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so what are you thinking right now?

I think (so far!) I'm having a much better day today than yesterday.

Thank God.
What the heck is clotted cream? It sounds absolutely disgusting. Are the clots chunks? Sorry, I already don't do milk because the thought of it grosses me out. This sounds really bad...

So, my dh left for Vegas this morning and won't be back until Friday. I've been asking and hoping for snow and of course now we are going to get it while he's gone. Our snowblower doesn't work and I highly doubt it's a good idea for an 8 month pregnant lady to be out shoveling. This might suck. Anybody live in Waukegan and wanna come shovel me out if we get a lot of snow? I would make my kids do it, but doubt a 5 and 2yo could handle it. Lol!
looks like another day dedicated to shoveling, and this snow looks/feels wet. wished i had followed one of those helpful hints someone posted on here and sprayed the entire block down with hot sudsy dawn dish liquid,lol
Ok, I had to google this to see details, because I HATE shoveling/s***/ice...

Here's what I've found & not sure I'd trust any of them...


"Wooden deck manufacturers sometimes recommend using a pet-safe ice melt to get ice off your decking. It's less corrosive than other products and it's eco-friendly. For an even gentler approach, pour a bucket of hot water and a little dish-washing detergent on your wooden deck. This not only will remove the ice, but also should keep ice from forming for up to a week."


"Can liquid soap prevent ice?
Yes liquid soap can stop ice. The reason is because of the cleaning OILS in the soap.


"Instead of treating your icy walk with salt, which can kill the grass, mix 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid with 1/2 gallon of warm water and pour it over your steps and sidewalk. The dishwashing liquid helps prevent the ice from re-freezing. To make the ice melt faster, add a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol (or add beer, but really - who wants to waste beer?) to the mixture."

What the heck is clotted cream? It sounds absolutely disgusting. Are the clots chunks? Sorry, I already don't do milk because the thought of it grosses me out. This sounds really bad...

So, my dh left for Vegas this morning and won't be back until Friday. I've been asking and hoping for snow and of course now we are going to get it while he's gone. Our snowblower doesn't work and I highly doubt it's a good idea for an 8 month pregnant lady to be out shoveling. This might suck. Anybody live in Waukegan and wanna come shovel me out if we get a lot of snow? I would make my kids do it, but doubt a 5 and 2yo could handle it. Lol!
Karma is a **** :lol:
Sounds like it would end up with a slippery soapy mess (that I'd probably end up falling on and really being a mess.) :surrender:
Getting pretty sick of fish already. The chef at this conference
Has no imagination... Boiled potatoes and baby beets every single day for lunch and dinner... Blah! Going out to dinner tonight hope its better but colleauges picked a bbq place.
Really.... Ugh!!
Our snow is all melting :gah: :gah: :gah:
We're supposed to get an inch today

Thanks. I am still loving the snow and watching my kids play in it. Just not so much when I have no one to help me with the driveway.

Just back up over it...maybe bribe your 5 yr. old into making a teeny tiny path for you all to walk in/out...that would be easier...or pay a neighbor maybe? Good luck! Either way, don't overdo it! Maybe just a little at a time! :flowers:
I am beginning to think that I have lost my mojo when it comes to photography.

That thought makes me want to bawl my eyes out but what can I do? I had contemplated buying myself a new camera with tax money(after all bills are caught up, of course) and now, I dont think I will be :(
Can't believe my baby is 5 months old today.....

OMG Val she's so slobberishous!!! Please slobber all over her for me and sniff her like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bliss:

I LOVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Extra slobbers from Aunt Cookie, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bliss: :bliss: :bliss: