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I am sick of this **** antivirus vista 2012 virus crap. my sil had it a couple of weeks ago. then I got it on my desktop, I got rid of it ok the 1st time. it came back and really screwed it up, cant even turn the **** thing on. now its on my brand new freaking laptop. ughhhhhhh!!!! I am hoping that I can at least reformat the laptop since I dont have anything saved on it yet. but my desktop had a ton of pictures that I lost :(

I have mcafee, it should have caught it. **** people that create this viruses should be shot!
I am sick of this **** antivirus vista 2012 virus crap. my sil had it a couple of weeks ago. then I got it on my desktop, I got rid of it ok the 1st time. it came back and really screwed it up, cant even turn the **** thing on. now its on my brand new freaking laptop. ughhhhhhh!!!! I am hoping that I can at least reformat the laptop since I dont have anything saved on it yet. but my desktop had a ton of pictures that I lost :(

I have mcafee, it should have caught it. **** people that create this viruses should be shot!

I think this is what I have as well! It has happened 2x...Thank goodness ds does his magic and gets me back up!...but what a pain. I have mcafee too.
I am sick of this **** antivirus vista 2012 virus crap. my sil had it a couple of weeks ago. then I got it on my desktop, I got rid of it ok the 1st time. it came back and really screwed it up, cant even turn the **** thing on. now its on my brand new freaking laptop. ughhhhhhh!!!! I am hoping that I can at least reformat the laptop since I dont have anything saved on it yet. but my desktop had a ton of pictures that I lost :(

I have mcafee, it should have caught it. **** people that create this viruses should be shot!

We agree!!!!! And its sort of worse so many aren't for personal gain just to destroy/hassle other people's lives :pout: Bad illegal greed is terrible but random criminal acts FOR FUN against 10,000's at least is worse.
I am saddened and shocked to hear about the death of one of my vol.'s...he was a wonderful man and WAY too young...sad....died of a brain aneurism...he couldn't even be 60 yrs. old yet...
I think this is what I have as well! It has happened 2x...Thank goodness ds does his magic and gets me back up!...but what a pain. I have mcafee too.

I have an IT background and its happened once to me (some other virus) not to get preachy but "JUST SAY NO" but I'll get bashed on 15 yr olds having sex AGAIN :lol:, but it's hard to resist "clicking" on an attention getting pop-up :lol: but that covers most of what an antivirus does not catch, pop-ups or email clicking. Sorry you had to deal with it, I tempt fate and avoid viruses for years with no MacAfee or Norton by just SAYING NO TO CLICKING :lol:
I am saddened and shocked to hear about the death of one of my vol.'s...he was a wonderful man and WAY too young...sad....died of a brain aneurism...he couldn't even be 60 yrs. old yet...

Sorry to hear about your loss under 60 is terrible, won't put a tag line for "mama" to be mean to me, but what is "vol's"?
It might be, I dunno where she works.

But she has answered now that the kid does have coats, the parents just don't for whatever reason feel it's necessary to have him wear one.

OOPS, that's what happens when you don't read all the comments in a thread :laugh:
update on my dad. He has been in the hospital since Dec 13th. they did all kinds of blood tests and chest xrays, etc, had nuerology check him out and still cant find out what the problem is. he was so weak that we couldnt lift his head to put a pillow under it. they gave him an antibiotic in the er and he got a little better, moved him to a private room and he got up in the middle of the night and fell. from that night he seemed to get weaker each day. finally I guess the dr gave up, he couldnt figure out what was wrong after doing all those tests. said it was a infection somewhere but couldnt treat it because they didnt know where or what it was.

so they sent him to a rehab home, basically a nursing home. so monday or Tuesday of this week he went to the nursing home. he was so weak and wanted to give up. he has begged my mom not to send him to a nursing home (he has cancer too) but we had no other way to go. well today he was strong enough that we were able to bring him home to visit for 2 hours and then took him back for the night. we can check him out again on christmas eve for 2 hours and then again christmas for longer. he is able to walk with a walker now. which is fantastic compared to sunday and monday when he couldnt even raise his arms or legs up.

eta - at the hosp he was on alot of morphine because he was in so much pain. he normally takes vicoden at home and is still in pain. since he has been in the the nursing home the only pain meds he is on is tylenol. they still dont know what is wrong but hopefully he is on the mend now.
hopefully he will get to come home in 2 weeks. and his dog is able to visit him out there too. Thanks for the prayers <3
Sorry to hear about your loss under 60 is terrible, won't put a tag line for "mama" to be mean to me, but what is "vol's"?

yes, autumnsky is correct, volunteers...he was a wonderful man...I am still so shocked and saddened by it...my clients will be so sad as well!
Looking across the room and locking eyes with my husband makes me fall in love with him all over again.

Most days. LOL Luckily, today is one of those days.
Christmas 2/5 complete. Tomorrow is just Pat, Jonny and I. We are staying in our PJ's/comfy clothes, grilling steaks for supper, and playing games. *happy sigh*
Christmas 2/5 complete. Tomorrow is just Pat, Jonny and I. We are staying in our PJ's/comfy clothes, grilling steaks for supper, and playing games. *happy sigh*

That sounds lovely!!! :bliss: