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so what are you thinking right now?

I freaking HATE our neighbors. It appears they went to bed and left their cat out. I went to put my dogs out and it was under the table on my deck in the snow. I guess I am a sucker (Sorry Tazz, I really do not like cats. I can only be around them for about 5 minutes before my throat closes and my eyes turn to bloody pools) so I did the best thing I could. I put the dogs back in the house, brought the cat into my garage thing- three sides not connected to the house and put him in my car. I have blankets in there so I made a nest thing. I filled a small bowl with water, opened my window 1/2 way and am hoping for the best. He or she should be able to get out cause cats jump, he has a warm place to be and I really have no idea if he normally stays outside. Now I am panicking about a frggin cat. I am not fond of cats and I just made it a home. I can only hope he will be ok and not **** in my car.
Hell, that white crap is coming down fast & furious right now.

I do NOT like hearing the weather guy mentioning my town during the weather, not at all. :surrender:



Thanks, but I'm close. I'm wallowing in it right now. I tried and likely failed. You fail your kid your life doesn't amount to ****.

You won't fail.
Just keep moving forward one email, phone call and letter at a time.
They can't ignore you forever. You won't let that happen.
Now get some sleep. You're going to need to be awake and on top of your game tomorrow!
You won't fail.
Just keep moving forward one email, phone call and letter at a time.
They can't ignore you forever. You won't let that happen.
Now get some sleep. You're going to need to be awake and on top of your game tomorrow!

I don't know what's going on IC2, but I agree w/Bunnee...keep your head up and kick some ****! (hugs)
Thanks, but I'm close. I'm wallowing in it right now. I tried and likely failed. You fail your kid your life doesn't amount to ****.

It's okay to wallow and long as you don't get stuck in it

You are teaching your child that you won't give up or give in when it would be easier to. You are teaching that they are worth your time and energy.

So, keep your chin up and stand up for what is right. :flowers:
Hoping that all the school age kids have winter gear today. It's going to be cold and yesterday 4 of them didn't have gloves or mittens.

If you are getting snow and cold please stay safe!
:huggy: Joy. Saw something in another thread too. What did the school do now?
Hoping that all the school age kids have winter gear today. It's going to be cold and yesterday 4 of them didn't have gloves or mittens.

If you are getting snow and cold please stay safe!

How cold does it have to be to stay in? Ds came home yesterday complaining because they had inside recess. Trying to decide if it's worth packing up all his snowpants, ect again today or not.
The weatherman said 1-3 inches. When I went to bed last night it was around 6". This morning it was a tad more than that and it was not fun shoveling at 6 am. ****s.
How cold does it have to be to stay in? Ds came home yesterday complaining because they had inside recess. Trying to decide if it's worth packing up all his snowpants, ect again today or not.

Not sure if all schools are the same, but our school is 19 and below, they stay in - 20 and above, they go out. The wind chill is factored into the temperature.
Thank you guys :hug:

You are the best....this **** district is going to be the death of me. I've just never seen adults at a school fight so dirty. It's just appalling....meeting with them (and their attorney) at 9:15. One step at a time...that's all I can do. Thanks for your support! It really helps!
so you can cover an open dry hand crack with this? is it like liquid skin? i too have a couple of cracks. every night i slather on the aqauphor cream and put cotton sox on my hand and off to bed. wake up almost healed in the am. maybe if i got more than 4-5hrs sleep it would be completely healed. so i can do this with the solar stuff tho? won't wash off??
Pizza hut is going to get an ear full today! I had a $7 credit on my account do to a mistake they made a while ago...So Wednesday, I got Jonny and I each a Pizzone and was told the total was 3.21. My receipt said 3.21. Looked at my bank account online to see how much my check was (direct deposit) and Pizza Hut actually charged me 10.13... So I am getting to the bottom of this today. GRR.