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In need of some advice


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Someone please help me out with this problem I am having... I am going to start at the beginnin (short story hopefully) When I started my job I met this guy named jim and I cut his hair a few times, than all of a sudden he stopped coming in. One night when I was out with the girls I had ran into him and we started talking and he was making the moves on me, my room mate told me that we were leaving and he gave me his number, than when I was out in the car she went back in and told him I was engaged (which at the time I was) A few months later I had broke the engagement off for certain reasons. (good choice on my part) Well around hunting season I went out again and out of no where jim was at the same bar. So we talked and had a good time and he asked if I was still engaged and I said no, and he asked what went wrong.. so the night turned out great. He would call every weekend after that(he works long hours during the week) Than we started "hooking" up but decided that we were not a couple(thats why I always said I was single) Well two weeks ago we talked about a relationship and were we would like to go, so I was actually excited. Well tonight my friend came with me and about a half hour of being there, he pulled me aside and asked ME to leave so he could hook up with her for the night... now what the heck is up with that?!?! I walked out (she came with me) and he has called twice tonight trying to figure out whats wrong. NOW can anyone tell me.. was this a "test" to see if I would get mad and actually leave or is it some guy thats using the wrong head to think?
I don't think it was a test. No one talks about a relationship with someone then tries to hook up with someone else.

Even if it was a test, he shouldn't have doen that because it obviously left you feeling confused!

In all honesty I would tell you to steer clear, he obviosuly isn't the person for you even if it was a test or not, that was a down right stupid thing to do!

I hope your ok and such!
I am okay now, at first I was really depressed because of the whole thing, I mean we were pretty close for well 7 months now but only have be "dating" for two weeks, but the feelings were still there. I think my friend who went with me thinks I am mad at her, which I am not, cause it wasnt her fault. I just cant believe he had the guts to ask me to leave and for her to stay so he can hook up with her... it was wrong.
Indeed. At least it happened sooner, I know it hurts...but still better sooner than later to know what an idiot he is.

Wow, what a **** that guy is. A truly classy move on his part. I agree with Night, steer clear. It hurts to feel like you've been jerked around, but, that's unfortunately the way it goes.
Sometimes I wish people would think about the other persons feelings, and how much they are hurting them. It just sucks and I know I can move on and find someone that will treat me right, but yes I am hurt a lot and it may take some time to heal.
Well the whole "Test' ideology should be discussed. Do you want to be around with someone that's going to "test" you.... it's not Junior High anymore...

And as for the friends with benefits part, you agreed on the direction of the relationship and because you discussed the possibility of a serious realtionship does not signify you are in one... your jealousy is unfounded at this point in time. Until the actual decision on the discussion is made... you're just F-buddies
Slack with Me said:
Well the whole "Test' ideology should be discussed. Do you want to be around with someone that's going to "test" you.... it's not Junior High anymore...

And as for the friends with benefits part, you agreed on the direction of the relationship and because you discussed the possibility of a serious realtionship does not signify you are in one... your jealousy is unfounded at this point in time. Until the actual decision on the discussion is made... you're just F-buddies

I am in 100% agreement. Why buy the cow when the milk is free?! He gets all the goods with no responsibility. For a man it doesn't get any better than that. I think you rushed in to this one way too fast. You're looking for a commitment from guys who have not shown you they can be committed. We call those type of men "stray dogs" where I'm from.
Slack with Me said:
Well the whole "Test' ideology should be discussed. Do you want to be around with someone that's going to "test" you.... it's not Junior High anymore...

unfortunatly alot of the guys around this town do act like they are in junior high
Man is that guy a crackhead or what! Aliciamarie02 this is what you should do:
1. Kick his little butt up and down the street.
2. Repeat.
3. Repeat.
#4 - #10. Repeat.
11. Tell him how much of a **** he is to his face and walk away.:thumbsup:
Believe me if it can work for my sister it will work for you!
Then F-them and go elsewhere....

The reason issues like this exist, is not because men are cheuvenist (sp?) pigs... it's becuase women allow it.

YOu own the reigns of the coochie... use it toots.... or choose not too, but if you decide the latter, no-one wants to hear you **** about it because it's your fault.

I am not up for going to jail because I kicked his butt... At this point in time, I am just going to walk away like a normal human being and be an adult. He called this morning at 7am, my roomie answered the phone and he hung up, when he realized who it was.
aliciamarie02 said:
Well tonight my friend came with me and about a half hour of being there, he pulled me aside and asked ME to leave so he could hook up with her for the night... now what the heck is up with that?!?! I walked out (she came with me) and he has called twice tonight trying to figure out whats wrong. NOW can anyone tell me.. was this a "test" to see if I would get mad and actually leave or is it some guy thats using the wrong head to think?

That is screwed up, if I was you I would tell that **** off.
Lil'Jeffery34 said:
Man is that guy a crackhead or what! Aliciamarie02 this is what you should do:
1. Kick his little butt up and down the street.
2. Repeat.
3. Repeat.
#4 - #10. Repeat.
11. Tell him how much of a **** he is to his face and walk away.:thumbsup:
Believe me if it can work for my sister it will work for you!

Yea that is even better than my idea.
One thing to keep in mind: if you begin as f-buddies,you will have to leave it that way or dump them in the heap. One can't go from a casual sex relationship to a 'couples' type of relationship . It doesn't work .
Even though you were casual with him , he should not have asked you to leave so he could bang your friend . That's just completely crass ! Even casual relationships have boundaries .
He obviously doesn't get the fact that his actions were upsetting to you...
so screw him (not literally) . I'm sure there are much more sensitive men with some common sense out there.
She is right not all men are like that, as for this guy I say kick him in the nuts and watch him squirm.
Sorry seem to be making that error allot online, bad memory and all. I will make the change.
No problem at all.I din't list gender in my profile,and think I only referred to my gender once.