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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

I pray that if I or anyone close to me is suspected of committing a crime, that people get all the facts before convicting me or making death threats or offers to get me "dead or alive" ... I don't think it's too much to ask or expect a fair trial with all the facts presented, in the United States of America .... When Major Nasan of Ft Hood allegedly shot and killed 13 people and wounded 29 others at Fort Hood while invoking his religion, the President said this ... "We don't know all the answers yet, and I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts." And THAT was said given what must have been multiple witnesses. He should have said that in this case. and I don't need "koolaid" to make me think that.
I scares me to think that the media did not do due dilligence in getting all the facts. It was portrayed in the beginning as a cold blooded murder and not that there was a fight. Changes the story a lot in my opinion.

It scares me to think you did not read back further than a week ago, but tht is the best way to blame the media I assume. First accounts clearly say: "the shooter and Martin had been in a fistfight right before the killing"
Problem is we often try people in the press, before all of the facts are in. Just sayin :)
I disagree they were both to blame. You have a son his age, what if someone with no authority whatsoever accosted him for no reason then shot him dead as he was trying to save his own life by running toward his home?

Think of it this way. What if by chance the kid were able to defend himself and actually killed Zimmerman in the process? He would already be on trial and it would most certainly be for first degree murder. No evidence needed beyond him being alive and the other guy dead.

This is a travesty.
Nice responses SCK.

If someone doesn't get it, there's a reason, either they have been brainwashed by "news" accounts, or they don't want to get it for a reason, because they can't imagine themselves or their children in Trayvon's situation because of race. Because Trayvon is a young black male, he "has" to be somehow guilty. The people most at fault here are the Sanford police department, who allowed a mad man to escalate, did nothing when he called them over 50 times, and later, who saw a dead teenager, and a man with a gun, and failed to make an arrest.

How about if Trayvon Martin had been a black female? Would it have been OK for her to beat the man's head on the ground if he were beating her up for no reason? Wouldn't anything she might have done to get away from an unprompted attack from an unknown male attacker be OK? No? Different because he was a male?

Oh, this is so ICKY!
The event simply likely wouldn't have even occurred, what black teenage girls and boys, in this way go thru are very different. Also if Zimmerman, had stalked, and killed a young teenage girl of any color, he'd been arrested that night, no doubt.

Zimmerman was ALSO NOT a member of any organized neighborhood watch. It was just him, running around his neighborhood, apparently with a gun. A man who had called the police department 50 times, been charged with domestic violence, and has assaulted a police officer, felt he had the right to act as pseudo law enforcement.

Fox News and other MSM will start spinning this story, because the public can't deal with the fact that someone stalked, ran after, and killed a young man for only one reason his RACE. Thats why its a racial incident. It doesn't matter if Zimmermann is suddenly half white and half latino. He was racially motivated to kill. For all believing in that b.s. I would love for them to switch Treyvon and Zimmerman. With Zimmerman dead, and see how much they'd try to understand a young black man holding a gun, and claiming self defense and the "Stand your Ground" law.

I'll try not to talk about this incident much longer, or watching any coverage until Zimmerman is arrested, and charged. Doing so, panders to this idea that spinning a situation changes it. It doesn't, and anyone who isn't clouded by political correctness, racism, and media spin, can see this one.

Also back to Trayvon. I don't know the answer. I do know that people like Zimmerman, who appear to be deranged, keep calling the police, and inciting incidents should be charged as public nuisances earlier on. Vigilantism leads nowhere. People need to understand that they have NO right to harass, or "police" others, based on race, age, religion, etc. If there is a problem, call the police and let them deal with it. Stalking and killing someone is simply murder.
I listen to a lot around these parts and I know my place (because that is what any good Black person knows...we are taught very early in life to know our place in order to become anything and be anyone). I walk a thin line when something about race is mentioned on CW, I don't ever start the topic and I know that no matter what I say, if I happen to say anything in the world half way decent about President Obama, it will be overlooked because I am black and obviously Black people all just do the same thing and don't think about what is going on, we just all say we are Black and whatever Blacks say, we do (oh wait that's the democrats and republicans...but I digress)

It is probably generational, and cultural, but I disagree about place. I also understand it is the work/sacrifice of those who came before me, that I can even get to disagree.

I don't respond to disparaging comments made about black people online, because idiots and racists have little where else to go with them. I don't want to spend my internet time fighting the "racists on the interwebs". Youtube, and topix, are full of racist comments, and horrible comments about women, by people who relish a response. I believe time will solve most of the problems we as a society are still having, and eventually racist ideas and thoughts will become more and more marginalized, as society changes..

I think forums like this are different, but I have no intentions on trying to "educate" people who obviously haven't had a lot of interactions with other racial groups, cultures, and religions like I have. The amount of ignorance though is astounding, and in some ways, ethnic people who don't talk about their race online, or demonstrate it in a small way, like an avatar, etc, contribute to the idea that they aren't there. They render themselves invisible, and help foster these environments.

As far as topics, I do agree, that I tire of constant racial overtones. I almost didn't click on this thread topic, because I simply didn't want to hear what I knew I would hear. At least it wasn't as bad as expected. Whenever topics though about African Americans, appear on forums I generally over look them. There are the people who simply enjoy the fighting, the true racist, the panders, people who enjoy making incinerary comments they wouldn't make in person, the faux news eaters, the "impartial" who can find two sides to a woman in a coma coming up with a baby, and those who point the finger at the victim each and every time regardless of circumstances.

SD another site, is full of racial comments, and its almost a joke to even try to respond. Asians are "greedy", blacks are rarely mentioned unless it a part of a political debate and then only disparaging, latinos are grouped with immigration problems, and all of these are up for jollies and jokes.

I do think as far as online environments like this, not like topix/utube, and people spewing hatred, or just racially, culturally, and religiously, insensitive comments, people should address it hands on. Just ignoring it, doesn't help.
Bottom line is, if Mr. CrimeDog was really worried about this person being on drugs and scouting out the neighborhood, why the hell get out of your truck on foot after him with a gun??? The other person could have one and if on drugs will blow you away just looking at him wrong.

If you want to track him from afar, fine. Last thing a normal person would do is get out of the car to confront. He wasn't breaking in a house. He wasn't trying to rob a car or car jack someone, so why???
Did they even see where the bullet hit him and the angle??
My mistake....I meant 311. I read that he called that number. But like I said, who knows until it is tried in a COURT OF LAW.

3-1-1 service is not offered in any county in Florida except Orange Co. Sanford is in Seminole County.

It is well-documented and agreed the man called 9-1-1 and a police dispatcher told him not to pursue. Those tapes have been made public. They are being reviewed at this time by a special prosecutor & linguist to clarify some questions about them.

Really need to read back further than a week to get any decent idea of what happened here.
Tazz statements from the police say only he was shot "in the chest." The autopsy is either not done or the findings are not published. The family says they have not received any autopsy findings as of yet.
So no trajectory, no findings of how far the gun was away from him and all critical info?

I hope the parents sue everybody. Not that it helps AT ALL. I would camp out on the steps of whoever is responsible for this.

Geraldo Rivera apologizes for Trayvon Martin remarks

Last week, Geraldo Rivera made headlines by blaming a hoodie for slain teenager Trayvon Martin's death.

After facing criticism from the media, celebrities, and his own son, Rivera today issued a "sincere and heartfelt apology" for his remarks.

"I apologize to anyone offended by what one prominent black conservative called my 'very practical and potentially life-saving campaign urging black and Hispanic parents not to let their children go around wearing hoodies,'" Rivera wrote in an email to POLITICO. He added that "by putting responsibility on what kids wear instead of how people react to them I have obscured the main point that someone shot and killed an unarmed teenager."

Additionally, Rivera verbally apologized on his radio show Wednesday morning.

"[M]y own family and friends believe [that] I have obscured or diverted attention from the principal fact, which is that an unarmed 17-year-old was shot dead by a man who was never seriously investigated by local police," he said. "And if that is true, I apologize."
Geraldo Rivera has been a jerk for years now.

Plus I partly blame him for the dismantling of the system where families could force mentally ill loved ones into needed treatment. He exposed horrors, and they were truly horrific, at Willowbrook. Then things went too far in preventing that kind of situation ever again, resulting in the current situation where families are helpless & ill folks can refuse treatment.
That sounds more like an "I'm sorry you feel that way" apology than a sincere "I messed up apology." :lol:
"I apologize to anyone offended by what one prominent black conservative called my 'very practical and potentially life-saving campaign urging black and Hispanic parents not to let their children go around wearing hoodies,'"

So it's cool for whites to continue wearing hoodies. Super!

Now Fox News can put their embroidered hoodie back for sale on their website.

I urge white parents not to let their children wear sweater vests.
So it's cool for whites to continue wearing hoodies. Super!

Now Fox News can put their embroidered hoodie back for sale on their website.

I urge white parents not to let their children wear sweater vests.

:lol::lol::lol: Guess I better go in my boys' closets and start a Burn Pile
'very practical and potentially life-saving campaign urging black and Hispanic parents not to let their children go around wearing hoodies,'"

Well this white liberal mom is thinking of starting a campaign- a "life saving campaign" if you will- urging people of ALL colors/races/religions/creeds not to shoot unarmed teenagers, or anyone else for that matter, because they are wearing a hoodie.

Remember when we parents were advised not to let our kids wear hoodies because the hood could get caught on playground equipment & hang our children? 'Twas a simpler time I guess.
Nice responses SCK.

If someone doesn't get it, there's a reason, either they have been brainwashed by "news" accounts, or they don't want to get it for a reason, because they can't imagine themselves or their children in Trayvon's situation because of race. Because Trayvon is a young black male, he "has" to be somehow guilty. The people most at fault here are the Sanford police department, who allowed a mad man to escalate, did nothing when he called them over 50 times, and later, who saw a dead teenager, and a man with a gun, and failed to make an arrest.

The event simply likely wouldn't have even occurred, what black teenage girls and boys, in this way go thru are very different. Also if Zimmerman, had stalked, and killed a young teenage girl of any color, he'd been arrested that night, no doubt.

Zimmerman was ALSO NOT a member of any organized neighborhood watch. It was just him, running around his neighborhood, apparently with a gun. A man who had called the police department 50 times, been charged with domestic violence, and has assaulted a police officer, felt he had the right to act as pseudo law enforcement.

Fox News and other MSM will start spinning this story, because the public can't deal with the fact that someone stalked, ran after, and killed a young man for only one reason his RACE. Thats why its a racial incident. It doesn't matter if Zimmermann is suddenly half white and half latino. He was racially motivated to kill. For all believing in that b.s. I would love for them to switch Treyvon and Zimmerman. With Zimmerman dead, and see how much they'd try to understand a young black man holding a gun, and claiming self defense and the "Stand your Ground" law.

I'll try not to talk about this incident much longer, or watching any coverage until Zimmerman is arrested, and charged. Doing so, panders to this idea that spinning a situation changes it. It doesn't, and anyone who isn't clouded by political correctness, racism, and media spin, can see this one.

Also back to Trayvon. I don't know the answer. I do know that people like Zimmerman, who appear to be deranged, keep calling the police, and inciting incidents should be charged as public nuisances earlier on. Vigilantism leads nowhere. People need to understand that they have NO right to harass, or "police" others, based on race, age, religion, etc. If there is a problem, call the police and let them deal with it. Stalking and killing someone is simply murder.

Um, ya .....to those of you here unclear on this concept I'll take it further. You don't even have a right to shoot someone who smokes pot, is a "punk" or a thief, someone that pisses you off, steals your dog, harasses your kids, paints grafitti on your house or beats you up on a sidewalk after you chase him down while he is unarmed on a dark night. Really, even if he has a record and you think he's suspicious. You STILL don't get to shoot him, darnit. :surrender:
Um, ya .....to those of you here unclear on this concept I'll take it further. You don't even have a right to shoot someone who smokes pot, is a "punk" or a thief, someone that pisses you off, steals your dog, harasses your kids, paints grafitti on your house or beats you up on a sidewalk after you chase him down while he is unarmed on a dark night. Really, even if he has a record and you think he's suspicious. You STILL don't get to shoot him, darnit. :surrender:

Right... You have to wait til he shoots you.