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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

People that don't stop at stop signs.

If I wouldn't have slammed on my brakes last night they would have hit me.
Little kids with badly chapped lips.... they looks so sore and of course the kid keeps licking them.
Little kids with badly chapped lips.... they looks so sore and of course the kid keeps licking them.

Uh Oh, Andrew's lips get chapped and he picks at them. He hates chapstick. I have to tackle him to get it on.
Does that answer your question? Is there a nerd smilie? I feel like I should have it next to my name!

got it, thanks for explaining! :foryou:

I also can't stand when people (seems like a lot of professional athletes or other pseudo-celebrities) misuse the word "myself." Who will be there? Jim and myself. :gah:

OH and I find it irritating when I see who/whom errors in print. Come on, you're a professional, get it right or find another field.
Little kids with badly chapped lips.... they looks so sore and of course the kid keeps licking them.

How about dirty, boogery little kids with a rat's nest of hair and dirt smeared all over their face?! I realize not everyone can dress their kid in xpensive clothes, etc. but soap, water and a comb doesn't cost much! :ranting:
How about dirty, boogery little kids with a rat's nest of hair and dirt smeared all over their face?! I realize not everyone can dress their kid in xpensive clothes, etc. but soap, water and a comb doesn't cost much! :ranting:

You wouldn't believe some of the things I see at work. Really is sad how some children are treated.
You wouldn't believe some of the things I see at work. Really is sad how some children are treated.

My neighbor works at a daycare and I tell her all the time I don't know how she keeps her mouth shut. My opinions don't know how to keep to themselves.
She didn't say it's anyone's fault.....just that it bothers her to see cause it looks painful. My oldest used to lick his top lip (past the lip) so he used to have red skin there....drove me crazy.
I know......makes me wanna slap 'em!
People are so nasty! The otherday at Old Country Buffet DS (10!) used the tongs to pick up a gummy bear (which he's not allowed) at the ice cream bar and put it in his mouth. His mouth touched the tongs. He went to put it back in the container of gummies, but I sprang over and grabbed it just in time and gave it to someone in the kitchen and apologized. I can only imagine how many times that happens with parents not caring. :ranting:
This one seems unfair....Emmalee used to be that kid. I owned stock in Blistex...made no difference...she looked like Bozo the clown...bright red and WAY past the edges of her real lips...and yes, she kept sucking them.

She outgrew it.

I don't think is anyone's fault...

In the situations I see it is unfair... to the child.

If the parent brings in chapstick, blistex, vaseline, I can put it on their child. I am with them 8 hours a day and until the parent brings something in my hands are tied. I can ask a million times but can't make a parent bring in any type of lip stuff.

I can't tell a 1 year old to stop licking their lips, as I said I see some sad stuff at work. (But I also see some wonderful things and amazing moms!)
I can't stand when people don't stop at crosswalks in the street or those markings in store lots. Whenever I stop the people waiting always look so surprised since they weren't expecting that. I'd like to see more people ticketed for that.

On the other hand, people crossing in the middle of a busy road when there's a light at the end of the block scare me too. When I lived in St. Louis people used to climb over the dividers on Lindbergh Blvd to cross in the middle of the road, even when it was dark out.
Ok, this one is a HUGE pet peeve::ranting::ranting::ranting:
I am sick & tired of smelly perfume inserts in my magazines and especially pissed that today's newspaper is unreadable because the entire thing freaking reeks from some repulsive perfume inserts inside the Macy's flyer inside my delivered paper. I am allergic to many perfume scents, my nose plugs up and then I start to wheeze, then develop a bad headache.

I stopped subscribing to many magazines because they couldn't deliver them without the stinkers [which I believe is against the law in NY].

I haven't had a problem with my Sunday paper until today. Yeah, newspapers are dying & need all of the advertising revenue they can get, but they don't need to kill subscribers in the process. If manufacturers can't develop an insert that isn't TOTALLY stinkproof then stop inserting them.:ranting::ranting::ranting::ranting::ranting:

If I wanted to smell like that **** perfume, I'd buy it.
If I have to put a warning on each post because it might offend someone or my language is innappropriate everyone can seriously go **** themselves. dayam. Everyone chill the **** out and take the **** poles outta your ****.
If I have to put a warning on each post because it might offend someone or my language is innappropriate everyone can seriously go **** themselves. dayam. Everyone chill the **** out and take the **** poles outta your ****.

Ok I musta really missed sumptin'. What happened darlin'? :bee:
Want to hear my (across the street) neighbor's WORST moment?
My neighbor is one of those nervous nellies-she won't even drive on the highway, is terrified to fly, totally overprotective, etc. Well one SUnday morning I heard a noise at my door. My door was open with the screen closed. I found my neighbor's then 1 1/2 year old twins at my door. "Talia! Ezra! Where's your mommy?" I looked. No one there. I called out-maybe she was still crossing the street? Nope, no one there. So I called her. "Miriam? Where are you?"
"I'm in my room". Why?
"Talia and Ezra are at my FRONT DOOR"
It turns out that her dh had come home and left the garage door open, as well as the door into the garage. Here 1 1/2 year old twins left the house and crossed over to come and visit me. Still makes sick to my stomach when I think-what if they had walked another way? What if someone had come zooming down the street?
My friend seriously almost had a nervous breakdown.

Not a pet peeve...but my WORST mommy moment.

I used to ALWAYS drag my babies into the gas station with me. They were about 14 months apart and I never left them in the car...would carry them in pay, put them in their seats, fill up, etc..

well, they were now like 1 1/8 and more than 2 1/2 yo...strapped into car seats and in a warm car. I locked the doors to run in and pay (they had gotten old enough to talk back and forth and I figured it was warm in there...and it was a COLD and snowy night)...I could see the car from inside.

I was in line to pay...and people were walking in and looking at something (looked like on the floor) next to the door. One man turned to someone and said "that yours?"...it was odd. I paid and rushed out the door...and there was Emmalee....18 months old. She crossed the gas station (crowded) by herself....I still shudder at the thought that no car would have seen her tiny self cross the lanes.

I took her terrified (me not Emm) and having learned a huge lesson back to the car..I opened the door and found Tabitha inside...who exclaimed "I LET THE BABY OUT!!!!" Uhhhh, yeah you did.

They have been fighting and trying to kill one another since the crib, I tell you.
OMG sporush..........is her DH out of the hospital YET?! :giggles:
Ok seriously that is SCARY!!!
I know. They crossed the street! Granted, it is a side street, but still-we live in the city!

Seriously though......I woulda been arrested for domestic violence! :hurt: