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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

Because the hypothetical person in mommysix's response is unarmed.
Following someone is not illegal. Did Zimmerman have the gun out? Did Trayvon know he had a gun? I doubt he did if he attacked him, which IS illegal.
Babe, even if you don't agree with it - it's the LAW, thank god. Unless, I'm sorry do you live somewhere abroad? I live in AMERICA so...ya know...that's how it works here or you go to jail.

Actually its not the law.... The law is dependant on many circumstances one being your immediate danger... Hence why this guy has not been charged. So you might want to have more knowledge about the law before you go spouting off. I am not commenting on if I think what occurred is right or not I am just stating that I was not there, don't know all the facts but what I do know is in AMERICA you have the right to protect yourself. I have a permit to carry and **** right I do. Have I ever shot a human? Nope but if I felt my life was in danger I sure as hell would.
Wondering when Spike Lee is going to apologize for tweeting the wrong address of Zimmerman. It's actually the address of an elderly couple. How scary for them.
luckygirl shoots first, asks questions later......just like she gets knocked up, gets married later.
Wondering when Spike Lee is going to apologize for tweeting the wrong address of Zimmerman. It's actually the address of an elderly couple. How scary for them.

Since everyone is talking about suing, I hope this elderly couple hire a lawyer and go after Spike. Talk about irresponsible.
luckygirl shoots first, asks questions later......just like she gets knocked up, gets married later.

Yep, and if I were ever in a situation were my life was in danger I am going to make sure I am going home to my kids that night.

Didn't know my choice of kids then marriage had anything to do with this?????? Maybe your wife needs to give you something sometime soon, you seem to be a little jealous.
Who said he was accosted? According to Zimmerman, he was on the phone with 411 (not 911 by the way) and when the dispatcher told him not to follow him he said "ok". This is when he was walking back to his car and when Martin approached him.

Have you even listened to the tapes?
Actually its not the law.... The law is dependant on many circumstances one being your immediate danger... Hence why this guy has not been charged. So you might want to have more knowledge about the law before you go spouting off. I am not commenting on if I think what occurred is right or not I am just stating that I was not there, don't know all the facts but what I do know is in AMERICA you have the right to protect yourself. I have a permit to carry and **** right I do. Have I ever shot a human? Nope but if I felt my life was in danger I sure as hell would.

Go back and re-read what I wrote. Did I say you couldn't shoot if you're life was in danger? Nope.

I would hope you would protect yourself if you were in danger. Not even close to what we're talking about. We're talking about people in this thread pretending there is a grey area in this shooting because he was a "punk" or there was traces of pot or because he might have had a record or anything else. Does not matter, still can't shoot him.

And since you brought it up, I have yet to hear this kid had a weapon. I did hear the shooter had one. Not sure how he was protecting his life from a kid who was unarmed by shooting him point blank. Why are you working so hard to defend the murderer and why do you care so little about the murdered, weird.

Maybe you could read my post a little better before you spout off? Thanks.
Go back and re-read what I wrote. Did I say you couldn't shoot if you're life was in danger? Nope.

I would hope you would protect yourself if you were in danger. Not even close to what we're talking about. We're talking about people in this thread pretending there is a grey area in this shooting because he was a "punk" or there was traces of pot or because he might have had a record or anything else. Does not matter, still can't shoot him.

And since you brought it up, I have yet to hear this kid had a weapon. I did hear the shooter had one. Not sure how he was protecting his life from a kid who was unarmed by shooting him point blank. Why are you working so hard to defend the murderer and why do you care so little about the murdered, weird.

Maybe you could read my post a little better before you spout off? Thanks.

I NEVER have suggested that Trayvon was shot because he was a "punk" or smoked pot. I am stating simply what the evidence at the scene showed and why Zimmerman was not arrested that day. Evidence shows that Z had a broken nose, back of the head bashed in and grass stains on the back of the shirt. Several witnesses say T was on top of Z and that it was Z's yell for help on the 911 tapes. Was I there or any of us for that matter? NO...this is what allegedly happened. I hope this does go to trial for the sake of our nation. We all need to know what happened that night to really come up with a just conclusion. If Z killed an innocent boy for no reason other than looking suspicious, than yes he should rot in jail. But if Z shot T in self defense than I do not think he should go to jail.

Listen to the 911 tape again. Not only did the 911 dispatcher tell him NOT to follow him, the dispatcher told him police were on the way.

Zimmerman says "these assholes they always get away" and then he gets out of his car to follow Trayvon. Listen to the tape around the 2:19-2:21 mark & tell me what you hear. I've listened to it 3x and cannot believe what I think my ears are telling me.

Listen to the 911 tape again. Not only did the 911 dispatcher tell him NOT to follow him, the dispatcher told him police were on the way.

Zimmerman says "these assholes they always get away" and then he gets out of his car to follow Trayvon. Listen to the tape around the 2:19-2:21 mark & tell me what you hear. I've listened to it 3x and cannot believe what I think my ears are telling me.

case and point when your an expert in tape recordings tell me what you KNOW it says
Dragon...his friend clearly said zimmerman told him he said goon (a term of endearment per the friend :lol: ) , you know like how Santorum said blah people.
I'm not an expert by any means and I am curious to hear what other's think he muttered at the 2:20 point in the tape.

Because, AGAIN, I CANNOT BELIEVE what I think I hear.

I don't want to say it because of the power of suggestion. If my kids were home I would have them listen & tell me what they think.