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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

ok, jll, if she's gonna talk to you for 3 HOURS :faint: , i guess you really do need to eat :)

lol, she said she doesn't talk that much. When it is nice out I am usually outside pacing while she's on the phone. I wore a pedometer once, I found out I walked a couple of miles.

She doesn't take the hint well that I'd like to eat dinner, or get my homework done on time. I gave up on being polite, if she wants to talk she's going to have to listen to me eat. Sometimes I wonder if she'd even realize if I set the phone down for a while.

Kids not in carseats drive me crazzzzzy. I seriously want to call the cops or pray that one will see it.

People blatantly littering. Smokers flicking there cigs anywhere on the streets.

People who drive slooooow in the left hand lane on the expressway.

People who wear white socks with black/dark shoes.

White pumps....even worse if wearing pantyhose

rude people in general

people talking REALLY loud on their cellphones.

My cousin annoys me with her cellphone. She has music set for different people - and it's rather loud. Instead of answering right away so everyone doesn't have to listen to her songs, she let's them go for a while.
Annoys me to when we went for lunch one day and my sister called her. We were in a restaurant, trying to order food, and she keeps talking while the waitress is waiting for the order.
I did that once. Put my car into park on the road and put on my hazards and went to buckle my son. I felt like such a delinquent parent.

Ohh - sometimes it is an "oops" moment.

One night I was very tired and it was cold so I put Lex in the car first and then took the bags out of the grocery cart and put in the back of the truck. As I'm driving down the road I notice a police car just beside me, but a little ahead of me. And then I see something in the rear view mirror. I keep seeing something, but it is dark so I can't figure out what.

My heart was racing when I realized that it was Lex walking around in the back seat. I had placed him in his car seat and intended to belt him in after loading the groceries. Well of course I didn't and he was having a blast.

No where to turn off (was driving by the forest preserve!) and I didn't want to pull to the side of the road and attract the attention of the police officer. Lex got to wander around until I pulled into a gas station.

Haven't made that mistake again.
People who park illegally in handicapped spaces, either without a tag altogether or having a tag but not having the disabled individual with them.
It makes me so irate I want to vomit.
I saw a friend's younger brother pull into a handicapped space at target, his fancy shmancy wife in her fancy shoes and designer bag pranced out and did he shopping while he waited, in the handicapped space, with the car on. I wanted to hit him.
I also see the family of a disabled 8 year old old drive their van to the store and park in the space-and she is NOT in the car.
I hate people like that.

Ooh, this one really ticks me off. Having both my parents disabled, I cannot tell you how many times they called and told me stories of able bodied people parking "just for a sec" in the handicap spot while they just run in for something...leaving my mom or dad to park further away and have to walk...usually after it snowed.

I call the cops..while standing behind said vehicle, I provide car make, model, license plate number, etc. Usually the people leave before the cops get there but I can always hope some sort of karma comes back to bite them in the ****.

I really don't like it when people make snap judgments about you or x,y,or z before they know you or the situation...I get that it is human nature to judge others and "1st impressions" are apparently everything but until they walk in their shoes....
I also hate when Dh leaves the EMPTY roll of TP on, is it really that hard to change it?
...and please don't use "In that respect" as a period...it doesn't end every freakin' sentence.
Ooh, I could go on and on, but won't....guess I needed to vent a little today, thanks for giving me that place!
The recent use of the phrase "at the end of the day"..... it's dark at the end of the day, get on with your point!!
The recent use of the phrase "at the end of the day"..... it's dark at the end of the day, get on with your point!!

This reminds me....

I have a friend that gets annoyed when I say "Therefore...." she cringes everytime... I LOVE IT!!! :bowing: :lol:
when you are in the check out line and people feel that it is ok to touch your baby. hello! do not put your hands near his face! get your own baby if you want one, leave mine alone!

OMG!! I freak out when someone touches my kid! I feel ya there!
I'm going to piss a lot of people off, but I do that anyway without trying.

People who drive SUV's and the whole attitude that goes along with them.
NO ONE in my house knows how to put a new roll of TP in the bathroom. NO ONE other then me!
I'm going to piss a lot of people off, but I do that anyway without trying.

People who drive SUV's and the whole attitude that goes along with them.

'Splain the 'tude with SUV drivers please. :bee: :tap:
when you are in the check out line and people feel that it is ok to touch your baby. hello! do not put your hands near his face! get your own baby if you want one, leave mine alone!

When my youngest was a baby we were in a mall and he had his tongue out a little and some old lady started talking to him and grabbed his tongue! Yes her fingers on his TONGUE!!! I pushed her hand away and took off before I hit her! :ranting:
Threads on message boards where people complain about all the **** they find annoying. :snicker:



It was my last gas fill-up with the TV thingy that reminded me I wanted to complain about it somewhere and this thread was born! :lol:
Nothing because I am calm accepting woman who doesnt let anything under her skin

*cough* bullshit *cough&
It was my last gas fill-up with the TV thingy that reminded me I wanted to complain about it somewhere and this thread was born!
Usually the weather report part of that is annoying, because I'm already standing outside, and well-aware of the weather conditions.
'Splain the 'tude with SUV drivers please. :bee: :tap:

"I only have two kids, but I still need to drive a big-**** vehicle so you can't see what's going on in front of you."

It's kind of hard to explain, but it basically boils down to "I'm better than you because I drive an SUV." And why the heck would someone need to drive an SUV just to transport one person? Two aunts of mine and a cousin all drive SUV's for no reason. It's not like they're hauling a lot of stuff or a lot of people. I think everyone should drive the most fuel-efficient vehicle that is practical for them to drive.
"I only have two kids, but I still need to drive a big-**** vehicle so you can't see what's going on in front of you."

It's kind of hard to explain, but it basically boils down to "I'm better than you because I drive an SUV." And why the heck would someone need to drive an SUV just to transport one person? Two aunts of mine and a cousin all drive SUV's for no reason. It's not like they're hauling a lot of stuff or a lot of people. I think everyone should drive the most fuel-efficient vehicle that is practical for them to drive.

I drive a big **** SUV. Now get out of my **** way you piss-ant little car!