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Shocked, Appalled and Embarrassed....

It sure can be, but it works as a noun, too.
It sure can, but not how you used it. Its use as a noun is rare.

It's a common error in usage, placing the word of after myriad. Using plethora would have worked nicely with the word of.

Myriad is like numerous, plethora is like abundance.

/Grammar-Nazi Attack
Who's **** is girthier JRL's or a_s_b's? :bee:
It sure can, but not how you used it. Its use as a noun is rare.

It's a common error in usage, placing the word of after myriad. Using plethora would have worked nicely with the word of.

Myriad is like numerous, plethora is like abundance.

/Grammar-Nazi Attack

**** it, dude, you're making me have to go to Google:


I trust you're a smart guy, but I'm going to defer to the online dictionary on this one.
What's it matter? They both work and make cute babies.

Well the jury is still out on a_s_b's baby production, but I bet he and the Mrs. practice all the time. :party6:
Well the jury is still out on a_s_b's baby production, but I bet he and the Mrs. practice all the time. :party6:
How silly of me to assume his avatar was his son. Apparently it's just some random bored baby...I'm shocked, appalled and embarrassed by my mistake.
Is cookiemom involved in politics? Is she provided with the same information that the government has? No, we generally get only incomplete information from the one side we choose to listen to/read. Bake some cookies, hug your children, clip some coupons and keep your guns locked up (and loaded just in case the sky does fall).

I wasn't aware that Cookiemom or anyone else on here was required to be involved in politics to express their opinion. Your condescending attitude towards people who have a different view point is unnecessary.
It makes me sick what our "president" is doing. You couldn't pay me enough to live in AZ and deal with the fearthat those CITIZENS do every day. They deserve to be able to protect themselves.

Just curious what fear you are referring to? I am from San Diego so you can't get much closer to the border than that I was never fearful of the MANY illegal and legal immigrants that cross the border every day.

I think the law is wrong headed and so is the lawsuit. We need to reform the entire immigration system and until we do that the rest is pointless.
I wasn't aware that Cookiemom or anyone else on here was required to be involved in politics to express their opinion. Your condescending attitude towards people who have a different view point is unnecessary.
My "attitude" was directed at her assumption that people would be willing to carry proof of citizenship in order to prove it upon request. I don't mind opinions, it's the assumptions I dislike--especially when they're one sided. I never expressed my views--they may just be closer to hers than most might assume...
I have a goverment issued ID: my SS card and Illinois drivers license. I'm not carrying anything else and I'm certain millions with the right would not be thrilled.

The right wing blowhards (Fox) like to make illegals public enemy number 1, but it's bs. It's a convenient topic for them to use against Obama though. That and paranoia is what sells.

So you wouldn't need to GET anything else. But if one more little piece of paper made your children's lives a little safer, it wouldn't be worth your time to get it?

Not all. Both wings are broken. People that are shocked, appalled and embarrassed by our government are naive, misinformed, but well entertained. Read any political commentary/editorials from the past during any presidency all the way back to the first and it's all the same ****...America keeps on trucking despite the myriad of problems we're told are going to ruin us.

So instead of listening with an open mind, you decide what today's truth is?

You're definitely not getting any cookies! :bowing:

Now there's an understatement!

Is cookiemom involved in politics? Is she provided with the same information that the government has? No, we generally get only incomplete information from the one side we choose to listen to/read. Bake some cookies, hug your children, clip some coupons and keep your guns locked up (and loaded just in case the sky does fall).

That is the most condescending (thank you Pam) thing I've been told here. Shame on you for thinking you're right and I'm wrong because of your perceptions of me.

I wasn't aware that Cookiemom or anyone else on here was required to be involved in politics to express their opinion. Your condescending attitude towards people who have a different view point is unnecessary.


Just curious what fear you are referring to? I am from San Diego so you can't get much closer to the border than that I was never fearful of the MANY illegal and legal immigrants that cross the border every day.

I think the law is wrong headed and so is the lawsuit. We need to reform the entire immigration system and until we do that the rest is pointless.

Be thankful you're not in on the drug traffic "route" then. You probably don't have the "Danger" signs either nor the highest kidnap statistics in the US either, like Phoenix does.

How silly of me to assume his avatar was his son. Apparently it's just some random bored baby...I'm shocked, appalled and embarrassed by my mistake.

Easy to make fun of a situation that doesn't affect you personally, isn't it? Actually, Obama made fun of Arizona's situation recently also. How mature was that?

My "attitude" was directed at her assumption that people would be willing to carry proof of citizenship in order to prove it upon request. I don't mind opinions, it's the assumptions I dislike--especially when they're one sided. I never expressed my views--they may just be closer to hers than most might assume...

As long as you "assumed" incorrectly about one thing here, may I point out?

I used the word "suspect" ........... (yes, snickerdoodle and gingerbread aren't the ONLY big words I know)

You, on the other hand, used the word ASSUMPTION, my "assumption that people would be willing to carry proof of citizenship". I did not say I "assume"..... I said I "suspect" ..... there is a difference.

Main Entry: 3sus·pect
Pronunciation: \sə-ˈspekt\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin suspectare, frequentative of suspicere to look up at, regard with awe, suspect, from sub-, sus- up, secretly + specere to look at — more at sub-, spy
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb : to imagine something to be true or likely

Main Entry: as·sume
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈsüm\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): as·sumed; as·sum·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin assumere, from ad- + sumere to take — more at consume
Date: 15th century
5 : to take as granted or true : suppose <I assume he'll be there>

Minute definition differences aside, why would someone NOT be willing to carry a piece of paper in exchange for more safety for themselves and their families?
Minute definition differences aside, why would someone NOT be willing to carry a piece of paper in exchange for more safety for themselves and their families?
I don't believe a piece of paper makes any difference on my safety or that of my family. Most of the criminals in our jails are US citizens.

How many teens have fake IDs to buy booze?

How many criminals make or obtain fraudulent driver's licenses or social security cards to perpetrate ID theft and screw with innocent people's credit? Most of those criminals are citizens. How difficult would it be for them to produce yet another fake type of ID?
Many fears, one of which is going to an ER and not being able to be seen quickly due to MANY illegals using the ER as their regular doctor, AND then being sent the VERY high bill due to inflated costs because those same illegals didn't pay thier bill. That would be one of my many fears. Oh yea, how about an illegal getting into a car and not understanding road signs/rules and causing a horrible car crash and killing me!

Just curious what fear you are referring to? I am from San Diego so you can't get much closer to the border than that I was never fearful of the MANY illegal and legal immigrants that cross the border every day.

I think the law is wrong headed and so is the lawsuit. We need to reform the entire immigration system and until we do that the rest is pointless.
Many fears, one of which is going to an ER and not being able to be seen quickly due to MANY illegals using the ER as their regular doctor, AND then being sent the VERY high bill due to inflated costs because those same illegals didn't pay thier bill. That would be one of my many fears. Oh yea, how about an illegal getting into a car and not understanding road signs/rules and causing a horrible car crash and killing me!
Your 'fears' are misplaced.

First, ALL Emergency Departments triage their patients, they do not treat by first come first served.

You could just as easily be killed by a legal tourist causing a car crash because they didn't understand, or perhaps more likely got confused by driving on the wrong side of the road like those wacky Brits do.

eta: Lots of deadbeat citizens don't pay their hospital bills too.
Many fears, one of which is going to an ER and not being able to be seen quickly due to MANY illegals using the ER as their regular doctor, AND then being sent the VERY high bill due to inflated costs because those same illegals didn't pay thier bill. That would be one of my many fears. Oh yea, how about an illegal getting into a car and not understanding road signs/rules and causing a horrible car crash and killing me!

That same complaint could made of the many millions of uninsured Americans. They also clog up the ER because they can't afford regular preventive healthcare. Many of them also cannot afford to pay their bills and all of costs are going up because of that.

Road signs are universal/international....are you worried about French people here on vacation?? probably not. A valid concern is illigal immigrants not having car insurance...cause without a drivers license they can't get insurance.
So you wouldn't need to GET anything else. But if one more little piece of paper made your children's lives a little safer, it wouldn't be worth your time to get it?

I don't believe a piece of paper will make my child's life safer. The new republican's run a campaign of fear. I'm not falling for it.

So instead of listening with an open mind, you decide what today's truth is?
I don't make decisions on politics--I don't have complete information.

Now there's an understatement!
What makes you think I want your cookies?

That is the most condescending (thank you Pam) thing I've been told here. Shame on you for thinking you're right and I'm wrong because of your perceptions of me.

Those perceptions weren't of you and I'm not claiming right and wrong. It was a general statement for people to enjoy what you love.

Easy to make fun of a situation that doesn't affect you personally, isn't it? Actually, Obama made fun of Arizona's situation recently also. How mature was that?
It doesn't affect me? I thought it affected all Americans. As for Obama, **** the man for having a sense of humor.

As long as you "assumed" incorrectly about one thing here, may I point out?

I used the word "suspect" ........... (yes, snickerdoodle and gingerbread aren't the ONLY big words I know)

You, on the other hand, used the word ASSUMPTION, my "assumption that people would be willing to carry proof of citizenship". I did not say I "assume"..... I said I "suspect" ..... there is a difference.


Minute definition differences aside, why would someone NOT be willing to carry a piece of paper in exchange for more safety for themselves and their families?
Assumption. I believe to be false.
I don't believe a piece of paper makes any difference on my safety or that of my family. Most of the criminals in our jails are US citizens.

How many teens have fake IDs to buy booze?

How many criminals make or obtain fraudulent driver's licenses or social security cards to perpetrate ID theft and screw with innocent people's credit? Most of those criminals are citizens. How difficult would it be for them to produce yet another fake type of ID?

No system is perfect. But how is allowing crime to prevail the right answer?

There are many interesting statistics and information posted here...


and here...


Consider the Facts
  • In 2008, The U.S. Justice Department said recently that Mexican gangs are the "biggest organized crime threat to the United States."
  • Until January of 2009, any smugglers carrying under the threshold of 500 pounds were often not prosecuted. Smugglers began purposely carrying smaller loads or coming in just below 500 pounds to try to escape prosecution.
  • In 2009, Phoenix had more than 370 kidnapping cases last year, turning it into the kidnapping capital of the U.S. Most of the victims were illegal aliens or linked to the drugs trade.
  • Narcotics prosecutions in Arizona have risen 202% in 16 months and that is still not handling all of the arrests that are made according to Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse.
  • 1,080 prosecutions will be refused this year in Tucson sector alone. This represents over one third of all unprosecuted cases in the Southwest.
  • According to Phoenix Police Department, there have already been 95 home invasion robberies in 2010, following 398 in 2009 and 376 in 2008.
  • An estimated 5 to 10 % of all marijuana produced in Mexico is transported by highly organized and compartmentalized Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations each year through the Tohono O’odham Reservation, which accounts for less than 4% percent of the U.S.-Mexico Border. Source: National Drug Threat Assessment 2010