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so what are you thinking right now?

DH brought me some clotted cream back from England............I didn't like it. I tossed it out. :hides:

Ha..ha..ha, my mother was all pissy and complaining not long after I reached home because my sister brought home clotted cream during her recent trip to England. :lol:
I just spent 2 hours placing a months supply of my Mom's meds into those little travel things. Then I created a new medical alert card listing all the meds, procedures, allergies, ect. Now it is going to take me a half hour to do a weeks supply of Dh's meds. I friggin hate meds! Oh yea, it's going to snow. ****.
I tried....house behind me has been empty almost 2 years now.

Today I notice animal tracks down the roof and into what looks like a big hole where the roof meets the gutter. Lots of raccoons in this area and there have been reports that they lived in that house this summer.

So I call Centry 21 and try to explain.

No, I don't have the house number but gave road, cross road, color and their last asking price. Explained the whole situation, offer to go get house number and they tell me not to bother. It's no longer their listing and the bank owns it now...thanks for the call but there is nothing they can do about it.

So if anyone knows of any raccoons in the Dekalb area that need a winter home let me know!

I agree call the city. we have had problems with 2 houses behind us. The first had grass so tall it was waste high and some of the weeds were fence high. I would call the city every other week until it's taken care of. We had skunks which i called the city about, guy came to trap them caught a racoon. Said he had to let it go cause that's not what they were here for blah blah blah. Well he lets it out, we talk for a minute and low and behold the racoon he just let out scaled the gutter of the house behind me (abandoned) like a ninja! And went right into a hole in the roof! He said it would appear since it went right away to the roof, babies were probably in there. The other house behind me the shed was falling apart and animals living in there as well. Just make it a point to call the city enough that the public works guy will get annoyed enough to take care of the problem so you will stop calling:lol:
:gah: :gah: :gah:

How can the woman who eats rich buttery cheesey foods 24/7 NOT like clotted cream???? Are you sure it was clotted cream?

It was bland. Like unsalted butter or sumptin. :9:
it was soooo freaking nice out today. it was in the 60's. I got out and did a 6 mile walk. it made me feel so much better, except now my legs are a little sore.
I think I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. :gah:

Someone shoot me.
My spastic 2'yr old ds is such a spaz ... I don't know what to done him.
My dh is so lazy and I'm worn out of doing everything.
The worst is 4 1/2 DD who is so far beyond not listening to me....I'm at wits end. She does the opposite of what I say 1/3 of the time and completely ignores me 1/3 of the time. The other 1/3 she half listens.
Ewww, it's freezing rain outside. Or maybe sleet.
Either way, I'm glad I'm home.
I wanted chocolate, so I had a packet of Carnation Breakfast Essentials in 1% milk...and it cured that craving :)

Then I got to thinking that about 18 months ago, I lost like 25 pounds by having a CBE shake for breakfast and lunch every day for 2 weeks, along with a good supper. I may have to try that again, and start doing the Wii more...
looks like another day dedicated to shoveling, and this snow looks/feels wet. wished i had followed one of those helpful hints someone posted on here and sprayed the entire block down with hot sudsy dawn dish liquid,lol
looks like another day dedicated to shoveling, and this snow looks/feels wet. wished i had followed one of those helpful hints someone posted on here and sprayed the entire block down with hot sudsy dawn dish liquid,lol

:dunce: What?
Of all the days DH forgets his work bag (laptop, etc), he picks today.............sleet and bad roads. He was almost to work (an hour away) when I saw it and called him so he had to turn around and come all the way back. :slap:

I'm thinking my bed is calling me. :bliss:
I've never even heard of clotted cream before...but has anyone tried making it? Looks easy enough: http://www.joyofbaking.com/DevonshireCream.html

MrsMom- I don't know what to tell you, that's a pain in the **** though! Hopefully you can convince your DH that the money he'd spend on a new car would be better spent elsewhere. I freaking HATE car payments. Hate. Them. We're using part of our tax return to pay off DH's car, which has turned out to be the most expensive SUV on earth after (I kid you not) 9 years of payments. We could have had an Escalade. :p (Long story.) I can't wait til that sucker is paid off & we can drop some of the insurance. His former payment will be applied to my car. After that, the two payments combined are going into savings & when we need a new car, it's going to be whatever we can buy with however much we've saved. Good luck. :huggy: (I used to have a DH who "had" to have a stick for his 45 minute commute. :asshat:)

I am so not ready for baseball season. I have 3,000 flyers that I need to sort into about 50 different sized stacks & distribute to 6 schools today. :surrender:

This cruise ship disaster is just terrible. So sad. I feel so bad for the family of the American couple who is still missing. The Today show just said that after putting 4 kids through college they could finally afford to take their dream vacation. So sad.