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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

Hardest part about all these deals this time of year is not buying stuff for myself or the house.
The What's For Dinner thread must have been deleted. :) Is my family the only one who just keeps it simple? We make baked sweet potatoes, not sweet potatoes with all sorts of stuff in them. We make green beans - no casserole. I bought fresh green beans for tomorrow. I made 2 pumpkin pies today for tomorrow and boiled some eggs for the deviled eggs. We always eat early, too, around 1:00. We must be oddballs. Who knew??
So I come home from work and dh tells me we have 6 more piles of dog **** on the side of our house. We don't know whos dog is doing it on this side of house. We know the other neighbors dog is doing the other side. Dh is out grilling on the patio with kiwi out with him. He comes in and says there is a dog in our yard. I go to step out to look and the dog comes right up to me and I yelled at him to go. A woman with a flashlight emerges from the bushes (my yard is burmed all the way around with bushes and trees) says, can you grab my dog. The dog ran when I shooed him. She then says, "hey thanks for the help nasty and sarcastically." I said, "no problem." She then calls me a **** and I respond with a **** off ****.

Who the hell do people think they are...**** is in my private yard and I don't chase her dog who probably **** all over my yard in my stocking feet and I'm the ****. I swear if I see her again in my yard, she is taking a beatin. I'm not in a mood to deal with ****es right now. :ranting:
Nanny, have you tried zegerid OTC? Doubtful that it would be much better than protonix but you never know...btw my gerd kills me when I'm overly tired, stressed etc. etc. Sometimes a little bit of ice cream MAY help but not always...good luck!
Nanny, have you tried zegerid OTC? Doubtful that it would be much better than protonix but you never know...btw my gerd kills me when I'm overly tired, stressed etc. etc. Sometimes a little bit of ice cream MAY help but not always...good luck!

Yes, actually I have. I was getting relief from Prilosec pretty well until recently. I have what feels like a large lump in my throat and right side of throat almost closed completely. I'm throwing everything at it as far as diet goes and stopped caffeine and carbonated everything. I'm down to just water, sleeping upright, eating yogurt. It's killing me. I went to urgent aid last week and they gave me gi drink and switched me to Protonix and made appt with gastro and ent docs. Milk does seem to help a little when it's burning. It just sucks because I can't even bend over to brush my teeth or I puke....thanks!
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! I am ready for dessert... I can skip the bird, lol
My ds23 bought his airline ticket. He is coming home on 12/6 and he will probably be here til February. He is deciding if he wants to move back. He likes FL, but really misses us.:hiphip::hiphip::hiphip:

Not even a micro cheat on Lex's new diet and he had an allergic reaction at daycare (non-life threatening). So there is something else that he is allergic to that I didn't get him tested for. Raisins? Coconut? Soy? I thought he was tested for soy? :gah:
I think I am all ready to go shopping tomorrow morning. I have all my coupons clipped and my scenarios written down. Plan on leaving the house at 6:50 and getting to the first CVS store right at 7 when they open. I am driving a big loop and hitting 4 CVS and 8 WAGs stores. As long as all goes well, I should be home around 10:30 or 11 at the lastest and join my family for a nice brunch at home. Then, we have to put up the tree and decorate inside and outside the house. Have an early dinner and maybe hit a couple of the closer WAGs later in the evening after the cashier have a shift change. Friday morning, I'll do another loop and hit a few more stores again.

My family is celebrating Turkey Day with a big family dinner on Saturday so I am free to shop on Thursday and Friday as much as I want and I think I actually like it this way!
Nanny! That sounds awful..... I hope you find some relief soon :huggy:

And that lady with the dog..... :hurt: :gah: :hurt:
wowwwwww!!! WHAT A **** !!!!!!!!! want me to make her some special cookies ?!? :giggles: or get you a really big bucket ?!? :giggles:

Wow..... luvagreatdeal...... me thinks I should go figure out the BF deals.... I still have no clue :surrender:
Staples closes at 7PM ?!?!? :faint:

Are you kidding me?!? that's like early afternoon in my own personal :quotes:time zone:quotes:
I'm not in a mood to deal with ****es right now.

Quote of the year!

Nanny, next time tell her she's lucky you didn't catch the dog and call the fuzz or bring it to animal control. I'm betting there is a leash law where you live; maybe remind ****ness that she could easily get a ticket for not leashing her pet and/or for not picking up after it.
hsmom, I'm with you, we keep it simple. I prepped all of the food today. We are ready for dinner tomorrow. :p Except my house is a mess. :lol:
So I come home from work and dh tells me we have 6 more piles of dog **** on the side of our house.

Maybe Chickie will loan you her sign :lol::lol::lol:


Quote of the year!

Nanny, next time tell her she's lucky you didn't catch the dog and call the fuzz or bring it to animal control. I'm betting there is a leash law where you live; maybe remind ****ness that she could easily get a ticket for not leashing her pet and/or for not picking up after it.

I did yell...if you had him on a leash he wouldn't be in my yard...I was really pissed because I got called a **** inside my own house by a tresspasser with her dog running up to my back door. People are a pita.

This is the first year in probably almost 20 that I think I'm sitting black friday out. Too much stress right now to deal with crowds. I don't think I could trust myself. I almost chased that woman in my yard. I told dh we should put deer netting across the back of the yard. Dh thinks this is the same woman who lives in townhouse behind us that I caught digging up my hostas from our berm and stealing them. Not splits mind you...the whole 3 ft wide plants. She's crazy.
The What's For Dinner thread must have been deleted. :) Is my family the only one who just keeps it simple? We make baked sweet potatoes, not sweet potatoes with all sorts of stuff in them. We make green beans - no casserole. I bought fresh green beans for tomorrow. I made 2 pumpkin pies today for tomorrow and boiled some eggs for the deviled eggs. We always eat early, too, around 1:00. We must be oddballs. Who knew??
No we do really simple too. Turkey, Stuffing Mashed p, veggies, olives, crescents, Broccli baked with cheese & ritz is about the most unsimple thing I do :0
Just woke up from a nice nap. DH made me grilled cheese for lunch and now I'm heading over to mom's. She has never hosted Thanksgiving before. She wants me to teach her how to make gravy today :lol: :dance:

Please keep a friend of the family and his wife in your prayers. His name is Bill, and he had a stroke last Saturday. He is recovering, but his long-term prognosis is not great. I'm not blood-related to him, but he's like an uncle to me. He read at my wedding and was supposed to be at Thanksgiving at my mom's today :pout: His wife is just getting over surgery from colon cancer and her mom died earlier this year; they've really been through the wringer this year.
Looks like the crazy house started earlier this year. It usually doesn't start until a week before Christmas that I got so fed up with all the craziness.
I decided not to attend the Thanksgiving gathering at DH's aunt's place (which started at 1 p.m today), I have nothing against DH's aunt, actually she is my fav relative. I just don't feel like seeing some people. I just called a friend who would be happy to have me over for Christmas, the in laws could **** themselves with their passive agressiveness and craziness!
Okay, who came into my house sometime between Jan 2nd (when I put the tree away) and today, went into my basement, and stole my tree skirt???

I know I put it away with the Christmas stuff and now I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find it! So frustrating.

I hate it when I can't find stuff! Maybe that means I have too much stuff in this house ...