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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

:gah: Why would a builder put an exhaust fan in the bathroom, and NOT have them exhaust anywhere, but back into the room? :dunce:
1 down, 1 to go.
Noticed a sign in a McDonalds window this morning advertising their "Fish McBites." Really? ick

They look more like McFish Balls to me. :giggles:
My sister was home this Nov. for the first time in 6 years. Brother lives 30 minutes from me.

Now Dad wants to know if we've talked about how to handle his property and stuff when he is gone. Really? Couldn't we have done that when we were all in the same state?

And looks like nosey SIL is getting involved....great!
I am thinking that as my girls growup and don't need me I need them more and more. Have to work tonight after being off 4 days. Just woke up from a nap and I feel so blue and melancholy because I won't get to see them cuz of work.
Noticed a sign in a McDonalds window this morning advertising their "Fish McBites." Really? ick

They look more like McFish Balls to me. :giggles:

:gah: Why would a builder put an exhaust fan in the bathroom, and NOT have them exhaust anywhere, but back into the room? :dunce:
1 down, 1 to go.

Tell me about it!!
The previous owner put in the fans, but they are not vented out, just to the attic.
We have the roofer came to do the vents, he asked for an arm, but didn't even connect the fans to the vents (DH didn't check his work because he is gullible like that.) I found out when I climbed up there in the fall to figure out the insulation.
The fan in our basement bathroom is vented up between the walls on the main floor.............not outside. :surrender:
I should not have tried to do DS birthday party invites at halftime after having a bloody mary.....put the wrong date down!!!
Nanny, when that was going on with my DH, it was his gallbladder. He had it removed, no problems since.

Yeah, the last ER visit I made them check gallbladder and they said it was fine. This time did ultrasound of all other organs and said they don't "see" an issue. I hate going to the ER because unless you have blood gushing out somewhere they never seem to find it.
I got asked to be a monthly contributing blogger on a site that is for families of sex offenders :) I am very happy! Finally, some of this knowledge I have(that I never wanted, but can't honestly imagine not having) will be put to good use :)
Yup, sent em to school today and everything......did not see that one coming until the machine was filled with ??? phone calls. Dammit.

So naturally you just explained that you were drinking while you were making out the invites no? :lol:
really like the new therapist! :bliss: Spent 2.5 hours talking to her. In the end we're starting next Wednesday instead of this Wednesday because there is so much stuff I told her about new DD8 :eek: she needs more time to rework her therapy plan. And, she said that I will be IN most of the sessions. She will see us & then DD8 for 10-15-20 minutes. This is AWESOME because now DD8 won't be able to bullshit her! :snicker: