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pet peeves

people who scrape their utensils across their teeth while eatiing.The noise makes my hair stand on end.
people who fart in an elevator !
BabyBuddha said:

Just have to comment on this again.....as I was almost in a car accident today with a lady blabbing on her cell phone, well "attempting" to drive. She never even looked to her right side, which I was quickly approaching as she cut across in front of me. Secondly almost got run over in a parking lot, when this guy again blabbing on his cell phone, suddenly backs up!! I feel like a cat with NINE lives.....already down to seven!!
Perhaps you can start teaching a course, GoingNova.:thumbsup:
actually you are down to six if you didn't count your accident when you were just out of high school......:toothy9:
melba toast said:

actually you are down to six if you didn't count your accident when you were just out of high school......:toothy9:

I have one thing to say to that MELBA......:thefinger
Oh nice.......I always wanted the finger on line...my dream has come true !
ah and hey,right back at ya ... hehe
One of my pet peeves is person who is a passenger in friend's car who sues the friend's auto insurance company claiming whip lash when involved in a little fender bender resulting in the friend's auto insurance increasing drastically while the passenger skips off to the bank! Obviously selfish reasoning behind that one. Especially when the driver's grandmother is footing the bill!
Oldest one in the book, as old as a car. People like this is why people pay higher rates.
People like her need to be taken out and shown what real whip lash feels like.
When the slow people travel in the left lane
When there is a set of double doors, and your on the right side of the door but the other people going the oppposite direction use the same door -_-
hope you weren't referring to me Anglo,as I never sued anyone...and had ongoing back problems for quite some time.
when someone repeatedly asks you to repeat soemthing over and over even though you can tell they've already heard it... ¬_¬
I got another pet peeve which involves Earth Firstie types, and if I already posted something to this effect it still bears repeating:

When a dangerous animal like an alligator gets into human territory, why do they waste time and resources and put lives in danger to capture it and re-release it? And if it's above a certain size they kill it AFTER they've endangered the "alligator rescue team."

You can eat them. You can make boots out of them. Do yourselves a favor, save time and money, and shoot them in the first place.
melba toast said:
hope you weren't referring to me Anglo,as I never sued anyone...and had ongoing back problems for quite some time.
I don't even know who you are! So how could I possibly be referring to you?:dontknow:
I don't know anyone in Toronto and very few young people from New Brunswick. So she has me there . I know I am good but I am afraid I do not know BB's friends. I had only one run in with a "friend" of BB's several years ago and I put an Irish curse on her. Enough said about that one.