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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

Wait, "****ing goons" is a term of endearment?

Zimmerman must have some very loyal friends.

Goon isn't any better than what I *thought* I heard.
I am getting seriously tired of all this nonsense. NONE of us knows EXACTLY what happened! This is why this whole case belongs in a COURT OF LAW!!! Only then will all the facts come out (or at least as many as can be brought out). In this country a JURY gets to decide if one is innocent or guilty!

It seems to me that the Florida police seriously botched this whole thing up! If an unarmed child is shot, his shooter belongs in front of a JURY! Plain and simple. I wouldn't trust the police to make an on- the- spot decision to decide if the shooter of my son was acting in self defense or not! Get this thing in front of a court for crying out loud!

Listen to the 911 tape again. Not only did the 911 dispatcher tell him NOT to follow him, the dispatcher told him police were on the way.

Zimmerman says "these assholes they always get away" and then he gets out of his car to follow Trayvon. Listen to the tape around the 2:19-2:21 mark & tell me what you hear. I've listened to it 3x and cannot believe what I think my ears are telling me.

Yes, it does sound like he says this which is not good for his case but also not illegal.
I NEVER have suggested that Trayvon was shot because he was a "punk" or smoked pot. I am stating simply what the evidence at the scene showed and why Zimmerman was not arrested that day. Evidence shows that Z had a broken nose, back of the head bashed in and grass stains on the back of the shirt. Several witnesses say T was on top of Z and that it was Z's yell for help on the 911 tapes. Was I there or any of us for that matter? NO...this is what allegedly happened. I hope this does go to trial for the sake of our nation. We all need to know what happened that night to really come up with a just conclusion. If Z killed an innocent boy for no reason other than looking suspicious, than yes he should rot in jail. But if Z shot T in self defense than I do not think he should go to jail.

I absolutely agree that none of us know what happened. But earlier you asked what was the probable cause to arrest him, don't you think that's taking it too far?

I don't know if this person will be found guilty or not, I agree that it needs to be tried in court and the whole story will come out there. I think what I and some others here are angry with is that someone is dead, they know who did it, the details why he did are at best not clear and no one has been arrested yet so that process can't start. I worry that listing reasons this kid might not have been a perfect kid (again, not talking here about the self-defense issue - never mentioned that in my original post) could cloud the truth and prevent people from focusing on the real issue.
I think that is what some are missing...the justice for Trayvon is simPly an arrest/ charge so that it can be determined. That is what he is owed. That is what he deserves. All of this is at the very least reason to move forward. If he is found innocent, that is that, but to not even give the option is not justice IMO
I absolutely agree that none of us know what happened. But earlier you asked what was the probable cause to arrest him, don't you think that's taking it too far?

I don't know if this person will be found guilty or not, I agree that it needs to be tried in court and the whole story will come out there. I think what I and some others here are angry with is that someone is dead, they know who did it, the details why he did are at best not clear and no one has been arrested yet so that process can't start. I worry that listing reasons this kid might not have been a perfect kid (again, not talking here about the self-defense issue - never mentioned that in my original post) could cloud the truth and prevent people from focusing on the real issue.

I asked about probable cause because Z was legally carrying a concealed weapon that night and had just cause to defend himself with deadly force.
I think that is what some are missing...the justice for Trayvon is simPly an arrest/ charge so that it can be determined. That is what he is owed. That is what he deserves. All of this is at the very least reason to move forward. If he is found innocent, that is that, but to not even give the option is not justice IMO

I would totally agree with you but I worry that Z will have a very hard time finding a jury that has not already pre-judged him. Like I said, this nation needs a trial just as much as Zimmerman and Trayvon do.
Again would someone please tell me how Zimmerman KNEW Martin wasn't armed???? He wasn't naked he could have had a gun, knife whatever in any pocket. The information about Martin being unarmed was brought to light AFTER the incident. Hindsight is 20/20......

Would it change everything if Martin would have had a gun in each pocket and a knife in his sock but never used them??? He very well could have Zimmerman didn't know that!
I think that is what some are missing...the justice for Trayvon is simPly an arrest/ charge so that it can be determined. That is what he is owed. That is what he deserves. All of this is at the very least reason to move forward. If he is found innocent, that is that, but to not even give the option is not justice IMO

Do you think that maybe they only have circumstantial evidence and if they charge him now the prosecution worries about loosing the case??
Again would someone please tell me how Zimmerman KNEW Martin wasn't armed???? He wasn't naked he could have had a gun, knife whatever in any pocket. The information about Martin being unarmed was brought to light AFTER the incident. Hindsight is 20/20......

Would it change everything if Martin would have had a gun in each pocket and a knife in his sock but never used them??? He very well could have Zimmerman didn't know that!
I fail to see how any of that is relevant. The issue at hand is Zimmerman allegedly profiled a black youth, followed him, confronted him without witnessing a crime, shot him. Trayvon's past does not matter. Whether Trayvon was carrying a weapon does not matter. To Trayvon, Zimmerman was a threat--any action Trayvon took was likely the result of adrenaline. Other young male teens in such a frightening position probably would have chosen to fight, too.
Again would someone please tell me how Zimmerman KNEW Martin wasn't armed???? He wasn't naked he could have had a gun, knife whatever in any pocket. The information about Martin being unarmed was brought to light AFTER the incident. Hindsight is 20/20......

Would it change everything if Martin would have had a gun in each pocket and a knife in his sock but never used them??? He very well could have Zimmerman didn't know that!

Totally agree. And I think Martin did not know Zimmerman had a gun and that is why he attacked him. If Martin did run away (as was told by Zimmerman on the 911 tapes) why would he come back if he knew he had a gun? I don't think he did otherwise he would have just kept running. But this is just speculation.
Legally speaking....it is not illegal to follow someone and he broke no law if in fact he did not listen to the 911 operator. Was it stupid for Zimmerman to follow Trayvon, yes but it was not ILLEGAL.
Legally speaking....it is not illegal to follow someone and he broke no law if in fact he did not listen to the 911 operator. Was it stupid for Zimmerman to follow Trayvon, yes but it was not ILLEGAL.
Who said it was illegal? Manslaughter (at a minimum) is illegal. Hate crimes are illegal.

Being black is not illegal. Wearing a hoodie is not illegal. Self defense from Trayvon's standpoint is not illegal.

Da fuq is wrong with you?
I fail to see how any of that is relevant. The issue at hand is Zimmerman allegedly profiled a black youth, followed him, confronted him without witnessing a crime, shot him. Trayvon's past does not matter. Whether Trayvon was carrying a weapon does not matter. To Trayvon, Zimmerman was a threat--any action Trayvon took was likely the result of adrenaline. Other young male teens in such a frightening position probably would have chosen to fight, too.

No the issue is that Zimmerman allegedly profiled a black youth, followed him, VERBALLY confronted him, was attacked by said youth and shot him in self defense.

The first illegal act was by Martin in attacking Zimmerman.... Profiling, following, and verbally confronting someone are not nice things to do but they are not illegal.... Breaking someone's nose and smashing their head into a sidewalk are illegal and if someone did that to me I would consider my life in danger (as you can easily die from your head being smashed into the sidewalk) and take any action I believed would save my life including shooting someone.
No the issue is that Zimmerman allegedly profiled a black youth, followed him, VERBALLY confronted him, was attacked by said youth and shot him in self defense.

The first illegal act was by Martin in attacking Zimmerman.... Profiling, following, and verbally confronting someone are not nice things to do but they are not illegal.... Breaking someone's nose and smashing their head into a sidewalk are illegal and if someone did that to me I would consider my life in danger (as you can easily die from your head being smashed into the sidewalk) and take any action I believed would save my life including shooting someone.

Again would someone please tell me how Zimmerman KNEW Martin wasn't armed???? He wasn't naked he could have had a gun, knife whatever in any pocket. The information about Martin being unarmed was brought to light AFTER the incident. Hindsight is 20/20......

Would it change everything if Martin would have had a gun in each pocket and a knife in his sock but never used them??? He very well could have Zimmerman didn't know that!

If he'd been found with a weapon, I wouldn't be as outraged as I am.
Because the hypothetical person in mommysix's response is unarmed.

It doesn't matter if he's unarmed or not. A private citizen cannot just shoot someone on the street.

It gets a little gray IF the shooter in question has a permit to carry and IF the shooter in question was defending his life. The shooter in question definitely did NOT have a permit to carry. What he did was murder.

There is no open-carry law in Florida. Private citizens may have properly licensed handguns in their vehicle, but they must be secured in a glove box, other box with a lid, the trunk, in a snap holster (not on their person, either, on the car), etc. If Martin had attempted to carjack Mr Zimmerman by sticking a gun in his face, then Mr. Zimmerman could have lawfully shot him, AFTER retrieving his gun from wherever it was secured.

But that, is not what happened.

We can't have people doing this, guys. It's a short jump from this to people going out and shooting kids for playing their music too loud, or popping firecrackers, or a teacher waiting and shooting some kid in the parking lot because he is a disruptive punk, or a convenience store owner going out and shooting someone for stealing gas.

Vigilante justice went out in the 1800s already, and was decidedly made clearly unlawful during the civil rights movement in the 60s.

From Mr Zimmerman's history, this eventual outcome was predictable. Too bad for Trayvon Martin that nobody got him under control while it was still possible.