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so what are you thinking right now?

OH, and I was respectful in my responses to you here. There was a lot NOT said out of respect for you and your feelings and wanting you comfortable in CW.

Plus...it was none of my business. IF you wished to share...and this is a great place to vent when things are going badly (been there...donethat...I understand it)....if I diagreed it wasn't my business to do so. You deserved the right to have a place as much as I or anyone else does without challenging you on it. So, for the most part....I actually minded my own business.

Peace and a happy future to us both.

I know you were being respectful. I can imagine how you feel about me, my husband, and my situation. You are not the only one. I have lost friends, Pat has lost family members, and I have grown a very thick skin because of it. I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I have stopped arguing with people to try to get them to change their mind...it was chipping away at my sanity at a pace that was frighteningly fast. I happen to like what little bit of my sanity I have left.

I totally respect you, Barb. Really. I know we don't see eye to eye but I want you to know that.
Today(Sunday) is my 14 year anniversary with Pat...**** we are old!

Next Sunday is our 12 year wedding anniversary...and also Jonny's 7th birthday :)
I am thinking that I hope the dog harness I got today for my dog at Petsmart works as we are tired of this dog dragging us all around the neighborhood, literally. I am also still PRAYING that my DH gets switched to a different shift as he has been SO CRANKY lately from not sleeping well!
I am thinking that I hope the dog harness I got today for my dog at Petsmart works as we are tired of this dog dragging us all around the neighborhood, literally. I am also still PRAYING that my DH gets switched to a different shift as he has been SO CRANKY lately from not sleeping well!

The harness works for our dog, but I'm not too good at remembering to put it on him. I feel like a need to get another bag just to haul all of the dog stuff when I take him somewhere!
I am thinking many things this morning:

1. I really don't want to put away the laundry today because I have to do more laundry and it NEVER ends.

2. I really don't want to empty the dishwasher because I will only fill it again. ANOTHER vicious cycle.

3. I don't think I can handle another week of the heat. DH comes home CRABBY.

4. How am I going to get my 4 year old Son to start listening to me? Have I lost the battle already and he is only 4?

5. I REALLY don't want to join the Fitness Center and exercise. But I need to lose some weight and relieve some stress so I will drag myself there.

6. Why is my Mom becoming so difficult and mean? Spending time with her in person or on the phone is draining.

7. What will the winter bring for DH work wise??

Let's see.........I think that is enough for now. Boy do I sound like a complainer. I had better shape up.
I'm thinking that those women I work with had better not still be pmsing today or there's gonna be trouble, :hurt:and if they are, they better direct their anger at someone else this week.
I'm thinking...

I don't want to take the van to get the oil changed this morning. I hate doing that!

Why is my weight up when I've been watching what I eat and I ran yesterday for 45 minutes?
Life isn't fair, so I better get my stuff done. No one else seems to be breaking down the doors to get in here and clean, do laundry and cook. We are to go on vacation next week and since no one is showing up, I may as well get on it!
That I am ready for a break from everything. Seriously if I get one more rude comment or yelled at one more time I might just hide under my bed for the week. It has to get better..... right?
That I'm gonna owe ComEd a **** load of $$$

Coffee maker left on all day
kitchen lights left on probably all day
2 AC units on high, 2 fans on high and DS is sleeping under a huge pile of blankets!
I'm thinking I'm tired of picking up after my kids!!! They leave **** all over...........pudding lid here, dirty socks there, paper plates everywhere, etc. I just follow them around all day picking up their messes. Just now I found and ice cube sitting on the wood floor melting. They both denied leaving it there and said they wouldn't pick it up. Oh really?! That was the last straw.......I started screaming like a G-damned lunatic at the top of my lungs!!! They both cleaned it up then. :ranting:
I'm thinking I'm tired of picking up after my kids!!! They leave **** all over...........pudding lid here, dirty socks there, paper plates everywhere, etc. I just follow them around all day picking up their messes. Just now I found and ice cube sitting on the wood floor melting. They both denied leaving it there and said they wouldn't pick it up. Oh really?! That was the last straw.......I started screaming like a G-damned lunatic at the top of my lungs!!! They both cleaned it up then. :ranting:

Well it makes me feel better I'm not the only one with kids who hate picking up after themselves - and can lose it. Right now they are both in their rooms grounded, no tv, no music, no DS until those **** rooms are clean enough for me to dust and vacuume. Getting real tired of having to step up to step into their rooms.
Well it makes me feel better I'm not the only one with kids who hate picking up after themselves - and can lose it. Right now they are both in their rooms grounded, no tv, no music, no DS until those **** rooms are clean enough for me to dust and vacuume. Getting real tired of having to step up to step into their rooms.

Don't even get me started on their room! :gah:
I got a letter from my daughter from camp today. A real, two page letter!!

Like with paper and pen and stamp? :faint:

Is she having a good time?