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so what are you thinking right now?

OHHHHHHHHHHHH! that little guy is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
LOL... not MORE than you want a bottle of real wine, right ???
I wish I had gotten to sleep in. Instead I had to hustle to get my DH to a Dr appt. Maybe I can stay in now until Sunday.... looks awful out there!
:ranting: Just thinking about what we have going on for the weekend and any tasks I might want to tackle and them I'm reminded that we have a nephew's 1st Birthday party tomorrow at 2pm. Slightly irritated with the 2pm invite for appetizers & cake...so why didn't she just say "come at 2pm, leave by 4:30, cuz I'm too cheap to serve you dinner"...pisses me off. We have a large family and all the other SIL's/Sisters always plan all the kids parties for 4pm...allows you to still get things done during the day and then go to the party to have someone else cook dinner for the night. Perfect plan in my eyes. And I always offer to bring something. Instead, this SIL has to be an odd ball and plan it for 2pm (um, nap time??) and then I still have to come home and cook dinner. Pfttt. :ranting:
:ranting: Just thinking about what we have going on for the weekend and any tasks I might want to tackle and them I'm reminded that we have a nephew's 1st Birthday party tomorrow at 2pm. Slightly irritated with the 2pm invite for appetizers & cake...so why didn't she just say "come at 2pm, leave by 4:30, cuz I'm too cheap to serve you dinner"...pisses me off. We have a large family and all the other SIL's/Sisters always plan all the kids parties for 4pm...allows you to still get things done during the day and then go to the party to have someone else cook dinner for the night. Perfect plan in my eyes. And I always offer to bring something. Instead, this SIL has to be an odd ball and plan it for 2pm (um, nap time??) and then I still have to come home and cook dinner. Pfttt. :ranting:

so you can cover an open dry hand crack with this? is it like liquid skin? i too have a couple of cracks. every night i slather on the aqauphor cream and put cotton sox on my hand and off to bed. wake up almost healed in the am. maybe if i got more than 4-5hrs sleep it would be completely healed. so i can do this with the solar stuff tho? won't wash off??

It's an oil that you paint on like nail polish, it soaks into your skin. Not like liquid skin, it will wash off. My dh gets those deep quarter or half inch long cracks that become really painful on the tips of his fingers. I paint the oil on before bed, then he puts lotion over. Since it's right before bed it soaks in several hours before he washes his hands. Only takes a few days to heal with the Solar Oil, used to take weeks to heal sometimes.
Why am I even on the pill? Last week I forgot it 3 times. Start taking "regularly" again and this morning here it is sitting on the counter with the vitamins I forgot to take!! I am going to have 2 f*cking periods this month!!! Like one isn't bad enough. WTH is wrong with me?????

Either that or you won't get one at all.
DS14 better get his head out of his **** quickly or I'm gonna beat him!!! He finished first semester of his Freshman year last week, barely skating by with C's in all his classes. He has the ability to be a strong B, possible A student but he just doesn't care. I'm tired of having this conversations about "yes, I get it. I'll work harder this quarter." BS, you big liar. We are one week into the new quarter and you've already missed turning in a big packet in Biology that I specifically asked you about last night and you told me it was done. Liar. I hate to feel this way about my child but it's getting really old and the lies and lack of responsibility are starting to really, really, really worry me. TGIF, I'm going to make a drink.
DS14 better get his head out of his **** quickly or I'm gonna beat him!!! He finished first semester of his Freshman year last week, barely skating by with C's in all his classes. He has the ability to be a strong B, possible A student but he just doesn't care. I'm tired of having this conversations about "yes, I get it. I'll work harder this quarter." BS, you big liar. We are one week into the new quarter and you've already missed turning in a big packet in Biology that I specifically asked you about last night and you told me it was done. Liar. I hate to feel this way about my child but it's getting really old and the lies and lack of responsibility are starting to really, really, really worry me. TGIF, I'm going to make a drink.

Well, what kind on online friend would I be if I let you drink alone? I'm pouring myself a double as soon as these screaming kids go back their home next door! What the hell was I thinking? I'm already pissed that dh told me today, no bonus for him this year and no raise. WTF!??!?!?!?!?

Happy F!**ing New Year! :ranting:
Hope no one minds but I bumped up Jeni's request for facebook votes.
She is ahead by 1 vote and voting ends Sat.
DS14 better get his head out of his **** quickly or I'm gonna beat him!!! He finished first semester of his Freshman year last week, barely skating by with C's in all his classes. He has the ability to be a strong B, possible A student but he just doesn't care. I'm tired of having this conversations about "yes, I get it. I'll work harder this quarter." BS, you big liar. We are one week into the new quarter and you've already missed turning in a big packet in Biology that I specifically asked you about last night and you told me it was done. Liar. I hate to feel this way about my child but it's getting really old and the lies and lack of responsibility are starting to really, really, really worry me. TGIF, I'm going to make a drink.

I feel ya. My DS12 is the exact same way (lies). For some reason he keeps not handing work in. He does it (I see it) but he doesn't hand it in so he doesn't get credit for it. Does that makes sense? :dunce:

He got a D- in Language (up from an F from last quarter) and a D in spelling (down from a B last quarter). The rest was C's and B's (two B+'s).

He's a smart kid......tested well in the Terranova testing.......80 in Reading, 95 in Science, 92 in Social Studies, etc. He's just lazy!!!:ranting:
DS14 better get his head out of his **** quickly or I'm gonna beat him!!! He finished first semester of his Freshman year last week, barely skating by with C's in all his classes. He has the ability to be a strong B, possible A student but he just doesn't care. I'm tired of having this conversations about "yes, I get it. I'll work harder this quarter." BS, you big liar. We are one week into the new quarter and you've already missed turning in a big packet in Biology that I specifically asked you about last night and you told me it was done. Liar. I hate to feel this way about my child but it's getting really old and the lies and lack of responsibility are starting to really, really, really worry me. TGIF, I'm going to make a drink.

I am so feeling this. My youngest's teacher called me yesterday telling me " I refuse to write him any more detentions. He is not getting the point. I am done" .... I explained this to my son, he thought it was good news, no more detentions. No ya lazy lil ****, it means she will fail you even faster now and doesnt care.

My @#$*(@#$*@( dryer is not sounding good! I don't have money for a new one! I'm praying for some (cheap) resolution.
I am so feeling this. My youngest's teacher called me yesterday telling me " I refuse to write him any more detentions. He is not getting the point. I am done" .... I explained this to my son, he thought it was good news, no more detentions. No ya lazy lil ****, it means she will fail you even faster now and doesnt care.

Yikes.............sounds like she's fed up. Time to think of something that he'll care about. Does he have recess? Maybe have him stay in for recess. :9:
no, hes in 6th grade and they don't get recess any longer. She has taught for 30 years and this is her last year. She is beyond done, with teaching. Not so much because of my son but in general. He lost plenty of stuff last night because he can't just slough off like this. It wastes her time, my time and his.
DS14 better get his head out of his **** quickly or I'm gonna beat him!!! He finished first semester of his Freshman year last week, barely skating by with C's in all his classes. He has the ability to be a strong B, possible A student but he just doesn't care. I'm tired of having this conversations about "yes, I get it. I'll work harder this quarter." BS, you big liar. We are one week into the new quarter and you've already missed turning in a big packet in Biology that I specifically asked you about last night and you told me it was done. Liar. I hate to feel this way about my child but it's getting really old and the lies and lack of responsibility are starting to really, really, really worry me. TGIF, I'm going to make a drink.

Valerie....PM me if you want, I am creating a contract of sorts with my DS16 for this new semester. I am still working on it. *WOULD LOVE ANY INPUT FROM OTHER PARENTS OF TEENS * Especially those with bright kids who are severely underachieving.

The contract involves requiring everything to be turned in or losing privileges, immediately upon it hitting the grade portal. He dearly treasures his texting, but I am going to have a near-zero tolerance for missing assignments - those are the easy points! You must turn those things in.

Also requiring time in the tutoring center for test/quiz grades below a B.

Right now, he has no internet access, no Netflix access and very limited computer access.

If everything in and grades stay in A-B range AND he has an appropriate attitude, he will have access to those things on weekends.

For some reason I thought you homeschooled - is he doing coursework online? Or do I have you completely wrong and he goes to a traditional high school?