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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

Does it take so much effort to use your **** blinkers??? I don't care what you drive just please give the rest of us on the road a hint of when & where you're planning on turning. And once you've made the turn, if for some reason your blinker didn't turn itself off, please turn it off. Otherwise I'm driving behind some moron who's gonna turn right....eventually, maybe.

Lots of my pet peeves seem to be driving related and it's not like I do a whole lot of it. I stay mainly on local roads, don't like driving on highways. I work less than 10 minutes from home yet there are still so many morons on the road.
So he finally decided to take some Advil (3 hours later). Asks me "is this it? ibuprofen orange chewables?"
as to the question Can I come with or Can I use your.....in school, the answer we got was "You can, but you MAY NOT!"

Aha, that makes sense. I was thinking it was a peeve because the sentence ended in a preposition, something I am not a stickler for. :giggles: see, I just did just that.
Not a pet peeve...but my WORST mommy moment.

I used to ALWAYS drag my babies into the gas station with me. They were about 14 months apart and I never left them in the car...would carry them in pay, put them in their seats, fill up, etc..

well, they were now like 1 1/8 and more than 2 1/2 yo...strapped into car seats and in a warm car. I locked the doors to run in and pay (they had gotten old enough to talk back and forth and I figured it was warm in there...and it was a COLD and snowy night)...I could see the car from inside.

I was in line to pay...and people were walking in and looking at something (looked like on the floor) next to the door. One man turned to someone and said "that yours?"...it was odd. I paid and rushed out the door...and there was Emmalee....18 months old. She crossed the gas station (crowded) by herself....I still shudder at the thought that no car would have seen her tiny self cross the lanes.

I took her terrified (me not Emm) and having learned a huge lesson back to the car..I opened the door and found Tabitha inside...who exclaimed "I LET THE BABY OUT!!!!" Uhhhh, yeah you did.

They have been fighting and trying to kill one another since the crib, I tell you.

"It's like deja vu all over again." OMG I wanna hurt people who say that!!!:ranting:
Aha, that makes sense. I was thinking it was a peeve because the sentence ended in a preposition, something I am not a stickler for. :giggles: see, I just did just that.

Actually, you're right, KathyGriffith! For me, the peeve is that the sentence ends with a preposition. I know the can/may part is wrong, too...and it bugs me, just not nearly so much as the 'with.' I do think 'may I' sounds so much nicer, though, and I try to get the kids to say that when I remember. Like you (and I think many people), I sometimes end a sentence with a prep. I never noticed it until the 'come with' came into slang-y fashion and now I try to avoid it. The 'come with' just really grates on me. I guess I'm uptight! Where the heck is the blushing smilie? Just learning how to use those things and can't find it. Grr.

I always struggle with remembering proper usage of affect/effect, etc. Am I the only one who would swear my grammar/spelling/usage has gotten way worse with the advent of the internet?
I hate it when I have to play tug of war to get shopping carts unstuck from one another .

Speaking of stuck together... I can't stand it when I go to reach for one paper clip and a whole string of them comes up. How on earth do they manage to entwine themselves while sitting in a box? The kicker is it takes me forever to untangle them. It's still a mystery how they can hook themselves together with little or no effort though. Go figure!

And speaking of office supplies...It irks me when I go to staple something and there are no staples left in the stapler. Of course this only happens when I'm in a hurry and then I have to take time to find the staples and reload.
When my youngest was a baby we were in a mall and he had his tongue out a little and some old lady started talking to him and grabbed his tongue! Yes her fingers on his TONGUE!!! I pushed her hand away and took off before I hit her! :ranting:
OHMIGOD!! This horrifies me to NO end - if it were my child, she would be pulling back a stump....
respect the elders and all - but CRIPES - his tongue!!!
now my stomach hurts thinking about it....
OHMIGOD!! This horrifies me to NO end - if it were my child, she would be pulling back a stump....
respect the elders and all - but CRIPES - his tongue!!!
now my stomach hurts thinking about it....

Yep I nearly went ape-**** on her. :hurt:
NEARLY.... remarkable self-restraint... on your part

perhaps the shriek coming from my head might have frightened her away, however....
Actually, you're right, KathyGriffith! For me, the peeve is that the sentence ends with a preposition. I know the can/may part is wrong, too...and it bugs me, just not nearly so much as the 'with.' I do think 'may I' sounds so much nicer, though, and I try to get the kids to say that when I remember. Like you (and I think many people), I sometimes end a sentence with a prep. I never noticed it until the 'come with' came into slang-y fashion and now I try to avoid it. The 'come with' just really grates on me. I guess I'm uptight! Where the heck is the blushing smilie? Just learning how to use those things and can't find it. Grr.

I know it's improper to say that, but I still say it. I can't think of a way to express that you want to join someone without saying "come with." "May I join you" has a different connotation in my mind (think sex). weird, I know, but it just does. So how would you suggest I phrase that? I'm not arguing, this is something I've been wondering about for some time before this thread even started.

Sometimes when people make grammatical errors or misuse homonyms (affect/effect, lose/loose), I focus so much on the error that I miss the point the poster was trying to make. And when people post too heavily in text-speak abbreviations like "U cn get ths free by usin 2 cpns," sometimes I skip the message entirely.
You return home from grocery shopping. You put everything away. Your child then inspects what they would like to eat. They open the cabinets, staring mindlessly. Of course the cabinet doors stand wide open, after they are finished. They move on to the fridge and stare mindlessly with the door open. Ummm Hello?!?1 Close the doors. The contents will not change, make a decision already!!

Or the "mom, I can't find the milk, the jelly, the grapes ect..."
You go look it is right there in the open.... :gah:
mama22angels my 10 year old does that several times a day!

Full pantry, cupboards and stockpile in the basement but he can never find anything to eat. @@
Yep and then you're asked why you're so uptight? Hello?!?! :gah:
I work in retail. For me it's people who yell, make unsubstantiated accusations, swear, insult, call you derogatory names, and refuse to leave. They think that by making a scene they will get you to do what they want. Since when has it become acceptable to disrespect another person, especially some customer service rep you don't even know, like this?

I know it's improper to say that, but I still say it. I can't think of a way to express that you want to join someone without saying "come with." "May I join you" has a different connotation in my mind (think sex). weird, I know, but it just does. So how would you suggest I phrase that? I'm not arguing, this is something I've been wondering about for some time before this thread even started.

Oops, I think maybe I've been unclear. I have absolutely no problem with the following:

"Can I come with you?"
"May I come with you?"

WAY more often than not, we will say 'can' and 'come' in our house. When you say "May I join you?" above, it, to my ear, sounds a lot nicer than "Can I come with you?" but it also sounds more antiquated, so I'd probably hardly ever say that. What I don't like is the phrase that seems so popular among teens, and that's simply "Can I come with?". They skip the 'you' part. A preposition should have a direct object...and they leave that off. I think it's technically called a dangling participle, but, this being CW, Georgie being Georgie, mrsmom being mrsmom, I was trying to avoid that phrase!!!

Does that answer your question? Is there a nerd smilie? I feel like I should have it next to my name!