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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

I need to make a small clarification-he left the garage door open and the door to the garage UNLOCKED-not open as in wide open-I meant open as in not locked. He just didn't lock it-and the twin opened it together and the garage was open so out they went.
I need to make a small clarification-he left the garage door open and the door to the garage UNLOCKED-not open as in wide open-I meant open as in not locked. He just didn't lock it-and the twin opened it together and the garage was open so out they went.

Ah. That does change things a bit. Sneaky little buggers. So glad it turned out well though.
I am telling you...they are dangerous when they work together!!! (little kids)

They don't have to work together. I have to be sure to lock the exterior doors all of the time other wise Lex would be outside playing in his PJs. I tell ya, no fear and no common sense.

I'm no so afraid of him getting out the front door, since I would notice that it was open and realize he got out (of course there is the whole traffic thing), my bigger fear is him getting into the garage where the door would close behind him. Course I guess I would hear him screaming in fear/frustration/anger long before the cold could hurt him.

OK I take that back, now I'm more afraid of the front door because of the traffic.
People who blow their nose at the dinner table when you're eating.
No one in my family but i have a friend who every time we eat out...i call for a take out box. Absolutely disgusting!
Or the bagger in the grocery store who is standing there waiting for your groceries to come down the belt to be bagged. I see in her hand a used kleenex. She touches a few of my items while bagging them. The checker is still ringing stuff up. The bagger girl then blows her nose, wipes and attempts to return to bagging. I said ummm cancel this order, I am not taking those groceries with me. The checker calls the manager over. I explained my issue. He either did not understand my complaint of runny nose issues on hands that were then being wiped onto my groceries or didn't think there was a problem with this practice. This was about 4 months ago when every 30 seconds we were hearing swine flu.... swine flu... and more swine flu. Needless to say, I haven't been back.
Or the bagger in the grocery store who is standing there waiting for your groceries to come down the belt to be bagged. I see in her hand a used kleenex. She touches a few of my items while bagging them. The checker is still ringing stuff up. The bagger girl then blows her nose, wipes and attempts to return to bagging. I said ummm cancel this order, I am not taking those groceries with me. The checker calls the manager over. I explained my issue. He either did not understand my complaint of runny nose issues on hands that were then being wiped onto my groceries or didn't think there was a problem with this practice. This was about 4 months ago when every 30 seconds we were hearing swine flu.... swine flu... and more swine flu. Needless to say, I haven't been back.

Or what about people that lick their fingers to get the bags open? It's not as gross as your example, but still unsanitary.
no doubt, nohio
People that try to winterize their clothes by adding boots to summer capri pants. Drives me crazy! Oh and people that wear Crocs w/wool sox in the winter too. Hello, its winter get a pair of decent boots.

HEY, i wore sneakers!? :lol:

i'm gettin the deals...I don't care. :bowing:
Kids swimming at the pool with snot coming out of their noses. People (and husbands) who think there is only one right way to put in the roll of toilet paper and squeeze toothpaste from the tube. Husbands who watch the cooking network and then compare what their wives made to what they saw on tv (look at the kitchen I have to work in). MILs who tell their DILs they are cutting the tomato the wrong way.
Kids swimming at the pool with snot coming out of their noses. People (and husbands) who think there is only one right way to put in the roll of toilet paper and squeeze toothpaste from the tube. Husbands who watch the cooking network and then compare what their wives made to what they saw on tv (look at the kitchen I have to work in). MILs who tell their DILs they are cutting the tomato the wrong way.
The wrong way? What is the right way since you're doing it wrong?
People who have no problem asking for a ride... but when you ask them for a ride they "can't".

People that talk loudly on the phone in a public place.

People who litter.

People who chew with their mouth open or talk with their mouth full.

People who don't even try to recycle.

People that are too impatient and want everything done in an instant.

"I axed him."

People that eat excessive amounts of food... NO, you don't need to eat TWO whoppers for lunch. You don't have to eat ten tacos for dinner.

People that can't tell the difference between their/they're/there, its/it's, affect/effect, etc.

People that can't spell "a lot".

Someone calls you while you're busy at work/class and when you call them they don't answer. But they call you back when you're busy again!

People that run stop signs or go before it's their turn to go. It's not hard. First person to stop goes first. If two cars stop at the same time, the person turning left goes last. And the person to the right has right of way. Not hard.

People that complain about **** that doesn't matter.

I can go on and on and on...
"People that eat excessive amounts of food... NO, you don't need to eat TWO whoppers for lunch. You don't have to eat ten tacos for dinner."

If I'm payin for It...who really gives a ****?! :lol:
"People that eat excessive amounts of food... NO, you don't need to eat TWO whoppers for lunch. You don't have to eat ten tacos for dinner."

If I'm payin for It...who really gives a ****?! :lol:

I don't give a ****... it just bugs me. People can clog their arteries with excessive amounts of fattening, greasy food all they want.

Don't get me wrong, I eat my fair share of fattening, greasy food; I just don't eat two meals of it. I think one meal is more than enough.
I don't give a ****... it just bugs me. People can clog their arteries with excessive amounts of fattening, greasy food all they want.

Don't get me wrong, I eat my fair share of fattening, greasy food; I just don't eat two meals of it. I think one meal is more than enough.

...as I'm eating my bag of Doritos!!! :lol: LMFAO... I get what ya sayin...
It peeves me that DH can just decide to work from home, sleep in, not see his kids in the morning. I have to go out and back his car out so I can get them to school while he snoozes away (yes I went in and asked him to get up a couple times). THEN when he finally does decide to get up (9am) he thinks it's gonna be a **** fest day. Um no I gots **** to do....enjoy your day off. @@ :surrender:

Does anyone else think that if a parent takes a day off work they should then be expected to help the family out in other ways and not just get a free pass?! :ranting:

When do I get a day off of my life?! :koolaid2:
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAHMoms NEVER get the day off!

(nothing against you working moms.... don't want this thread to take a turn again, kwim? :giggles:)
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAHMoms NEVER get the day off!

(nothing against you working moms.... don't want this thread to take a turn again, kwim? :giggles:)

Actually I consider my days at work to be days off. I can do two days as a SAHM, but I'm running out of ideas of what to do with Lex. He's not 100% so I don't want to go out, but I just had to resort to giving him markers and paper and having him colour in his high chair. Only 10 more hours until bed and back to a regular schedule!
I always say I had WAY more time before becoming a SAHM and of course, before having kids. I yearn for a nice long train ride or a really long flight with a really good book, to .... say, London maybe, where there's no dust bunnies or dirty dishes for me to clean

I am very impressed with moms who work, take care of a home and family AND take the time to clip coupons and find the deals. It's a LOT of work!