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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

Now it's reported he has a permit to carry?! See?! That's what I've been saying...there's more to the story! It isn't as simple as he "murdered" him... Again, I'm not saying Trayvon deserved to die or not... and not saying Zimmerman is innocent or not... there's more to the story, but everyone picks a side and starts a news frenzy across the U.S. and protests.
These are great discussions..by the way. Everyone gets everyone thinking...seriously.[/QUOTE]

That's how I feel. I am thinking this case through, not with emotion but with facts. I don't think I'm being rude or ignorant like some people are acting. I hope I haven't offended anyone because I certainly don't mean to. Just wanted to have an educated discussion on this and hear all sides....because there are two sides whether you think there are or not. I hope justice prevails....whatever that may be.
whether he had a permit or not doesn't matter with regards to manslaughter. a permit does not give him the authority to act like an officer. the protesting is justified because he had no cause or authority to engage Trayvon in any matter. The objective of any neighborhood watch program is to observe and report. he crossed that line--perhaps with intent.
Yes, Zimmerman has always claimed self defense but now the evidence has shown that Zimmerman was attacked by Martin. None of this was discussed in the beginning. Zimmerman was found guilty before any of the facts came out.

The News in February said that they fought per Zimmerman, and witnesses, the police said zimmerman had those marks on him and all reports as Of February 29 stated he was justifiably killed in self defense. It was not until about 2 weeks later that there were news reports of anything in the media ( still not mainstream media) that something wasn't adding up.

I don't think you are understanding this whole thing, as the stuff you keep calling the beginning is not the beginning.
Can someone make a timeline of what we "know"? :surrender:
whether he had a permit or not doesn't matter with regards to manslaughter. a permit does not give him the authority to act like an officer. the protesting is justified because he had no cause or authority to engage Trayvon in any matter. The objective of any neighborhood watch program is to observe and report. he crossed that line--perhaps with intent.

Wow...thanks for responding in a such a mature way! I agree that he should have only observed and reported. But does that mean he should not have defended himself against getting his head bashed in the cement? I'm not talking what you feel, I'm talking about what the law states. If he felt his life was in danger, he had the right to defend it. Whether he provoked him or not.
The News in February said that they fought per Zimmerman, and witnesses, the police said zimmerman had those marks on him and all reports as Of February 29 stated he was justifiably killed in self defense. It was not until about 2 weeks later that there were news reports of anything in the media ( still not mainstream media) that something wasn't adding up.

I don't think you are understanding this whole thing, as the stuff you keep calling the beginning is not the beginning.

Maybe I don't??? If you look in the beginning of this thread though, there is no mention that Zimmerman claimed he was attacked and had marks on him. I have not heard until the other day of these specific things (on the msm). I did hear he was unarmed, had skittles and ice tea, was talking with his girlfriend, ect. Did not hear anything from Zimmermans point of view.
I have sat back and read, and listened. It's sad that left and right the facts, rumors, the news, continue to either add or change. And with that I can see why there hasn't been an arrest. And for anyone to think that zimmerman should be, needs to understand that in order for the prosecutors to succeed, they have to have 100% facts and proof of all events. I've followed other cases where the murderer got away with murdering all because they rushed to get them in court and found guilty, and then the jurors came back not sure or not guilty. If we truly want justice for this boy, then instead of pushing for an arrest, we should be pushing for the facts and evidence to build up that guilty verdict.
It's after 5 o'clock here and I know I need a moscato.

I just asked DH "What's moscato?" He said "The wine we have downstairs." :lol:

I hear ya...........it's "after 5:00" here too (just having sumptin else). ;)
Lighten the mood....


PS - To add to the conspiracy theories, Mr Zimmerman's father is a (retired) Judge.

It's almost too much...clearly you all haven't spent much time in bond court. ALL that is required is "probable cause" which is VERY loose. It means you PROBABLY MIGHT HAVE done something. He might have killed him in cold blood, he might have killed him in self defense, that is not decided on the street, it is decided in a court of law. The story I posted this morning said that the Sanford police DID want to arrest him and ASKED the prosecutor for the charge. So PLEASE for the love of all that is holy STOP acting like it was clear to the cops from the outset that he did nothing wrong because it simply isn't true.
The arresting officer in question continues to speak to news agencies (daily) continually restating that he wanted to arrest Zimmerman because he did not believe his story, but the DA took a pass.

Does not explain why they didn't collect any evidence, but maybe that will come up in the crystal ball tomorrow.
...clearly you all haven't spent much time in bond court.

Who HAS spent a bunch of time in bond court? Hell, I don't even know what that is! :9:
Can someone make a timeline of what we "know"? :surrender:

This is what the 911 call suggests happened that night.

0.00: (a little after 7:00 pm): Zimmerman's call to dispatch. He is in his vehicle

0.31 Dispatch asks what the race of Trayvon is. Zimmerman says "he looks black" but is unsure because he is far away

0.48: Zimmerman notices Trayvon staring at him.

0.58-2:06: Trayvon approaches Zimmerman's vehicle. Says "now he is coming towards me. And he's black. And he has something in his hand."

2.06: Trayvon changes his mind and starts to run. Zimmerman still in his SUV.

2.10: Zimmerman gets out of his SUV. (2.10-2.14) You can hear the ding of the door opening and then closing.

2:14-2: 22 Dispatch asks Zimmerman which way he is running. Zimmerman pursues Trayvon on foot. He is winded. Huffing and puffing. (Windedness: 2.20-2.45 on the tape)

2: 22 Zimmerman sounds like he says "f'in ****" under his breath

2.23: Dispatch asks if Zimmerman is in pursuit. You can tell Zimmerman is running by his winded answers to what his name is ect.

2.26: "We don't need you to do this." Zimmerman answers "ok"

2.39: Trayvon completely disappears. Zimmerman no longer sees him.

2.39-2.45: Zimmerman's breathing is calm. Zimmerman says "he ran"

2:45-4.11: Zimmerman and dispatch discuss where to meet police officer

2:36-2:39 Dispatch asks for his home address and Zimmerman says "Oh, crap, I don't want to give it out loud. I don't know where this kid is."

4.11-5.11 (approx): Unclear. Zimmerman claims he walked back to van and Trayvon attacked him.

5.11 (approx): First 911 calls from neighbors start.
Who HAS spent a bunch of time in bond court? Hell, I don't even know what that is! :9:

When you get arrested and the PA approves the charges unless it is an itsy bitsy misdemeanor and they let you bond out with $100 or so at the police department you get transferred to the courthouse jail, then you have to appear in bond court. The PA tells the judge what the police report says you did and the charge the judge says there is probable cause to hold you over for trial. They then set your bail amount and the conditions of your bond. Then, if you (or whomever) is able you post "bond" (usually 10% of bail i.e. $5,000 bail = $500 bond). Sometimes people are let out on their own recognizance (no money a.k.a. an "I-Bond"

There is no discussion of evidence or anything of that nature, essentially if you are "accused" of it, and the cops take you in and the PA approves charges you'll end up in bond court.

Innocent until proven guilty? No not really the way it works, at this point you are really treated as though you are guilty until proven innocent.

Oh and if you get arrested in the evening you usually spend the night in jail until the "bond call" the next morning.
This is what the 911 call suggests happened that night.

0.00: (a little after 7:00 pm): Zimmerman's call to dispatch. He is in his vehicle

0.31 Dispatch asks what the race of Trayvon is. Zimmerman says "he looks black" but is unsure because he is far away

0.48: Zimmerman notices Trayvon staring at him.

0.58-2:06: Trayvon approaches Zimmerman's vehicle. Says "now he is coming towards me. And he's black. And he has something in his hand."

2.06: Trayvon changes his mind and starts to run. Zimmerman still in his SUV.

2.10: Zimmerman gets out of his SUV. (2.10-2.14) You can hear the ding of the door opening and then closing.

2:14-2: 22 Dispatch asks Zimmerman which way he is running. Zimmerman pursues Trayvon on foot. He is winded. Huffing and puffing. (Windedness: 2.20-2.45 on the tape)

2: 22 Zimmerman sounds like he says "f'in ****" under his breath

2.23: Dispatch asks if Zimmerman is in pursuit. You can tell Zimmerman is running by his winded answers to what his name is ect.

2.26: "We don't need you to do this." Zimmerman answers "ok"

2.39: Trayvon completely disappears. Zimmerman no longer sees him.

2.39-2.45: Zimmerman's breathing is calm. Zimmerman says "he ran"

2:45-4.11: Zimmerman and dispatch discuss where to meet police officer

2:36-2:39 Dispatch asks for his home address and Zimmerman says "Oh, crap, I don't want to give it out loud. I don't know where this kid is."

4.11-5.11 (approx): Unclear. Zimmerman claims he walked back to van and Trayvon attacked him.

5.11 (approx): First 911 calls from neighbors start.
How about citing the source? This was not from a news organization.

A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.

The surveillance video, which was obtained exclusively by ABC News, shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser. As he exits the car, his hands are cuffed behind his back. Zimmerman is frisked and then led down a series of hallways, still cuffed.

Zimmerman, 28, is wearing a red and black fleece and his face and head are cleanly shaven. He appears well built, hardly the portly young man depicted in a 2005 mug shot that until a two days ago was the single image the media had of Zimmerman.

The initial police report noted that Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head and nose, and after medical attention it was decided that he was in good enough condition to travel in a police cruiser to the Sanford, Fla., police station for questioning.

His lawyer later insisted that Zimmerman's nose had been broken in his scuffle with 17-year-old Martin.

In the video an officer is seen pausing to look at the back of Zimmerman's head, but no abrasions or blood can be seen in the video and he did not check into the emergency room following the police questioning.
If he'd had his nose broken, he would have had twin shiners within minutes. I've seen plenty and had one myself, girls softball is a rough tussle :)

Plot thickens.