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Watching some Frank on PBS.................swoon. :bliss:

Of my 5 PBS stations, I've got Rod Stewart, Jim Lehrer, David-Dorian Ross, Rick Steves, & Ben O' Donoghue at the moment.... no Frank.

Well sorry, but we have Frank here. Rick Steves drives me insane btw.
Well the Kindle that has survived being washed (twice!, the second time after being barfed on) has finally met its demise. Lex set it down, kind of roughly but it wasn't really that bad, and the screen shattered. It still works, which kind of surprises me, but I'm worried that he'll cut his fingers on the glass so no Kindle for Lex.

The first CS said I had to pay $100+shipping for a replacement, but I had read that if you ask nicely, with a sob story, and they transfer you then you may get a better offer. I like the second offer better. No charge at all for what is probably a 1st gen refurb, but since the broken one is a 1st gen refurb I'm a happy camper. Won't arrive until mid-month, but I'll be using this time to teach Lex to always be gentle.

And in just these past few days I also received new-to-us toys from two sources (one a fellow CWer) so Lex will have more trains (and I'm not sure what else as I haven't gone through the bags yet) and Lawson will get Mega Blocks.

I'm grateful for the people I know that are always reaching to give me a hand up and for the people I don't but cut me a break anyways. Even with the minor bumps I've had lately (or in the past few years or over the course of my life) my life is good and I appreciate all that I have.
For several weeks now, I have been applying essential oils to Jonny's chest and feet to help him focus in school. I spent weeks researching this, and he has been doing well!! Tonight, more research, and discovered another combination that I am going to try starting tomorrow. I am so thankful for the internet and the fact that I can see what other parents use for ADHD and what works and what does not.
Squirrels are stupid.

There's one bringing acorns from across the street any burying them in my yard.

First....you dumb squirrel, you won't remember where you put it, and you'll did holes looking for it.

Second...YOU HAVE FOOD YEAR ROUND DOWN HERE!!!! You don't NEED to stock up for Winter!!!!!!

I need a bucket. :snicker:
Squirrels are stupid.

There's one bringing acorns from across the street any burying them in my yard.

First....you dumb squirrel, you won't remember where you put it, and you'll did holes looking for it.

Second...YOU HAVE FOOD YEAR ROUND DOWN HERE!!!! You don't NEED to stock up for Winter!!!!!!

I need a bucket. :snicker:

Maybe he's a transplant from IL too. Maybe he was stowed away in one of your boxes. Maybe this is all your fault.

:surrender: It's snowing. It's not supposed to amount to much but it's supposed to be like this all day - wet slushy/snow mix. I packed a lunch and won't come home at lunchtime. I don't want to drive in this stuff any more than I have to. Sophie and the kitties will have to manage on their own today.

How long 'till Spring? :surrender:
Nothing like being woken up at 6:30am by screaming, crying, fighting children. :surrender: They are clearly settling in- up until today they haven't had a knock down, drag out fight, which I think is normal sibling behavior. :giggles: Either way, I do not function until 7am, so we have a new rule: If you are awake before 7:15am, you may lay QUIETLY in your bed & read. :snicker:

Today is the first day of school! :bliss: :bliss: :bliss: In honor of my first "day off" since November 16th, I have recorded a Lifetime Movie for my Day of Doing Nothing. In true Lifetime fashion, it is about a lawyer who is defending an Amish teen. :lol: Can't wait. :p
Squirrels are stupid.

There's one bringing acorns from across the street any burying them in my yard.

First....you dumb squirrel, you won't remember where you put it, and you'll did holes looking for it.

Second...YOU HAVE FOOD YEAR ROUND DOWN HERE!!!! You don't NEED to stock up for Winter!!!!!!

I need a bucket. :snicker:


:surrender: It's snowing. It's not supposed to amount to much but it's supposed to be like this all day - wet slushy/snow mix. I packed a lunch and won't come home at lunchtime. I don't want to drive in this stuff any more than I have to. Sophie and the kitties will have to manage on their own today.

How long 'till Spring? :surrender:

hater .....pfft

hater .....pfft

DS Ok with a fever, so much for the Under Armour outlet today :(
Poor kid, I wish I knew what was wrong with him. If I ask what hurts he just says everything.
And we just got over strep!
:hug: I hated when the kids would get sick with a mystery fever.....I hope he feels better soon!

DS Ok with a fever, so much for the Under Armour outlet today :(
Poor kid, I wish I knew what was wrong with him. If I ask what hurts he just says everything.
And we just got over strep!
DS Ok with a fever, so much for the Under Armour outlet today :(
Poor kid, I wish I knew what was wrong with him. If I ask what hurts he just says everything.
And we just got over strep!

Just call the outlet and ask them to take a look around...most people will do a good job and look for you if you explain you don't want to drive let alone w a sick kid! Hope the fever subsides quickly.
They've got what I need there, but I feel guilty dragging him out. He just wants to lay on the couch and watch tv and drink water. Poor buddy.

And I am curious too! WTF is up?? :bee: