helpful, but they are selling something. You can get a basic overview of your season and see some of the summer swatches here and a little more info here

new vineyard is a color you could try on, also the fuchsia. See what they look like on you. I'm not sure they'd be your best. When you put on one of "your" colors that complements your naturally beautiful skin, you will look better.

check out this thirt -- don't pay attention to the style (unless you like it!); I only picked it because it comes in lots of colors (I also think the heathered colors will complement you) and I wanted an example of what colors to gravitate towards. If we were shopping together, I'd pull these and have you try them on because I think they have potential for you: amaranth heather, delphinium heather, keepsake heather (but try amaranth first), north sea heather, light blue heather, light green heather, pink heather, and maybe purple and purple gem heather. leaf green heather is probably too warm of a green (you probably won't look your best in yellowish greens). If you wanted this shirt in a bunch of colors I'd also say the blue ink heather and ivory tower would be worth trying on. If you have a Kohl's nearby, maybe go there and try these on. Try on these colors, then dark colors, and see if you can see a difference in how your face is reflected.


I asked my mom if I was warm or cool, and she said cool, so I think that you are right that I am a summer. My hair naturally has very very slight red highlights though, so that fact throws me a little. It's only noticeable in certain light though. So now I know what kind of colors to look for. I just need help with styles.
cool and summer are totally different
Me, too!!!!! :lol:

**** woman! Do I have to play catchup? What # beer are you on? (psst. I'm doing ok myself).

U tell me?!!!! :hiphip:

Welll................it all started when...............:hides: Won't say anymore cause there's major asshats here. Been a long day though. ;)