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pet peeves

Chrisl0 said:
That's nothing, in the summer we pay over $300 a month for electricity. During the rest of the year we pay between $200-$250 a month.

That's highway robbery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea, they rip us off since we live in the city. Power here in the summer is in very high demand so they know they can get us.
You know what else bugs me. People who drive SUVs and act like their vehicle can't handle a speed bump or a pot hole. It's an SUV it's designed for that sort of stuff.
They aren't as tough as you think. Let me tell you a true story, back in July when I was driving my dad's 94' Honda Accord we were pulling out of a parking lot of our local grocery store. As usual their were a ton of big trucks at the end of the block unloading and doing whatever. So of course I could only see what came out past them so I could only see half way down the street. So we were pulling out and this 2003 Nissan Pathfinder came out from behind one of these trucks at least 50 MPH and he hit the area of our car between the fuel door and rear bumper. Our car fishtailed into the other lane. We were uninjured, the airbags didn't even deploy. But we had a deep crater in the side, it cost $600 to fix. The SUV that hit us only tapped us with the side of his front bumper, but his whole front bumper and headlight were completely destroyed. It costed him at least $2000 to fix. The point is SUV's may look like tough vehicles but they aren't. The only thing I don't like with certain SUV drivers is they think since they are big they can force you to do what they want and at night they get on your tail and blind you.
Well let me add that to the list too. If you drive on my tail with all your lights blaring in my mirrors be prepared to slow down because I will take my foot off the gas. That bugs me to no end.
That's what I do. I practically slam on the brakes and they get pissed. Love it.
Pet Peeves:
Kids who won't listen and defy your every instruction.
Income tax!
Gaining weight just thinking about food!
Kirsti Allen (not sure if it is spelled correctly) however, she is the witch doing the Jenny Craig commercials - I loath that commercial!
Don't forget Jarad, making it think if you eat Subways your going to lose 100 pounds.
Chrisl0 said:
The SUV that hit us only tapped us with the side of his front bumper, but his whole front bumper and headlight were completely destroyed. It costed him at least $2000 to fix.

:) Plastic cars.
greyscale42 said:
:) Plastic cars.

Yea true, but you had to see the damage. Our little car got very minor damage that wasn't too expensive to fix. His big monster truck bumper got destroyed. I guess if the made them out of metal they would get less than 5 MPG.
Lil'Jeffery34 said:
Yeah SUV's aren't nothing but hyped up, super sized Tonka Trucks.

Quite so, we were out shopping for a SUV for next year when we move they are nice on the inside. Very roomy and high off the ground.
One pet peeve of mine is the use of the words 'sinful' and 'decadent' to describe food.

Food is inanimate (even barbecue, after you kill it). It cannot be sinful. 'Decadent' refers to decay, mostly of the spirit. I'm sure you could find some decayed food to eat if you tried, but you wouldn't really like it. ;)
People who know my password and login as me!! :angry4: And post!! LOL
Only once I think, Chris since it is BigDaddy's first post. He just needed a family friendly push to get his feet wet! LOL