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There are some days that she's so over the top it is all I can do not to comment "hey remember that apartment you lived in that was so awful that one day we came in to find a mushroom growing out of your living room carpet?"

:lol: True story...

Meanwhile she drove a ridiculously nice car. She could have lived somewhere better but she chose to spend the money on the stupid car payment
well, she CONSTANTLY whines about her tough life...She's an at home mom who needs "me" time (which i understand)... her son goes to preschool 3 x a week (um that counts as "me" time)... then complains that her 4 year old needs her attention and why can't he be more independent (um, he's FOUR)... and her sadness (get help)...and how she NEEDS to work on the computer daily for her "finances, photo editing (hobby), must check email and must be on Facebook"... Um, you don't NEED to be on the computer that much...it's a CHOICE... it's your CHOICE to post 17 photos from zoo websites a day (not the ones you've taken)... It's your CHOICE to provide the world with all the details of your sad life... I've listened to this crap for over a year.. and i'm done.
So I got on my high horse and spewed some "I do this and this...and I manage...and you should be happy with your life...and you should seek professional help for your pain and sadness"... My real friends and sis said I wasn't mean at all (i was a little snippy in some parts)...and I got called a ****...

SO I defriended her. Ain't nobody got time for that crap. I'm a great person...I have no patience for people who need CONSTANT reminders of how wonderful they are. My last straw was when she was complaining and said..."I just don't know what else to do"... So I told her.. :) She sent me a PM telling me she thought i was her friend. LOL. I'm done. I tried the supportive stuff....the I'll help you build yourself up...now GO GET HELP. Oh, and she called me out by my real name (yeah, not even my real name on Facebook)
There are some days that she's so over the top it is all I can do not to comment "hey remember that apartment you lived in that was so awful that one day we came in to find a mushroom growing out of your living room carpet?"

:lol: True story...

Meanwhile she drove a ridiculously nice car. She could have lived somewhere better but she chose to spend the money on the stupid car payment

This...I have held back for so long! I really tried.

But I also went out to dinner with Dh last night and had 3, yes THREE, martinis...so alcohol may or may not been a factor...even after reading what i wrote...i have no regrets
It's almost baseball season!!! Hellooooz Anthony Rizzo. :drool: :joey:

he looks like he could be one of my boys friends..so young
Autumnsky, I have a friend who also used to be much more fun and has now "found Jesus"(not that there's anything wrong with that, LOL) the problem now is the fact that she too is WAY TOO conservative...like if you even swear or say you like anything too provocative, she will send you a msg. asking you to remove it from your FB. It's sad really...we are all adults and who cares if we wanna look at some guys ****(why I LOVE you peeps on CW)....etc etc. We really don't speak much anymore since she is WAY too conservative...I remember when she was posting about Katy Perry's music being so offensive and the devil's work etc...I was like Holy **** woman, IF you think she's bad then you better not listen to some of the other stuff out there!:snort:
My psycho ex roommate has tried to friend me on FB numerous times for the last 5 years. The woman needs to get a clue!! I have not talked to her for the last 15 years, didn't accept the friend request five years ago, certainly don't plan to change my mind in near or far future!!

This is the woman who sabotaged my relationship out of jealousy, used me to get to know my good friend (her husband now), lied and had everyone believed I bullied her.

My BFF is married to her BIL, she did the same thing to her in the family. However, all the in laws saw her true color and lies eventually and most don't want to have anything to do with her anymore.
:lol: When we first friended her on FB she said to my sister "I see Joy's last name is {last name} did she marry that guy whose name I can't even remember? Is that bad that I can't remember his name?" I chimed in yes, I did (she was dating him, cheated on him and I took him :giggles:)
my sister's BFF's husband had a stroke a couple of days ago. He's in his 30s. He can talk a bit (slurred), move his leg, but can't move his fingers/toes.
my sister's BFF's husband had a stroke a couple of days ago. He's in his 30s. He can talk a bit (slurred), move his leg, but can't move his fingers/toes.

Prayers for him and his family. I hope he heals quickly.
just spent the afternoon watching my wedding video with my kids. That was fun and oh how I love my husband!!! Watching it made me fall in love with him all over again.
Dh is gone 'til Monday!!!!!!! :cartwheel:

ME time.....!

.....oh....I mean.....I miss Dh already. :pout:
I have a hot date tonight ;)

Me too. Well, if a church fundraiser can be hot, it will be anyway. :lol: There's a bar & that's really all that matters.

So....my DH got an email from his BATSHIT CRAZY exwife today, lamenting the demise of their marriage. Um, it's been 10 years. She's still with the guy she had her affair with 11 years ago. I'm sorry that her relationship is going to hell, but does she REALLY think my DH is going to respond? :snort: