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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

I got myself steak and shrimp with the $20 cat from buying GCs, eating dinner alone on Thanksgiving is better than dealing with the idiots who think they could get to me by controlling DH.

DH went without you?
My entire house reeks of garlic.

Since mom is busy w/sis, and dad didn't feel like making his traditional holiday pickles [he can't sample or eat them any more because of his sodium-free diet], I picked up the mantel so my nieces wouldn't be disappointed. I normally don't use much garlic as it gives me indigestion, but I've been having to sample them to check if they are done. Holy cow, the brine is wicked odiferous and it only has like 4-5 crushed cloves.

Oh & they aren't ready yet, I started them a day too late, but they will have to do.

I'll start a few days earlier, add more salt & spices when it comes time to make the Christmas batch. :lol:
Just read the Wags BF thread and I'm thinking I don't have the time, energy or motivation to do ANY of that :surrender:
oh well,.....more stock for other peeps !!! :bliss:

I think that pretty much every time I wander into a Wags thread. CVS on the other hand rocked this week! :dance:
So dh is watching the news about people buying stuff on Black Friday and as if he's had a revelation he says, "You know what those people are doing buying those doorbusters. Their selling them." Ya think? Normally he is an intelligent man.
So tired of being sick and tired...DH drove yesterday down to my mom's house and mom is still sick too...nonetheless she and my brother INSISTED that they keep DD this weekend...I LOVE them...but I think they're crazy. DB is not sick though and is single so he can keep DD at his place and of course mom and dad won't pass up a chance to hang w/their only grandchild...just wish DH and I felt better so we could "enjoy" the weekend!
mrsmom, how did Thanksgiving go at your house? Did MIL join you?
Well, I will say that I have NEVER had children who go to bed as nicely as these two do. It's been a week & not once have they made a peep, gotten out of bed, asked for water, etc. after we tuck them in. :bliss: The girl was VERY good today. WHEW! I needed a good day with her. DH & I ran to Old Navy after they went to bed...I forgot how much fun little girls clothing is. She is going to squeal when she sees her new silver glitter gym shoes for the first day of school. :lol: $10 jeans, $4 shirts, I love Old Navy.
Family Thanksgiving was happy & sad. Found out niece #1 is interviewing for jobs across the country, she graduates college in May. Even harder bombshell was the news that niece #2 plans on moving to the west coast after college & med school. I'm very proud of them, but will miss them terribly.

Hard to imagine not being there when they start their own families...way down the road, hopefully not for 10 years...
My Dad's computer is really slow!

Sister goes home today :(
I'm thinking I need to keep better track of my stockpile. I spent the better part of the afternoon rearranging to try to make room for all the crap I bought over the last couple of days. What am I going to do with all this chocolate? I can't believe all the stuff I have that I didn't realize. We've been using Suave for the last couple of weeks because I knew mm HE was coming up and I thought we were out otherwise--turns out we had a good 10 bottles. On the other hand it's also fun to go through stuff and think about deals gone by--dh was like why do we have so many boxed potatos? That was the one at Doms where you just had to scan them through the register and it told you to take them--no coupons, no tax... good times, good times...
Loving my new Griddle from Kohls - my DD bought on BF was the one thing i wanted from Kohls .com that was out - made DD pancakes and grilled cheese DH got grilled turkey oh so good :)
don't kill the messenger....aren't the really big pics part of taking up too much bandwidth? or are they supported from another source?

I know nothing about this stuff...just remember it mentioned when we discussed keeping the board up/healthy.

avatars take up bandwidth on the CW server.

signatures and other pics (like ad scans and most pics of people's pets and kids) are hosted on third party servers like picasa or photobucket, so don't affect CW.