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so what are you thinking right now?

OMG Valerie - how do you not eat her up every day! What a cutie pie!!!
She is adorable!!!
OMG Valerie - how do you not eat her up every day! What a cutie pie!!!

Thanks ladies. I seriously have to stop myself from actually taking a bite out of her cute cheeks. It's just so sad that this is the last of my babies. Trying to gobble up every snuggle, sniff, etc that I can.
It's just so sad that this is the last of my babies.

Doesn't have to be...........you make such beautiful children.............keep going ala Michelle Duggar (half kidding).
Hello Valerie-

My DD4 just saw your baby's picture and said " oh she's so cute" I want a baby too. Why cant get a baby like this. She doesnt bite".

she is adorable.
Just so frustrated w/all of it this wk...only tues. and everything already is off to a bad start...issues w/work, w/DD and school. With stuff breaking in the house...just sick of the ****. Just wish it would all stop. Plus I hate it when my boss tells me to kiss people's **** some more...especially ****heads who just don't get it!
Why do I start 4 hour baking projects at 9 pm? LOL

I am making Honey Oatmeal bread, btw. I can't wait to bake it!
I like being a "morning person" just wish my mornings didn't start at 4:00:morning:
Me either....plus I get to spend my day with 10 children ages 15-24 months.

It's so hard to stay awake somedays during nap time. Room is dark, soft music, kids all asleep. Wonder what my chances of napping after work are?
I'm not working at all until next Wednesday, and haven't worked since Sunday. Cutting it close this month on bills so my mind just keeps going and going thinking about all financial and work stuff.... Sent out my resume to some day spas, hoping to get in somewhere so I can start making decent money with the certification I earned (took me this long to get my transcripts to be able to start looking for work in the field@@)
DS7 is home from school today. Has a fever and says his stomach hurts.
:huggy: for everyone who feels sad or discouraged this morning :huggy: