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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

Lmao. In a Facebook fight with an old acquaintance. I'm so sick of whiny people. It's kinda makin me laugh! If you put your life on Facebook, expect responses to your ridiculousness! Lame.
Everyone is getting sick around here...DD is sneezing and all congested and I have a horrid earache....plus I have some varicose veins, this runs in my family and my leg is really killing me...may have to try and go to the clinic and see if they have any advice...ibuprofen is not helping anymore....DH said that it looks really puffy on my leg...I didn't notice that but perhaps he has a better eye!
OMG, I think if you've been couponing for as long as I have, it just gets into your blood.

DH came home from work with a dozen red rose and the first thing that popped into my mind was ... how much did those cost? And why did he have to buy them today and not tomorrow or even next week when the price will totally drop on roses?

I know, I'm TERRIBLE, aren't I? LOL. Oh well! I took a pic, posted it on my FB page to share with my friends, and I'll keep my thoughts to myself.
So I came upstairs to get some laundry. I got to my room, sat on the bed and took my phone out to come on cw. Browsed for a little, got off the bed, shut off the light and went downstairs and sat down with the kids. After about two minutes I said to myself, "I feel like I was supposed to do something" :dunce:

story of my life.........happens about 5-6 times a day.

My biggest one is I go in the basement to get something from the fridge down there and instead clean up something, throw in a load of laundry, do whatever and come back up to the kitchen without the item. :dunce:
OMG, I think if you've been couponing for as long as I have, it just gets into your blood.

DH came home from work with a dozen red rose and the first thing that popped into my mind was ... how much did those cost? And why did he have to buy them today and not tomorrow or even next week when the price will totally drop on roses?

I know, I'm TERRIBLE, aren't I? LOL. Oh well! I took a pic, posted it on my FB page to share with my friends, and I'll keep my thoughts to myself.

I have done the same thing....back in the days when you could use RR at Jewel, I would think, man he could have just used my RRs to get them for free. why did he pay money???

Now he normally gets them from Costco, which is fine by me cause they are usually decently priced and it is right by work so convenient for him.
1/2 day of school today to kick off our 3.5 day weekend. :surrender:

This school is party after party after party! Yesterday was a Valentine's Day party. Today we have a Sock Hop party for both kids & then a Beach Party for the boy, all before noon.

I will consider this morning hugely successful if 1) the boy doesn't lose his glasses when he puts on his beach sunglasses, 2) he doesn't steal anything from anyone and 3) the girl dances appropriately. (Have I told you all about the sexy pole dance moves she has? Awkward!) We spent awhile last night dancing appropriately. And by "appropriately" I mean like a white man: arms swaying, fingers snapping, head bobbing, bottom lip bit, goofy **** look on your face.

I emailed her teacher this morning & unfortunately I was a day late, as they had dancing at the Valentine's Day party & she has already shown off her sexy moves. Pretty sure we won't be hearing any more from the Holy Roller room mother that has been wanting a "play date." :snort: I told her teacher, who happens to be black, "Pretty much if she's not dancing like a white guy, she's doing it wrong. You know what I mean. Hope you enjoy your well deserved long weekend. ;)" To which she replied, "Oh my god! You are too funny, I love your emails! I will shut that hot little fire down right away. And I WILL enjoy my weekend!" :lol:

I'm going to miss this teacher. I highly doubt she will miss us! :snort:

Fingers crossed, wine supply stocked, got a babysitter for tonight. ;)
Seriously Dragonfly, you could write a book!
Omg, sick of hearing about bffs 15 yo. dds love life! A 15 yo. should not have a love life! I don't care!!!!
my fever finally just broke , yea!! I was on a conference call with some clients and thought I was gonna explode for a moment. Hopefully I can clean up some of this godawful mess before I have to hit the road again...sigh...
dragonfly I am not sure I mentioned this already but when I was in a K classroom working we had a few kids who could demonstrate some pretty kinky moves and proceeded to do so while telling me a story..all very innocently like there was nothing wrong with what they were doing

we also had a pants pooper he even one time shook it out of his pants onto the storytime carpet...
What's the deal? Is everyone out shopping? I went home for lunch and when I got back an hour later there were four threads that showed new posts.
details please!

why and when/..

I entered a Miller sweepstakes on a whim. I got a call from a number I didn't know yesterday, and was busy, so I ignored the call. Last night when I was setting the alarm on my phone I noticed their was a voice mail and the lady said I won. I called back this morning, verified some information, and she said the TV should be here in 6-8 weeks. We have a tv in our family room and one where I work out, so either a basement TV or it will go in DH's office.
Lmao. In a Facebook fight with an old acquaintance. I'm so sick of whiny people. It's kinda makin me laugh! If you put your life on Facebook, expect responses to your ridiculousness! Lame.


OMG you guys can we talk about this??

I have a FB friend who used to be a good friend of mine back in the day. Loved the girl, but woooah...she was a party girl (like drank a couple shots of vegetable oil to coat her stomach before going out drinking on her birthday!) and kind of a whooore :lol: (OK...not kinda, she was)

Anywhoo she was a hair dresser at the time, after years of friendship we basically had a falling out and went our separate ways. My sister recently friended her on FB, so I did too....anyway....now she does some kind of marketing (IDK what exactly) but she posts CONSTANTLY all of this uber conservative Republican stuff I mean hard core Republican political, conservative ranting etc.

It just KILLS me the way she portrays herself on FB now, vs. who she (really) was for allllll the years I knew her.

Do you have peeps on your FB like that?
one friend back in the day was a huge partier... drinking, drugs every.day.of.her.life. She wouldn't do anything without some drugs and at least 3 drinks. She was just such a partier and everyone knew she was on the premises as she tended to be loud. Fun, obnoxious loud, not bad. Now, now she is all religious, soft spoken. She doesn't drink, smoke nor do any drugs and is poster child of MADD, against drugs ect... I constantly wonder who are you?