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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.

The surveillance video, which was obtained exclusively by ABC News, shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser. As he exits the car, his hands are cuffed behind his back. Zimmerman is frisked and then led down a series of hallways, still cuffed.

Zimmerman, 28, is wearing a red and black fleece and his face and head are cleanly shaven. He appears well built, hardly the portly young man depicted in a 2005 mug shot that until a two days ago was the single image the media had of Zimmerman.

The initial police report noted that Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head and nose, and after medical attention it was decided that he was in good enough condition to travel in a police cruiser to the Sanford, Fla., police station for questioning.

His lawyer later insisted that Zimmerman's nose had been broken in his scuffle with 17-year-old Martin.

In the video an officer is seen pausing to look at the back of Zimmerman's head, but no abrasions or blood can be seen in the video and he did not check into the emergency room following the police questioning.

Would they not have cleaned up the blood on his face? Not sure though why there isn't blood on his shirt. I would think the police would have taken pictures of him before he was cleaned up. Maybe those will surface too.
"0.58-2:06: Trayvon approaches Zimmerman's vehicle. Says "now he is coming towards me. And he's black. And he has something in his hand."

Let's read this sentence reaaaaalllllyyyy slowly and pretend this has nothing to do with race. IF it didn't and Trayvon had been white, never in one billion kajillion years would he have said "now he is coming towards me. And he's white. And he has something in his hand."
"0.58-2:06: Trayvon approaches Zimmerman's vehicle. Says "now he is coming towards me. And he's black. And he has something in his hand."

Let's read this sentence reaaaaalllllyyyy slowly and pretend this has nothing to do with race. IF it didn't and Trayvon had been white, never in one billion kajillion years would he have said "now he is coming towards me. And he's white. And he has something in his hand."

Because when he was initially asked by the dispatcher, he wasn't sure. Once he got closer to him he could tell the race.
Because when he was initially asked by the dispatcher, he wasn't sure. Once he got closer to him he could tell the race.

That's what I get for reading from the bottom up :laugh:
"0.58-2:06: Trayvon approaches Zimmerman's vehicle. Says "now he is coming towards me. And he's black. And he has something in his hand."

Let's read this sentence reaaaaalllllyyyy slowly and pretend this has nothing to do with race. IF it didn't and Trayvon had been white, never in one billion kajillion years would he have said "now he is coming towards me. And he's white. And he has something in his hand."

I believe the dispatcher previously asked Zimmerman what race Martin was and Zimmerman responded something like I think he is black but I am unsure.... So his statement of "he's black" is just giving the dispatcher accurate information about the question she asked him.

It's almost too much...clearly you all haven't spent much time in bond court. ALL that is required is "probable cause" which is VERY loose. It means you PROBABLY MIGHT HAVE done something. He might have killed him in cold blood, he might have killed him in self defense, that is not decided on the street, it is decided in a court of law. The story I posted this morning said that the Sanford police DID want to arrest him and ASKED the prosecutor for the charge. So PLEASE for the love of all that is holy STOP acting like it was clear to the cops from the outset that he did nothing wrong because it simply isn't true.

Bond or ANY court for that matter. I have had 2 speeding tickets in my life. I have been before a judge to get divorced. this is my criminal experience. Clearly.....
Thanks icoupon2.............I've never been arrested nor has anyone I know so I didn't know the deets. ;)
Grand Jury proceedings coming down the pike ...


And some other scary hoodie-wearers for your perusal...



Quote from above link

Behind closed doors, Corey and her team of prosecutors and investigators will present evidence to jurors who will then decide whether to arrest and charge Zimmerman, the 28-year-old neighborhood crime watch volunteer, for shooting and killing Martin, 17. He maintains he did so in self-defense.

Sounds fair to me....as long as they can find a fair jury
honestly I dont know if the grand jurys names are released, if they vote not to indite it could get ugly
All the members of Casey Anthony's jury are still walking around, and few people fulfilling their civic duty have been more reviled than them in recent memory.
All the members of Casey Anthony's jury are still walking around, and few people fulfilling their civic duty have been more reviled than them in recent memory.

True but I think a case that is suspected to have racial profiling, ect. could have more outrage than even a mom killing her own child. Just my opinion.
Well, just as we cannot have private citizens out and about shooting kids in the Minority Report pre-crime policing style, we can't have people deciding grand jury issues based on hypothetical/perceived threats from the public.

I expect the people in proximity to the GJ members will show more self-restraint than Mr Zimmerman did.

This is where vigilante justice gets ya. A population afraid to exercise their rights because someone might "kill them."
Sounds fair to me....as long as they can find a fair jury

All the members of Casey Anthony's jury are still walking around, and few people fulfilling their civic duty have been more reviled than them in recent memory.

Assuming FL works the same way as IL, the jury has already been selected...here's how it works in IL:

You get called for jury duty (like you regularly would) but you are asked to serve on the "grand jury" there are 16 people on the jury and 12 must be present when the jury meets (I believe they meet once a month? Fuzzy on that part) or as ordered by a judge or the State's attorney. The prosecution presents their "evidence" and usually call the officers who were present/arresting officers.

Then the jury votes, if 9 vote in favor of approving charges it is done and the state's attorney prepares the indictment. There is NO defense rebuttal at this stage (again with the probable cause). Essentially the state's attorney asks leading questions of their own witnesses (the officers) and then the jury votes.

This is why the grand juries almost always hand down an indictment, because it is very one sided. Most people think they weigh all the evidence, they don't. They only hear what the State's Attorney wants them to hear.

So, in this case (if FL is like IL) the grand jury was probably already sitting before the incident even happened.