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so what are you thinking right now?

So, where's the snow? :tap:
i see it lurking on our radar!!!not a happy camper. i am sure it will take 4 hrs for hubs to get home from work tonight. my mom will be babysitting today at my house and i have to go and get her and drop her off after i get home tonight. dad will not let her drive in the snow. going to be a very LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day!!! stressful too. i see no time in my future to shovel out from this. we are going away sat n sun for a convention. i cannot let my neighbors down :( working on other options, ideas
I'm thinking that I want to pull my daughter out of school asap and homeschool her, too. I need to talk the husband into making next week her last week over the weekend.
Can you drop off a 16 yr old at a fire station and say you just can't do it anymore? I am so tired of the I know everything attitude. She had a tantrum this morning because I won't let her take the car tonight (snow storm), she had a tantrum because I wouldn't drive her to school this morning (the bus picks up right in front of our house and I am not dragging out her little brother) and to top it off she doesn't like her $250 school jacket she has and want's a new one (not happening). I just want to know what happened to the sweet little girl I had. :surrender:
Can you drop off a 16 yr old at a fire station and say you just can't do it anymore? I am so tired of the I know everything attitude. She had a tantrum this morning because I won't let her take the car tonight (snow storm), she had a tantrum because I wouldn't drive her to school this morning (the bus picks up right in front of our house and I am not dragging out her little brother) and to top it off she doesn't like her $250 school jacket she has and want's a new one (not happening). I just want to know what happened to the sweet little girl I had. :surrender:

Tell her to get a J-O-B. She can have the car when she works and can buy her own jacket! And by the time she's 18 she'll have enough cash to buy her own car.

But no, you can't drop her off LOL. She'd only find her way back home anyway. :surrender:
Can you drop off a 16 yr old at a fire station and say you just can't do it anymore? I am so tired of the I know everything attitude.

If you find out this is permissible I will be RIGHT BEHIND YOU. :surrender::surrender:

Thank goodness DS16 doesnt drive yet. If he did the insurance payments would be for naught because he wouldnt be driving. Got mostly D's for the semester in all of his honors courses. Acts like its no big deal and he'll do better this semester and everything will be fine and I should not hassle him about it because its a new semester and he was doing badly in school for months now.

Terrible entitled attitude, currently has no internet/netflix access. Tells me in his own words that "see, taking stuff from me doesn't work to get me to do what I need to do, so why dont you just stop?"

ARGHHHHH The nearest fire station is less than a mile away. I will drag his 6'1, 210 lb self by the ear if need be. LOL.
Tell her to get a J-O-B. She can have the car when she works and can buy her own jacket! And by the time she's 18 she'll have enough cash to buy her own car.

But no, you can't drop her off LOL. She'd only find her way back home anyway. :surrender:

I'll drop her off and move really quick. :lol: She has a job and I keep telling her you want a different jacket you buy it I'm not. She went to school with just a fleece jacket this morning, she looked really cold at the bus stop but I guess that is the cool thing to do, it will suck to be her when she gets sick. As for the car she thinks she knows how to drive in the snow and that it's no big deal driving in it, I wouldn't give her keys with that attitude it's not just about her when she is driving there are innocent people she could hurt or kill. AGHHHH some days I just want to pull the covers over my head and not get up and deal with the attitude. :surrender:
Why am I even on the pill? Last week I forgot it 3 times. Start taking "regularly" again and this morning here it is sitting on the counter with the vitamins I forgot to take!! I am going to have 2 f*cking periods this month!!! Like one isn't bad enough. WTH is wrong with me?????
If you find out this is permissible I will be RIGHT BEHIND YOU. :surrender::surrender:

Thank goodness DS16 doesnt drive yet. If he did the insurance payments would be for naught because he wouldnt be driving. Got mostly D's for the semester in all of his honors courses. Acts like its no big deal and he'll do better this semester and everything will be fine and I should not hassle him about it because its a new semester and he was doing badly in school for months now.

Terrible entitled attitude, currently has no internet/netflix access. Tells me in his own words that "see, taking stuff from me doesn't work to get me to do what I need to do, so why dont you just stop?"

ARGHHHHH The nearest fire station is less than a mile away. I will drag his 6'1, 210 lb self by the ear if need be. LOL.

Darn, I was hoping the boy child would be easier when he becomes a teen. I don't know if I can go through this again. :surrender:
For real? What the heck is going on at that school? :boxer:

She is behind in math and has been for years. She's in tutoring but it doesn't seem to be helping. It takes her forever to do homework because she is tired so trying to tutor her even more after homework is pretty much impossible. I homeschool my son already. I'm confident I can add her to the mix now. I have her Saxon math teaching materials already because I was going to pull her out at Spring Break.
I'm tired of the struggle, though, and so is she. I can go back and figure out where she got left behind and build her up from there. I had the same struggles with my son but with reading comprehension. Homeschool has been a big blessing for us. It's not rainbows and butterflies everyday but the struggles are down 90% and he's getting it more and more each day. I should have done this long ago.
:huggy: for the peeps with teenagers making them crazy :huggy:

So, where's the snow? :tap:

It's coming!!! It's coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I should have eaten dinner but nothing looked good. I woke up with a black tongue this morning and creeped everyone out.

It's true. I had Pepto Bismol before bed and I guess I react to it and it turned my tongue black.

Years ago I had a bad case of strep throat. The dr. gave me a huge shot of pennicillin. i went home with my feverish self and went to bed. Next day,I get up and look in the mirror and my tongue is "breadmold" blue-ish green. I am in a complete panic. I attempt to call the dr's office but they aren't open. I am now panicking thinking (Yes, I am embarrassed) my mouth is molding! (No, the fever had not broke yet). My friend pops over and I wave him in, told him I am on hold with the emergency room... he asks whats going on. I explained I have strep, showed him my mouth. He looks at me all strange like and asks Lisa, did ya eat a blue popsicle? I looked at him ... well? I don't know? I see the wrapper laying there next to the couch. I realized sometime during the night I'd gotten up and ate a popsicle.
He hung the phone up for me before the emergency room people got back on the line.

Has anyone ever called the emergency room and got put on hold? LOL I should have known I was heading for trouble when the operator says umm could you hold please? My answer, sure I am just molding here, whats the hurry!
Years ago I had a bad case of strep throat. The dr. gave me a huge shot of pennicillin. i went home with my feverish self and went to bed. Next day,I get up and look in the mirror and my tongue is "breadmold" blue-ish green. I am in a complete panic. I attempt to call the dr's office but they aren't open. I am now panicking thinking (Yes, I am embarrassed) my mouth is molding! (No, the fever had not broke yet). My friend pops over and I wave him in, told him I am on hold with the emergency room... he asks whats going on. I explained I have strep, showed him my mouth. He looks at me all strange like and asks Lisa, did ya eat a blue popsicle? I looked at him ... well? I don't know? I see the wrapper laying there next to the couch. I realized sometime during the night I'd gotten up and ate a popsicle.
He hung the phone up for me before the emergency room people got back on the line.

Has anyone ever called the emergency room and got put on hold? LOL I should have known I was heading for trouble when the operator says umm could you hold please? My answer, sure I am just molding here, whats the hurry!

:lol: That is to funny. I'm glad you were OK.
poidoman said:
Now u know u can't make a statement like that and not have a pic, right? That's gonna go on my list of things never seen, but would like to.......a black tongue. :lol:

:laugh: :flowers:


A Very Unpleasant Surprise from Pepto-Bismol
Okay, I don’t normally discuss the side effects of any medication I take with anyone but my doctor, but this time I’m going to make an exception. I also don’t usually feel the need to forewarn you all of harmless side effects of popular over-the-counter medications. Once again, this time I’m making an exception. The exception I am making is a common side effect of the popular stomach medication Pepto-Bismol.

I had an upset stomach last night so I chewed two of the Pepto-Bismol tablets and went to bed. I woke up this morning feeling like a new person. Smiled at my wife and gave a big yawn. To my surprise she screamed at the top of her lungs, “What the heck happened to your tongue!â€

I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and to my horror my tongue was completely black on top as though I had been chewing on charcoal all night. My first thought was that I was dying from some horrible disease. Then I decided to research on the Internet to see what in the world could cause a black tongue. Shockingly, I discovered it was the Pepto-Bismol.

A Common Occurrence Not Commonly Talked About
I found a number of websites that discussed in detail how Pepto-Bismol can turn a person’s tongue black. Apparently, an active ingredient in the medication reacts with sulfur to create the black substance. Something I ate last night had sulfate in it, so the reaction happened in my mouth while I was sleeping.

You’d think Pepto-Bismol would mention something on the label about a black tongue being a possible side effect instead of allowing consumers to have the daylights scared out of them.

So the next time you take Pepto-Bismol don’t panic if you suddenly find yourself with a black tongue. You’re probably not dying of some weird disease. You’re just experiencing a harmless, albeit embarrassing, side effect. Although if your black tongue problem doesn’t go away in a day or two, I’d definitely see a doctor.
:morning: I coulda stayed in bed all day.
Who's still in their jammies?